With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 44

Lu Lingchuan certainly knew they would win easily.

However, this kind of victory could only make those two brutes sit in jail for a few years, and after a few years, they would be able to come out and live freely again.

Live freely again.

Just hearing these words felt extremely sarcastic.

It was clearly their fault, they were the ones who hurt innocent people for their dirty thoughts, yet they only needed to serve a few years in prison to atone, why should they be allowed to start over after being released.

What about the victimized Lu Lingrui and Shen Nian? Could their lives that were supposed to be beautiful start over?

Lu Lingrui committed suicide, Shen Nian would live in an inferior world for the rest of her life, with no one to redeem her.

Including Lu Lingrui’s family - Lu Lingchuan lost his most pampered younger sister, Lu Lingchen lost his most beloved elder sister, Lu Yanhua and Li Mingshi lost their only daughter...

They probably never even counted how many people they destroyed.

Xu Lawyer closed his laptop and looked seriously at Lu Lingchuan, “Mr. Lu, your younger sister died from suicide, although it was related to the incident to some extent, the other party did not intend to kill your sister, so it can only be considered indirectly causing her death. It is very easy to put them in jail, but the death penalty...would be difficult.”

The Lu family had filed lawsuits for so many years without giving up, precisely because they would not accept a verdict of just a few years in prison, they were determined to make the perpetrators pay with their lives, a life for a life.

But... although the behavior of the other party was vicious, it had not yet reached the point of deserving death. And when the incident occurred, Lu Lingrui was already an adult, so the defendants did not constitute the crime of coercion against a minor.

In addition, the two perpetrators, Wang Yong and Yang Hao, came from families with some money and background, and background was the most crucial factor.

One side insisted on the death penalty while the other insisted on innocence. The two sides had been tangled up for so many years without any results.

“...” Lu Lingchuan was also very clear in his heart that the evidence he currently held was indeed insufficient to put those two men to death.


“The death penalty is inevitable.”

He must make them pay with their lives to atone for Lingrui.

When Xu Lawyer took on this case, he had already seen Lu Lingchuan’s determination that was difficult to shake.

Although the chances didn’t look good at the moment, since he had already taken the case, he would definitely do his utmost.

“I still don’t know the strength of the other party right now. At the next court session, I will test out the bottom line of the other party first...”


Shen Nian almost staggered miserably into the restroom. She closed the door without even having time to lock it, and hurriedly rushed to the sink.

She turned on the faucet and started scooping up water to splash on her face over and over.

From earlier, her heartbeat had already started pounding out of control, seeming to want to break through her chest. She tried her best to restrain it but it was to no avail.

It’s nothing, nothing at all...

She desperately tried to calm herself down, wanting herself to settle down immediately.

But her heartbeat was still beating so fast...

Some water got into Shen Nian’s eyes and was a little uncomfortable.

She looked up at herself in the mirror, her breathing somewhat urgent, unable to catch her breath.

She didn’t know if it was because her face was splashed with cold water, but her complexion was very pale.

Shen Nian grabbed her blouse over her chest, trying hard to steady her breathing. Her other hand dug frantically in her bag until she finally found the pill box.

Like a dying person desperately clinging to life, she very wretchedly opened the pill box with trembling hands and took out the pills.

One, two, three...

She didn’t even know how many she grabbed, just stuffed them all into her mouth. She didn't use water either, her teeth crushed the pills and the bitter taste spread in her mouth again.

The bitterness in her mouth did calm her down a lot.

Among the many medications the doctor prescribed yesterday, one box of pills contained sedatives. After taking the pills, Shen Nian’s heartbeat slowly returned to normal, her body also stopped shaking, and her mood stabilized a lot.

She closed her eyes to calm her breathing.


The door of the restroom was suddenly pushed open. Shen Nian instinctively turned around immediately. Because she was startled, her hand accidentally bumped into the pill box that was placed next to her.

With a clatter, the pill box fell to the ground.

Fortunately after taking the pills just now she had reflexively closed the pill box, otherwise pills would have spilled all over the floor.

Meeting Lu Lingchuan’s gaze, a hint of panic flashed through Shen Nian’s dark eyes. Fortunately after taking the medicine her emotions were much more stable.

She asked in as normal a tone as possible, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Lingchuan didn't say anything. He just lowered his eyes with his gaze falling on the pill box on the ground.

Following his line of sight to look at the pill box, Shen Nian bent over to pick up the pill box and put it back in her bag, calmly responding, “Oh, just now when I stood up from sitting on the toilet, I suddenly went dark before my eyes and almost fell over. It’s probably because I haven’t had time to exercise recently so my tendency to get dizzy attacks has flared up again. I just took some medicine.”

Shen Nian did actually have this problem before. If she got lazy and didn’t exercise for a long time, she would get spells where everything went dark before her eyes. She had gotten checked out and it wasn’t low blood sugar, it was just a little condition. The doctor prescribed her a type of medicine that she could take a pill of whenever she had a dark spell to alleviate it. But the doctor still recommended that she exercise as much as she could whenever possible. As long as she kept exercising there wouldn’t be any issues.

So in the past, no matter how busy Lu Lingchuan was, he would still drag her out to go jogging every three to five days.

Thinking about it now, it was like a dream.

Her voice was very calm, her voice lines also carrying composure. She sounded completely un-suspicious like she was lying.

Lu Lingchuan didn’t think too much of it. He just retracted his gaze and said lightly, “Let’s go back.”


Lu Lingchuan turned and left. Shen Nian also left the restroom carrying her bag.


After leaving the residential area where Xu Lawyer lived, the two people were still silent in the car.

There was nothing good to talk about. This matter was a taboo between the two of them. Saying too much or saying the wrong thing would only lead to arguments.

After Shen Nian took the medicine, her emotions stabilized a lot. Her head leaned against the car window. Somehow she fell asleep.

This nap was very deep. The next time she woke up, she was already lying in bed...

She immediately sobered up the moment before, her last memory still being in the car...

Shen Nian swiftly turned her head to look around at her surroundings. Seeing the familiar room, she finally let out a breath of relief.

Pressing her head, she sat up and rubbed her slightly aching forehead. Turning her head, she glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table.

It was 1:30 in the afternoon.

After clearing her head she understood that she had fallen asleep in the car and Lu Lingchuan had brought her back.

Getting out of bed and walking out of the room, there was no one else home besides her. Lu Lingchuan was not there.

If nothing unexpected happened, he should have gone to the company.

After sleeping, Shen Nian’s condition was much better. Her complexion was also not as ghastly as it was in the morning.

She quickly tidied up and changed into work clothes before going to the company as well.

When Shen Nian arrived at the company everyone else had already returned from lunch break, completely engrossed in the afternoon’s work.

She went to her seat and put down her bag before she had even properly sat down when Jiang Lingling came over carrying a stack of documents.

Seeing Shen Nian, she was somewhat surprised. “Sis Nian, you came to work?”

Jiang Lingling had assumed Shen Nian took the day off.

“Mm.” Shen Nian nodded slightly.