With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 38

Xu Lawyer looked through the case file again: “Now we need to reorganize the evidence. By the way, when will you bring over that witness you mentioned earlier? I want to understand the situation to see if we can get anything else beneficial to the case from her.”

Lu Lingchuan's jet-black eyes flashed, "I'll bring her here tomorrow."



Shen Nian came out from the hospital with a bag and plastic bag in one hand, and test report sheets in the other.

In a daze, she walked out of the hospital to the sidewalk, standing there for who knows how long, until the repeated honks finally brought her back from her own world.

Raising her hand to look at the test report sheet in her hand, she slowly read every word again.

Glancing up at the sky, she noticed it was starting to get dark.

Closing her eyes briefly to regulate her breathing, when she opened them again, all other emotions were gone from her face.

She tore the report into pieces and threw them into the nearby trash can.

She took out one of medication boxes from the plastic bag and looked at it.


She then took out her own medication box from her bag, popped all the caps open, and dumped all the pills into the trash can. She opened the Paroxetine, took out the two blister packs, threw the outer box into the trash as well, then started prying out one pill at a time from the packs to put into her med box, and threw the empty packs in the trash too.

For the bottled medications, she tore off the names and instructions.

After sorting through the entire bag of meds, she closed the plastic med box, threw it into her bag together with several bottles that now had no labels.

A taxi pulled up in front of her. The driver rolled down the passenger window, "Need a ride?"

Shen Nian softly responded with an "um", threw the plastic bag into the trash, then got into the backseat of the cab.

As the car drove along in traffic, Shen Nian just sat silently in the backseat.

She opened her bag, popped open the med box she just put in, pinched a few pills and put them in her mouth.

Without any water, she didn't swallow them directly either, but chewed them into powder with her teeth instead.

The bitter taste spread in her mouth as the pills dissolved, but Shen Nian showed no change in expression as she continued chewing until the pills fully dissolved in her mouth.

After finishing that, she unscrewed one of the unlabeled bottles, poured out more meds and continued chewing those as well.

Seeing her chewing pills with such an expressionless face through the rearview mirror, the driver felt the bitterness despite not taking them himself.

He grabbed the unopened bottle of mineral water next to him with one hand and passed it back to her, "It must be so bitter eating meds like that. I have water here."

Shen Nian looked up at the water he handed to her, voice very soft, "No need, thanks."

With her refusal, there was nothing the driver could do. He had to keep his eyes on the road so he couldn't keep holding out the water, and took his hand back.

When they reached the small district entrance, Shen Nian paid and got off.

Entering the district, she took the elevator up.

She input the passcode to open the door. The living room light was on and the man was sitting on the sofa going through some folders.

He had a robe on with slightly damp hair—seems he'd just gotten out of the shower.

Hearing the sound at the door, Lu Lingchuan tilted his head slightly to see Shen Nian standing there.

He picked up his phone next to him to check the time and frowned, "Why are you only coming back now?"

She'd gotten off over two hours ago.

Shen Nian first put down her bag, then took out her slippers from the shoe cabinet while changing shoes, speaking softly, "Had a few documents I didn't finish going through, they seemed urgent so I worked overtime for a bit."

After changing shoes, she picked up her bag and headed inside, putting the bag in the bedroom first before coming out to tie up her hair. She then went into the kitchen.

The pots, bowls and utensils in the kitchen seemed untouched. There were also some takeout containers on the dining table—Lu Lingchuan probably hadn't eaten.

She’d only had a few bites at lunch herself and was quite hungry now as well.

Lingling was right, not eating lunch does leave you starving at night.

She opened the fridge to see if there was anything she could eat, but it was completely empty without even eggs left.

She then checked the freezer and all the frozen ready meals she’d bought were gone too.

“I threw them out.” Shen Nian was still wondering where everything had gone when she heard his voice behind her.

Turning around, there stood Lu Lingchuan at the kitchen entrance.

He’d just gotten out of the shower and his fair skin seemed translucent. The sharp, sculpted face carried a cold aloofness. He had very attractive brows, thick and slightly furrowed at the moment. His nose was just right in height and prominence, paired with perfect lips—thin and lightly pursed now.

Despite wearing only a robe, that face gave off an air of nobility and elegance.

His deep, bottomless dark eyes seemed to devour everything in sight like a black hole.

Of all the men Shen Nian had seen, Lu Lingchuan was the most good-looking, and that wasn’t just his looks but also his temperament.

As their eyes met, the fridge started blaring alarms from having been left open. Coming back to her senses, Shen Nian quickly closed it, then looked to Lu Lingchuan again and asked, “Why did you throw them away? I’d just bought them not long ago.”

“Eating frozen meals is unhealthy,” came his matter-of-fact answer.

“......” Of course I know frozen meals are unhealthy too, but I’d starve otherwise right now.

Staying up late isn’t very healthy either, but you do that anyway, don’t you? Shen Nian gave him a helpless look. “All I ate today was half a sandwich, a carton of milk, five or six small wontons and two cups of hot water. I’m very hungry now. You threw out the frozen food I bought, so what am I supposed to eat?”

“Go out to eat.” Lu Lingchuan responded.

“What?” Shen Nian thought she’d misheard.

“I’m going to change.” Lu Lingchuan glanced down at the robe he had on.

After changing, he came out and didn’t see Shen Nian, so went back to check the kitchen to find her still standing in the same spot.

The man frowned slightly. “I’m treating. You really don’t want to go?”

Shen Nian looked at him, “Why are you... suddenly offering to buy me dinner?”

The man simply went to change shoes as he spoke matter-of-factly again, “Because I’m hungry too.”

“......” Well that sure is some reasoning.

Other than obligatory work dinners, they hadn’t gone out to eat together in a really long time. Since Lu Lingchuan had brought it up himself this time, Shen Nian couldn’t bear to reject it, nor did she want to, so she changed shoes as well and they headed out together.

The high-end small district Shen Nian lived in was strictly managed for absolute peace and quiet. So there were only convenience stores, pharmacies, pet stores, florists etc near the entrance without any restaurants.

Lu Lingchuan drove to a nearby commercial area lined entirely with all kinds of eateries catering to every taste.

Right now was also the busiest time for the commercial street.

Lu Lingchuan found parking first, then went looking for a restaurant with Shen Nian.

As they walked pass the roadside stalls, there was one selling pets.