With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 17

After she spoke, she waved her hand to the people behind her. Then six young men came in carrying three huge foam boxes.

They opened the lids on top and inside were all kinds of fruit teas, and they were name-brand too. A single cup of this brand's fruit tea cost twenty or thirty yuan, so they had really spent a lot buying so many.

The girl smiled and said, "Because I didn't know what everyone liked to drink, I got some of everything. They're 30% sweet, so you won't get fat drinking them."

"Oh right, for girls who don't like cold drinks during their period or people who don't like cold drinks, you can take the ones over there. Those are all hot."

"Oh!" Having drinks, everyone was naturally happy and went to get them in an orderly fashion.

Jiang Lingling picked out a fruit tea, then picked another one. She took the straws and went over to Shen Nian, "Shen Jie, I got you peach oolong tea, is that okay?"

Hearing Jiang Lingling's words, the girl's gaze fell on Shen Nian as well. Seeing the young and capable-looking Shen Nian, she was startled for a moment, then tentatively spoke, "Shen Nian?"

Hearing the other party accurately call out her name, Shen Nian was also a little surprised.

Looking again, she didn't recognize the girl, "You are..."

The girl immediately revealed a beautiful smile and came over, "Hello, I'm Liang Jinghe. You probably don't recognize me, but I've heard about you from my dad. My dad is business partners with Lingchuan, and he often says Lingchuan has a very capable assistant and tells me to learn from you."

Although Shen Nian didn't remember which President Liang it was, she still smiled humbly.

Her gaze suddenly fell on the girl's earlobes, and seeing the familiar earrings, Shen Nian was stunned.

Then she understood everything.

Her smile only froze for one second before returning to normal, "I don't deserve the honor of having the future wife of the president learn from me."

Liang Jinghe was startled, clearly not expecting Shen Nian to be so smart. She smiled shyly, "My dad really didn't exaggerate, Assistant Shen really is very smart."

Jiang Lingling next to her blinked, somewhat confused.

Liang Jinghe looked at the fruit tea in her hand and said to Shen Nian, "I bought fruit tea, what flavor does Assistant Shen want?"

Jiang Lingling understood this time, and quickly handed over the fruit tea she had gotten for Shen Nian.

"No need." Shen Nian politely declined, "I don't really like drinking these things. I'm used to drinking coffee."

After speaking, she said to Jiang Lingling, "You drink it, I won't."

"Oh, okay."

With Liang Jinghe there, Jiang Lingling also didn't stay long. She took the two fruit teas and silently left.

Shen Nian gave Liang Jinghe a slight smile, "Is Miss Liang here to see President Lu?"

"Yes." Liang Jinghe said, "I happened to have time today, so I wanted to come see him."

Shen Nian nodded to indicate she understood, then said, "President Lu is upstairs in a meeting."

After speaking, she picked up her phone on the desk and glanced at it, then added, "It should end in about ten more minutes."

"Okay, then I'll wait for him."

"Alright, please make yourself at home, Miss Liang." Shen Nian didn't say much more. She picked up her cup on the desk and went to the pantry.

When she came back, she could hear the employees whispering.

"I feel like this Miss Liang is more than just President Lu's friend."

"She's definitely his girlfriend."

"I think so too. President Lu has always kept his distance from women. I've been at the company for two years and besides Assistant Shen, I've never seen him with any other women!"

"Judging by her temperament, she's definitely an heiress from some wealthy family. From what I know, President Lu's family isn't lacking either, and President Lu is young and capable. The two of them are a match made in heaven!"

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of Miss Liang in the future."

"... " Shen Nian gripped her cup tightly and stared coldly at the whispering employees.

Sensing Shen Nian's warning gaze, everyone immediately stopped gossiping and lowered their heads to continue working hard.

Shen Nian returned to her seat. Miss Liang Jinghe was sitting in the chair across from her desk.

She sat very elegantly, holding a book from Shen Nian's desk and reading it attentively.

Shen Nian didn't say anything. She put down her cup, sat down, then picked up her cup and took a sip.

The coffee was still hot, and the aroma drifted out. Just smelling the aroma, Liang Jinghe looked up at Shen Nian and asked, "Is it Italian espresso?"

Shen Nian was surprised, "Miss Liang also likes Italian?"

Liang Jinghe smiled and shook her head, "I don't really like drinking it, but when I was studying abroad, a lot of people around me drank it, so I'm quite familiar with the taste."

After explaining, she continued, "But a lot of my friends who drink this are male. I didn't expect Assistant Shen to also like such bitter coffee."

Shen Nian took another sip of coffee. The bitterness spread in her mouth, but she didn't even furrow her brows.

"Is that so? I don't think it's that bitter."

Was it very bitter? She didn't find it bitter at all.

Liang Jinghe looked at Shen Nian and praised, "Assistant Shen, you're so fair, you must look great in a white dress."

Having finished organizing the documents, Shen Nian smiled at the praise, "You flatter me, Miss Liang. Miss Liang is the one who truly looks good in white."

Today, Liang Jinghe was wearing a white dress that made her look very clean.

Just after she spoke, Shen Nian looked up and saw Lu Lingchuan returning. She immediately stood up, "President Lu."

Liang Jinghe also stood up. Seeing that it was indeed Lu Lingchuan, she smiled, "Lingchuan."

Lu Lingchuan expressionlessly glanced at Shen Nian, who didn't speak and just kept her eyes lowered.

Retracting his gaze, Lu Lingchuan indifferently responded with an "Mm".

Then he said to Liang Jinghe, "Go to my office."


Liang Jinghe followed Lu Lingchuan back to his office.

From beginning to end, Shen Nian didn't say anything. She earnestly organized the documents, then took some of them to the copy room to make copies.

Jiang Lingling happened to also be copying things there. Seeing Shen Nian come in, she immediately called out, "Jiejie."

"Mm." Shen Nian placed the documents down and operated the machine.

"Jiejie, is that Miss Liang really President Lu's girlfriend?" Jiang Lingling came over to gossip.

"Most likely." Shen Nian answered, her mind somewhat distracted.

"Jiejie, how can you be so sure?" Jiang Lingling didn't understand. "Miss Liang clearly said she was just President Lu's friend."

"The earrings she was wearing were bought by President Lu when he asked me to buy them."


Jiang Lingling oh'd and no longer doubted it.

The president giving earrings, it was most likely that kind of relationship.

The copy room was very quiet, with only the sound of the copier running.

After quite a while, Jiang Lingling spoke, "Jiejie, I still think you look best in a white dress!"

Hearing this, Shen Nian turned her head and smiled, "Thank you."

"I'm serious." Jiang Lingling said sincerely. "Jiejie, you really do look great in a white dress."