Top-tier Auntie in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 95

The car drove along the road to the airport.

Li Dong looked at the person sitting in the back row and couldn't help but shake his head.

Last night, he had suddenly received a message from Pei Kuang. He thought something big had happened, but who would have thought it was just to coax his girlfriend!

He had to ask, was there any hope left for his artist's love-obsessed brain?

Pei Kuang glanced at Li Dong's hesitant expression from the corner of his eye, and he could probably guess what he was thinking. But he didn't even think of explaining anything.

His mind was now filled with thoughts of seeing Song Anan later.

At B City Airport, the plane landed.

After getting off the plane, the car Li Dong had arranged arrived early. Pei Kuang got in the car and immediately called Song Anan.

When Song Anan received Pei Kuang's call, she was in the dormitory with her roommate.

The internship at the hospital had ended, and the research project had not yet started. She was currently on a break these days.

When she answered the call, Pei Kuang's voice came through, "Anan, what are you doing?"

Song Anan replied, "Not doing anything, just hanging out in the dorm."

Pei Kuang asked, "Do you have anything going on later?"

Song Anan truthfully replied, "No, what's up?"

Hearing this, Pei Kuang seemed very happy. "That's great then. I can probably get to your school in forty minutes. Let's go on a date."

Song Anan let out an "Ah," a little caught off guard.

A date? Right now!

"You're back?" she asked.

Pei Kuang replied, "Yeah, I just got off the plane. Wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Song Anan stared blankly at her phone, a little confused.

How did he suddenly come back? She didn't hear him mention it before.

Because it was a last minute leave, in order not to delay the crew's shooting schedule, Pei Kuang had finished shooting his scenes for the day before coming back.

When Pei Kuang picked up Song Anan at the B University gate, it was already after 7pm, right around dinner time.

He asked Song Anan what she wanted to eat. Song Anan didn't want to make a fuss, and there happened to be a private kitchen next to their community, so they ended up choosing there.

Li Dong had the driver drop them off at the restaurant entrance before leaving. It wasn't far from the community, just a ten minute walk. They could walk back after eating.

Song Anan had been to this private kitchen quite a few times before, sometimes with Song Linchuan, and sometimes with Pei Kuang.

The two of them familiarly ordered dishes. While waiting for the food, Song Anan couldn't help asking Pei Kuang, "Why did you suddenly come back?"

Pei Kuang helped her arrange the bowls and chopsticks, and even poured her a cup of hot water. He smiled and said, "Like I said, I came to go on a date with you. What's wrong with that?"

Song Anan pursed her lips. "Aren't you very busy lately?"

He had been working late every day recently, so he should be very busy.

Pei Kuang rubbed her head. "Alright, stop guessing. It just so happens that the crew doesn't have any scenes for me to shoot tomorrow, so I took the time to come back for a bit."

Right then, the server came to serve the dishes, so Song Anan didn't say anything more.

The two of them took about an hour and a half for this meal, chatting while eating, the atmosphere very harmonious.

Of course, throughout the process, there was no lack of tender intimate interactions between the young couple. Fortunately, they were in a private room, so they didn't have any reservations.

After eating their fill, Pei Kuang saw that she had something on the corner of her mouth. He took a napkin and helped her wipe it off, "Done eating?"

Song Anan, like a well-fed satisfied kitten, blinked her eyes and replied, "Yeah, I'm full."

When the two of them left the restaurant, it was already after 9pm.

In April nights, there was still a bit of coolness.

A cool breeze blew by, and Song Anan was dressed a little thin. Her body shuddered instinctively.

Pei Kuang took off his outer jacket and draped it over her shoulders.

"You don't need to, hurry and put it on, don't catch a cold." As Song Anan spoke, she was about to take off the clothes.

Pei Kuang smiled and pressed her hand down, laughing, "Be good, keep it on. At times like this, you have to give your boyfriend a chance to perform, otherwise I'll feel very frustrated."

Hearing this, Song Anan didn't feel good about rejecting him either, she could only let out an "Oh," and then obediently put on the clothes.

From this restaurant to the community, they had to cross a road, then walk a short distance before arriving.

This area consisted mostly of high-end communities and villa districts. There weren't many commercial centers, so the flow of people was relatively less. And even fewer people at night.

When they were at the traffic light, the two of them saw a couple ahead and unconsciously stopped a short distance away.

That young couple looked quite well-off judging by their dressing. They were probably living in one of the nearby communities.

After the traffic light turned green, that couple actually walked the same way as them for a while, fooling around the whole time. They only parted ways at the next intersection.

Song Anan watched the couple flirting all the way, and she was quite engrossed in it, even subconsciously revealing an "auntie" smile.

She kind of understood Li Sirui now. Watching other people date did seem quite interesting.

Pei Kuang raised his brow. "Jealous?"

Song Anan let out an "Ah," "Jealous of what?"

Pei Kuang nodded towards the direction the couple had left in. "Do you wish you could date openly and aboveboard like them? Isn't it nice?"

Seeing that he had misunderstood, Song Anan quickly shook her head and explained, "But we are dating openly and aboveboard. What's there to be jealous about?"

Pei Kuang smiled faintly. Then suddenly he grabbed Song Anan's hand. "But I'm jealous. What to do?"

Song Anan was startled and reflexively looked around. "Are you crazy? We're still outside. What if we get photographed?"

Pei Kuang held her hand tightly, not giving her a chance to break free. Then he suddenly started acting spoiled.

"I don't care. I also want to hold my girlfriend's hand openly. If we get photographed then so be it. I don't care."

Seeing Pei Kuang's manner, Song Anan suddenly found it amusing. "What are you, an elementary schooler? Throwing a tantrum."

Pei Kuang tilted his head, gazing at her gently. "Then will my girlfriend let me throw a tantrum?"

Song Anan's heart softened.

Oh well, it was already so late, and there weren't many people on the road anyway.


At first, Song Anan was still a little nervous, involuntarily looking around every so often, afraid someone might sneak a photo.

But slowly, she relaxed, and started enjoying this feeling of openly holding hands while walking down the street.

The two of them walked hand in hand on the road. Under the streetlights, their tightly clasped hands cast a heart-shaped shadow.

Pei Kuang quickly snapped a photo, saying he was going to make it his phone wallpaper when he got home.

Song Anan craned her neck to look at the photo he took, and even asked Pei Kuang to send it to her.

All the way, the two chatted and laughed. Song Anan even jumped onto the curb from time to time. Pei Kuang was worried she might fall and held onto her anxiously.

Unknowingly, the two entered the community still holding hands.

It wasn't too late yet, so Song Anan didn't go straight to Song Linchuan's place, but rather went to Pei Kuang's home.

After Pei Kuang finished shooting his last drama, he went straight into the crew for the next one, without even having time to come back once.

And Song Anan had been very busy with the tail end of her internship. They hadn't seen each other since Chinese New Year. Of course they wanted to spend more time together.

The two of them sat on the sofa, with Song Anan nestled in Pei Kuang's arms.

Pei Kuang kissed Song Anan's forehead and gently asked, "Anan, can you tell me what happened last night?"

Song Anan looked up at him. "You came back today just for this matter, right?"

She wasn't stupid. He had suddenly come back today right after she sent him that message last night. Things were already quite obvious.

Pei Kuang didn't try to deny it anymore, and lightly hmmed in acknowledgement.

Song Anan was silent for a few seconds before speaking. "My roommate broke up with her boyfriend yesterday. He went abroad to study last year. Said it was because of the long distance, their feelings faded, so they broke up."

Pei Kuang pressed her palm. "So you started worrying about a long distance relationship?" he asked softly.

Song Anan reflexively nodded, but halfway through she shook her head instead.

"Pei Kuang, what do you think if I go abroad?"

Pei Kuang was startled. "Go abroad?"

Song Anan nodded. "Yesterday my teacher talked to me. Said there's a really good research project abroad, and wants me to go do research there."

Hearing this, a flash of delight passed through Pei Kuang's eyes. His first reaction was happiness for Song Anan.

His girl really was this outstanding.

"That's great news. I definitely support you, unconditional support." He said with a laugh. "Did they say when you'd be going?"

Song Anan nodded. "The latest mid June, to stay for two years."

After listening to the whole story, Pei Kuang finally understood why the young girl had acted so strangely yesterday.

No wonder. With her roommate breaking up over a long-distance relationship and suddenly finding out she had to go abroad, these two things happening together would make anyone overthink things.

Pei Kuang spoke very gently, "So you're worried that our relationship will also be affected because you're going abroad?"

Song Anan lay on his chest and gave a muffled "Mm-hmm".

Pei Kuang indulgently tapped her on the forehead. "That's silly."

Song Anan lifted her hand and gave him a light punch to show her displeasure.

Pei Kuang laughed and went on, "Every couple's situation is different, but from what you've told me about your roommate and her boyfriend before, I think we're not the same as them."

Song Anan was puzzled for a moment. "How are we different?"

Pei Kuang explained, "Look, we've been dating for over half a year now, but if we're being honest, most of that time we've been apart. Do you feel like our feelings for each other have faded?"

Song Anan thought about it, then shook her head.

She sort of understood what Pei Kuang meant, but she was still worried. "Yes, but a foreign country is different from just being apart. You used to come home after work before."

Pei Kuang tweaked her nose. "That's no big deal. From now on I'll just think of wherever you are as home. Transportation is so convenient nowadays, it's barely any different than before."

Song Anan was a little stunned. "Can that work?"

Pei Kuang laughed. "Of course it can."

He paused, then went on, "Anan, let me make you a promise, okay? Even when you're abroad, as long as you miss me, I'll come to you right away just like I did this time."

Song Anan froze for a few seconds, then softly murmured "Mm-hmm".

Pei Kuang kissed the top of her head and jokingly added, "Though I should warn you, international plane tickets are pretty expensive. What if I end up visiting so often I can't afford them?"

Song Anan said softly, "That's okay, I have money. I'll buy them for you when that happens."

Pei Kuang eagerly chimed in, "Hey, that works out great then. I guess you could say I'm being supported by my girlfriend now."

Song Anan played along, "Don't worry, I can definitely support you."

The joking around did make Song Anan feel much better, and put her mind at ease.

The two of them stayed cuddled up together on the sofa without speaking.

After a good while, Pei Kuang tightened his arms around Song Anan and said softly, "Anan, seeing how much you value our relationship makes me really happy, and a little surprised too."

Song Anan was suddenly confused.

Of course she valued their relationship, they were dating!

She could kind of understand him being happy, but why surprised?

But before she could ask anything, her vision was suddenly obscured.

Pei Kuang had leaned in swiftly to kiss her, stopping all her questions in her mouth.