Top-tier Auntie in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 9

A coach's young girl was a black-red belt, but her main student only had a white-yellow belt.


There's no harm without comparison.

It makes Song Linchuan look even more incompetent.

Jiang Han was so regretful inside. It's all because he talked too much.

Now it's great. The tough guy image hasn't been set up yet, but the wimpy impression is already deeply rooted in people's hearts.

However, Jiang Han always felt something was wrong about this. Based on his understanding of Song Linchuan, this guy still has a lot of athletic talent.

It shouldn't be like this.

There must be some inside story to this.

Just as Jiang Han was thinking about how to get Song Linchuan to explain it, Song Anan suddenly spoke up.

"It's different," she said, "Linchuan only learned Taekwondo for a while, and later the neighboring boxing club saw his talent and pulled him over to practice boxing."

Of course, talent was one aspect, but the main reason was that Song Linchuan himself was interested.

"He has practiced boxing for many years and is very good at it," Song Anan emphasized.

Jiang Han couldn't help but ask again: "How good is he?"

Song Anan thought about it carefully, and didn't know how to describe it appropriately, so she could only say, "Anyway, if he doesn't go easy on me, I can't beat him."

[OMG, I didn't know Song Linchuan had such a hidden talent, he actually practiced boxing!]

[Geez, I didn't know my brother could box, as a hardcore fan I didn't even know.]

[Sigh, it's so annoying that the main character is so low-key.]

[I remember seeing a video online before, Song Linchuan seemed to play a boxer in it. That standard right hook with waist and abdominal power, the reaction speed was also amazing, obviously he had learned it well.]

[That was a promotional video shot for the **** brand. At that time, some fans already suspected he had learned it, but the official never responded, so it was dropped.]


Jiang Han obviously also remembered the promotional video.

At that time, on set, the boxing coach only demonstrated the move once, yet he was able to learn it.

At that time, Jiang Han also had this doubt, how did Song Linchuan answer it?

"I can't help it, I'm gifted, I can learn it with just one try."




The official announced live streaming time for "Dearest Us" was 9am to 9pm.

But on the first day of the livestream, shortly after 7pm, Song Linchuan went to find the program staff and said he wanted to end the livestream.

The staff politely reminded him: "Teacher Song, did you get the time wrong? It's not 9pm yet."

Song Linchuan simply said, "You guys came at 7am."

His implied meaning was that they had done enough hours of work.

The staff paused and suddenly understood what he meant.

If you calculate it that way, he's not wrong either.

But for this show that was in its third season, it wasn't like there hadn't been times when they started shooting early. Yet they had never encountered this kind of situation before.

Also, the other three livestreams had started broadcasting at 7am as well, and were still ongoing. It wouldn't look good for them to end the livestream early.

"Um, I can't make this decision, should I check with the director?" The staff member scratched his head and said.

Song Linchuan didn't make things difficult for him either, and lightly nodded, "Mm, go ask."

After saying that, he didn't leave either, just stood there with his arms crossed, waiting.

The staff had no choice but to reluctantly take out his phone and call the director to ask.

At this moment, many office workers who had just gotten home and turned on the livestream were completely confused.

What's going on? They had just tuned in, how could it be ending already?

[Ahhhhh, no, this office worker was looking forward to watching the livestream all day, and finally got off work!]

[Damn! Song Linchuan is awesome, he did what I always wanted to do, straighten out the workplace, starting with you and me!]

[I know, I hate it the most when I suddenly have to work overtime without getting time off to make up for it, it's so annoying.]

[Heh, Song Linchuan wouldn't be Song Linchuan if he didn't put on airs. How come the other guests don't have so many issues?]

[That's right, it's just unfortunate for the program team to spend so much money to invite a freeloader who only takes money without doing any work.]

[I feel bad for the program team, and for this show's sponsors.]

[Pfft, laughable, here comes someone sympathizing with the capitalists. Before feeling bad for them, check your own wallet first to see how many coins you have.]

[To be fair, I think Song Linchuan is not wrong either. If the program team can start broadcasting early, why can't the guest end it early? What's the logic?]

[I can probably guess why Song Linchuan insisted on ending the livestream - it must be to let his little aunt rest earlier. You could clearly see the girl was a little low during dinner just now, compared to noon.]

[I noticed it too. Song Linchuan looked at Song Anan several times at the dinner table, he must have noticed.]

[Heh, who would've thought that Song Linchuan, known for being aloof and cool in the entertainment industry, actually has the potential to be a warm man. So attentive.]

[After watching the livestream for a day, this nephew Song Linchuan is quite decent to his little aunt Song Anan, no complaints at all.]

[Wuuu, just like little aunt said, my brother is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.]

It has to be said, sometimes netizens really have sharp eyes. Song Linchuan wanting to end the livestream really was because of Song Anan.

Outsiders all talk about Song Linchuan, but people close to him all know that while he doesn't have the best temper, he would never throw random tantrums. He has always been serious about work.

In all the years since entering the industry, whether on set or recording variety shows, Song Linchuan has encountered excessive hours and overtime many times, yet he has always been cooperative for the most part.

But this time is different. Song Anan is not a celebrity, she has no prior experience recording shows. Although she tried her best to appear relaxed, Song Linchuan could still feel her discomfort in front of the camera.

Soon, the staff member who went out to make the call came back.

"The director said it's okay. Teacher Song and little aunt worked hard this afternoon at the police station, it's reasonable to rest early after all that."

Song Linchuan was startled for a moment, then lightly nodded again.

The director had come up with the excuse for them, saving them the trouble.

After all, the other three groups of guests were still continuing. Without a justified reason, it might be turned into fodder by people with ulterior motives.

Just then, Song Anan came out from the bedroom. Song Linchuan waved her over, "Little aunt, come say goodbye to everyone, we're ending the stream."

Song Anan was stunned for a moment, clearly not understanding yet. "Wasn't it until 9pm?"

Song Linchuan said matter-of-factly, "We started streaming early today, so we're ending early too."

Song Anan just went "Oh", didn't think too much about it, and obediently said goodbye to the camera.

The next second, Song Linchuan mercilessly turned off the livestream camera.

The audience in the livestream chat saw the black screen and immediately broke out into wails.

After weeping dramatically for a while, some people directly exited the livestream, but most stayed out of the mentality that they had already come this far, and conveniently clicked into the livestreams of other guest groups.

But this was playing right into the hands of the director and his team.

Ever since Song Linchuan's aunt-nephew livestream opened this morning, their view count had been steadily leading. This was a good chance to divert some of that traffic to the other livestreams.

As the director of the show, of course he had to think from the big picture, hoping for all the livestreams to thrive.

However, even though Song Anan's livestream ended early, it did not affect their popularity online at all.

After a day of livestreaming, both Song Linchuan and Song Anan's topics were being discussed to an unbelievable degree.

#Top star uncle Song Linchuan#, #Little aunt catches two big men bare-handed#, #Song Linchuan and aunt catch human traffickers#, #Song Linchuan's wife fans climbing over walls#, #Song Linchuan's little aunt to debut#, and other related tags about them had been trending all day already, making the program team overjoyed.

Of course, aside from them, the happiest was Jiang Han.

He had roughly expected this level of popularity beforehand.

But the turnaround in Song Linchuan's reputation among the general public after just one day was something he absolutely did not anticipate.

He even started fantasizing that after the show ends, Song Linchuan's reputation could undergo an unbelievable reversal.

However, after the first day of livestreaming where Song Linchuan and Song Anan topped the trending charts all day, gaining massive traction, this situation was obviously undesirable for Song Linchuan's antis.

Therefore, as soon as their livestream ended, the antis rushed to rewatch the VOD, hoping to find faults with Song Linchuan.

But with the current circumstances, the oft-criticized points of Song Linchuan failed to make any waves at all, netizens were clearly not buying it anymore.

The antis seemed to have run out of options, and finally aimed their attacks at Song Anan!

Their angle of attack was saying that Song Anan's image was too deliberately crafted, too fake, clearly trying to use Song Linchuan's popularity to get into the entertainment industry and make money, anyway just throwing subtle shade.

Whether it was the program team or Song Linchuan's team, they had noticed the antis' actions, but no one took it seriously, thinking it was just some sour grapes that didn't have any real blackmail material, nothing that could stir up huge waves.

But unexpectedly, after fermenting overnight, the situation became severe.

Early next morning, the tag #Song Linchuan's Niece A Delinquent Girl# was shockingly ranking #1 on trending searches.

Clicking in, there were all kinds of hit pieces smearing Song Anan at the top.

Saying that she was actually a failing student, only putting on a goody-two-shoes facade, but was actually a female gangster behind the scenes. She was expelled from school and now wanted to use Song Linchuan's popularity to make money in the entertainment industry.

Also saying that she would get into fights and bully classmates every day at school, even hospitalizing a classmate and other outrageous rumors, stated as if they were well-substantiated facts.

The general tone under this tag was antis gathering and criticizing Song Anan for not studying properly at such a young age, couldn't even get into college, and now wanted to take an "easy path" into the entertainment industry. Suggesting she should be boycotted, otherwise it would set a bad example for children and give teenagers the wrong values.

Elevating it to this level was like putting Song Anan on a stake and burning her.

For the netizens who had watched the show yesterday, seeing this trending topic left them utterly confused.

What's going on?

How did Song Anan's reputation collapse after just one night's sleep?!

[What the! No way, I quite liked Song Anan after watching the show yesterday, she looked like a well-behaved girl.]

[I know, such a nice little aunt doesn't seem anything like a delinquent girl at all.]

[Nice? Pfft, it's all just an act to get into the entertainment industry and make money.]

[Failing grades? Getting into fights? Even bullying classmates? This all sounds a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?]

[Heh, all I want to say is, there's no wind without waves, if Song Anan really didn't do all this stuff, why are so many people online saying it in such detail?]

[No wonder she's so good at fighting, I could tell she was well-trained just from how she took out two big guys bare-handed yesterday. She must run rampant at school!]

Oh my, a person with such high fighting ability going around bullying classmates is extremely scary to think about. The victims must have suffered so much!

Let's not jump to conclusions here. While the allegations are unconfirmed, Song Anan did rescue someone from human traffickers yesterday. We should judge each case on its own merits.

After going around online, I feel like there's no real evidence for those accusations about Song Anan. It smells like baseless rumors to me.

Don't be ridiculous. This has made it to the top of the hot search rankings. Do you think Song Linchuan's team eats for free? If it was fake news, they would have come out and denied it already.


The director and production team were most anxious when all these allegations suddenly came out against Song Anan.

The ratings and metrics for their first episode broadcast vastly exceeded expectations, undoubtedly due to the influence of A-lister Song Linchuan. But there's no denying that Song Anan also contributed greatly.

From the director's perspective, it's understandable that Song Anan came on the show aiming to debut.

It can't be helped. The entertainment industry is so glittery and lucrative, no wonder so many young people desperately want in.

And with Song Anan's looks, she really won the genetic lottery. With her superstar aunt Song Linchuan paving the way, she's bound to go far.

But that's all premised on her getting through this incident smoothly.

The director didn't hesitate to call Jiang Han directly.

After all, they're in the same boat now. If they could resolve this issue together, nothing could be better.

But contrary to expectations, Jiang Han was completely calm and unruffled when he picked up.

"Director, don't worry. I'll take care of this. Everything will be cleared up smoothly by the time we go live today. It won't impact the show."

After Jiang Han hung up, the director stared at his phone for a few seconds. Remembering Jiang Han's confidence, he instantly felt reassured.

It was now almost certain those online rumors about Song Anan were false.

Still, recalling Jiang Han's assurances, the director couldn't help but wonder - how exactly did he plan to resolve this?

Suddenly, he felt excited. There must be even more surprises in store from this girl Song Anan!