Top-tier Auntie in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 12

Song Linchuan's decision left Jiang Han a little surprised at first, but he soon accepted it.

Filing a lawsuit, so be it. After all, the rumors about Song An'an were mostly spread by Song Linchuan's antifans. This would be a good chance to give those antifans a warning.

Song Anan's reputation as a bookworm was well-deserved. She was completely focused on the book in her hands, not lifting her head once as she turned page after page.

After some time, as if tired from reading, she lifted her arms to stretch and glanced at the clock on the wall, startled to find it was already 11:30.

She didn't realize she had been reading for so long.

Seeing that Song Linchuan wasn't at his seat, Song Anan closed her book, got up, and was about to go look for him when she saw him and Jiang Han walking over from the direction of the study.

"Auntie, were you looking for me?" Song Linchuan asked.

Song Anan nodded. "Yeah, I saw it was about time for lunch and wanted to ask what we should eat."

She had always had a good appetite, and reading made her hungry faster, so she was quite hungry now.

When Jiang Han heard this, he was about to ask what the two wanted to eat so he could order some takeout.

But then he remembered one of the "three rules" Song Anan had given Song Linchuan that morning: healthy diet!

Eating takeout wouldn't really be considered healthy, would it?

"Auntie, didn't you say you wanted to eat healthy this morning? Why don't I go buy some ingredients for you two to cook at home?" Jiang Han suggested.

He knew Song Linchuan was a terrible cook. After all, he had managed to burn eggs into charcoal when tasked with frying some on a variety show.

But glancing at Song Anan, he suddenly felt more confident. With Auntie here, it should be no problem.

Even if Song Linchuan couldn't cook, it was no big deal. This learning prodigy could pick up anything fast, cooking would be a piece of cake for her.

Jiang Han had a mysterious, unwavering faith in Song Anan these days.

What's more, in a couple days they had to join the other cast members for group filming, and based on his experience from previous seasons, the cast always had to cook for themselves. This could serve as good practice.

Cook themselves?!

Song Anan's eyes narrowed slightly, involuntarily flashing a hint of evasiveness.

She turned to look at Song Linchuan, and the aunt and nephew exchanged a glance, both seeing that familiar lingering fear in each other's eyes.

If there was one thing the two were most alike in, it was probably their lack of cooking talent.

But while Song Linchuan was at most a kitchen idiot whose cooking always ended in disaster, at least there was no danger to life and limb with him in the kitchen.

Song Anan was different. She was a kitchen killer who could literally blow up the kitchen.

Yes, blow it up for real.

She had to be rescued by firefighters in the end and was even used as a negative example in the local news channel's program.

But of course she couldn't say any of this out loud. It was too embarrassing, and Song Anan had her pride.

She looked at Jiang Han, hesitating for a moment before saying, "Actually, I think there are a lot of healthy options with takeout too. We don't necessarily have to cook it ourselves."

Song Linchuan nodded eagerly. "Right, right! That private kitchen we had yesterday was pretty good. Let me see if they deliver."

If nothing else worked, they could always go out to eat.

Jiang Han: "......"

Livestream viewers: Hmm... feels like they're hiding something!

After browsing through the food delivery apps for a while, aunt and nephew finally decided to go out to eat. There were a few nice private kitchens near their complex, and one specialized in healthy, light cuisine, which was just to Song Anan's taste.

After lunch, instead of wandering around, the two went straight home.

The production team had given them an hour for lunch break, and Song Anan planned to take a half-hour nap in her room to recharge.

Just as she reached her bedroom door, Song Linchuan called out to her. "Auntie."

Song Anan stopped and turned around to look at Song Linchuan. "What is it?"

Song Linchuan seemed unsure of how to say it. He paused for several seconds before speaking. "There's something...I thought about it and still feel I should tell you."

Taken aback, Song Anan asked, "Is it about me trending on social media this morning?"

Song Linchuan looked surprised. "You already know?"

Song Anan nodded. "Yeah, I found out at lunch. My fangirl roommate told me."

To be precise, Li Sirui had sent her a message first thing in the morning, but she hadn't checked her phone all morning.

Song Linchuan said guiltily, "I'm really sorry, Auntie. It's all because of me that you got dragged into this."

If she hadn't joined the show with him, none of this would have happened, and she wouldn't have been slandered like this.

Song Anan strongly disagreed. "What does this have to do with you? I chose to join the show myself, don't take everything upon yourself."

She patted Song Linchuan's arm reassuringly and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm totally fine. Those people don't matter to me one bit, I don't care what they say at all."

Song Linchuan was stunned for a second before feeling relieved.

What kind of person his auntie was, it wasn't like he had just met her yesterday. He knew she wasn't just saying this to comfort him, but that she truly didn't care.

Comparatively, it was him who had been overthinking things just now.

As his mother would say, his auntie had an extraordinary sense of detachment ever since she was little.

It seemed like in her world, she only ever focused on the people and things she cared about, nothing else could affect her.

"Auntie, seeing all that stuff online really doesn't upset you at all?" Song Linchuan was still curious.

Song Anan shook her head and answered honestly, "It's a little upsetting, but I was mentally prepared, so it's fine."

Song Linchuan frowned. "Mentally prepared?"

Song Anan nodded. "I knew beforehand that there would definitely be criticism if I joined the show, but none of that matters. As long as I'm clear about what I want, that's enough."

Although she didn't follow the entertainment industry, having Li Sirui as a friend gave her some insight into its twists and turns.

In this circle, the more popular you got, the more gossip would arise.

Of course, Song Anan didn't think she was getting popular, just that she knew Song Linchuan had quite the following, so she expected there would be gossip when she decided to join the show.

But none of that was important. She joined the show to help Song Linchuan deviate from the original storyline and change his cannon fodder fate.

As long as it didn't hinder her from achieving this goal, everything else was insignificant.

Song Linchuan was stunned for a second. He felt like he had heard someone say something similar before.

That's right, it was...Pei Kuang!

Back when he had first joined the talent show, he was viciously attacked once, the first time he had faced such maliciousness from strangers. At the time, he had trouble accepting it.

He remembered asking Pei Kuang, who had also been severely bashed, how he dealt with it. Pei Kuang had said something like this - think about why you joined the show in the first place, there's no gain without pain.

As long as you achieve your purpose, you don't have to take the rest so much to heart.

He had to admit, his auntie's mindset was quite similar to Pei Kuang's in this aspect.

Of course, Song Anan had no idea what Song Linchuan was thinking. Glancing at her phone, she suddenly said, "Xiaochuan, could you do me a favor?"

"Sure," Song Linchuan agreed without a second thought. "What is it?"

Song Anan thought for a bit before saying, "Well, it's not a big deal. Just that fangirl friend of mine wants an autographed photo..."

"I got it, she wants my autographed photo, right? No problem, I'll have Jiang Han bring some over this afternoon." Song Linchuan's eyes lit up as he exclaimed joyfully.

"That fangirl classmate you mentioned, she must be my fan, right?"

Song Anan: "......"

She really wanted to say no.

The truth was, Li Sirui had asked her to get an autographed photo of Pei Kuang as compensation for hiding her identity as Song Linchuan's aunt.

So she thought that since Song Linchuan knew Pei Kuang, she could ask him for help.

But facing Song Linchuan's expectant expression, she just couldn't bring herself to say it out loud.

Oh well, she would find another chance to bring it up later.


It was just past 7 pm. At the underground parking garage of B City Airport, Pei Kuang and his manager Li Dong got into a black business car.

As soon as Pei Kuang got in the car, his assistant passed him a sandwich from the front passenger seat. "Have a bite first to fill you up a bit, Pei Ge."

Li Dong also urged from the side, "Eat something. You were sleeping on the plane and didn't get to eat."

Pei Kuang nodded lightly.

First he took off his hat and face mask, revealing his still exquisitely devilish features.

The exhaustion on his face was hard to hide though, his eyes tinged red - clear signs he was dead tired.

"Thanks." His voice was somewhat hoarse as he accepted the sandwich from his assistant and slowly started eating.

Li Dong instructed the driver to start driving. The black business car quickly left the underground parking garage and merged into the night.

The sandwich wasn't big, and Pei Kuang soon finished it.

After catching some sleep on the plane and getting some food in him, he finally felt some strength returning to his body.

Seeing Pei Kuang like this, Li Dong also felt bad for him, but there was no helping these sudden circumstances.

The past few days, due to scheduling issues at the drama set, Pei Kuang had pulled two consecutive all-nighters right before wrap-up in order to catch up. He had been busy to death.

As soon as filming finished, they rushed straight to the airport without even a breather.

"Rest while you have the chance, let's go over the schedule for the next few days," Pei Kuang said lightly.

Li Dong's thoughts returned and he immediately took out his schedule book.

From the airport to Pei Kuang's home, the drive would take over an hour. They had just finished going over the schedule for the next week when the car pulled into the residential complex.

Looking out at the apartment towers, Pei Kuang seemed to remember something. He took out his phone and opened his WeChat conversation with Song Linchuan.

Pei Kuang: Are you home?

Song Linchuan replied quickly: Yes.

Pei Kuang didn't continue the chat. Instead, he put his phone away and turned to Li Dong. "Did you bring the gift I asked you to prepare?"

Li Dong was confused. "What gift?"

Pei Kuang frowned. "The ** perfume set."

Li Dong immediately recalled. "Oh right, it's in my suitcase. I'll give it to you when we get to your place."

But Pei Kuang shook his head. "No need, give it to me now. You guys can help bring my luggage home later."

Then he directly told the driver in front, "Stop at that building up ahead, I'm getting off."

The driver responded affirmatively.

Li Dong now also understood what was going on. Looking at the apartment building ahead, he asked, "You're going over to Song Linchuan's now?"

Pei Kuang nodded lightly. "Mm, I'm too busy coming up, don't know when I'll get a chance again."

Although they lived in the same complex, with both their packed schedules, opportunities for them to meet were still quite rare.

The car soon came to a stop. Li Dong frantically rummaged through his suitcase and handed Pei Kuang a prettily packaged tote bag.

"You have a brand event early tomorrow morning. Don't stay too long, go home and rest early." Li Dong instructed.

"Mm," Pei Kuang responded lightly.

Then he directly opened the car door, tote bag in hand, and got out of the car.

Watching Pei Kuang's retreating figure, Li Dong couldn't help scratching his head.

Strange, he felt like he was forgetting something, but for the life of him he couldn't remember what it was with his jumbled state of mind right now.

It was only after Pei Kuang entered the building that Li Dong told the driver to leave.

Probably wasn't anything important.

Li Dong and the assistant brought Pei Kuang's luggage into his home. Just as they finished, Li Dong suddenly slapped his forehead as he finally remembered what he had forgotten.

He still hadn't told Pei Kuang that Song Linchuan's aunt was actually a young woman!

He had been so dizzyingly busy the past few days that he actually forgot about this.

Thinking of the set of 30+ perfumes that Pei Kuang was carrying when he got out of the car, Li Dong couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"Oh no, how could I have forgotten such an important thing. No, I have to call Pei Kuang right away. I hope he hasn't arrived at Song Linchuan's house yet."

Li Dong hurriedly took out his phone, preparing to make a call, when his assistant stopped him: "Brother Li, it may be too late already."

Li Dong was a little confused: "Too late for what?"

The assistant pushed his phone in front of Li Dong. On it was the livestream room of the Song family's aunt and nephew in "Our Dearest".

On the screen, it clearly showed Pei Kuang standing at the door of Song Linchuan's house.

In his hand, he was holding the paper bag containing the 30+ perfume set of a certain brand!