Top-tier Auntie in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 115

The news that Song Anan was pregnant was made public in this farcical manner.

This 'official announcement' was unprecedented. Many netizens didn't even know the term 'pregnancy accompanying syndrome'.

So the hype around this was off the charts for a while, and was trending on the hot search for several days straight.

Everyone on the internet was anticipating the arrival of this unborn baby.

Pei Kuang and Song Anan's fans immediately seized this opportunity and frantically promoted the couple under the slogan of 'Only real couples are worth shipping', and endless fan materials poured out.

Indeed, they managed to attract quite a few new fans to the ship, the ranks continued to grow, and for a time they were unparalleled in the CP circle.

The CP super topic ranking directly rose to first place.

Online discussions were in full swing, but for the people involved, the nervousness of being new parents made them simply not have time to care about these things.

Throughout her pregnancy, Song Anan was relatively low-maintenance. Other than stronger reactions in early pregnancy, everything else was normal.

During this time, Pei Kuang stopped all the work he had on hand and was basically with her the entire time.

On the other hand, she continued to work herself until going on maternity leave 15 days before delivery.

Song Anan had advised Pei Kuang to not be so nervous, and to keep doing what he needed to do, but he was exceptionally adamant about this matter.

No matter what anyone said, it was useless. He had to be hands on with everything, and even if he couldn't do something himself, he still had to be present to feel assured.

In fact, when Zhao Ya first learned of Song Anan's pregnancy, she was worried too. She came to stay with them for a period of time, thinking that having someone experienced like her around to keep an eye on things would provide peace of mind.

But after a week, Zhao Ya left, because she discovered there was no need for her to be there. It was no exaggeration to say Pei Kuang knew even more than she did.

Ever since finding out Song Anan was pregnant, he had been very diligently studying everything related to pregnancy and childbirth, learning how to take care of an expectant mother. He didn't just consult doctors, but also asked women who had been pregnant before, and had filled up a whole notebook with notes.

It covered everything from early to late pregnancy, as well as care after giving birth. It was extremely comprehensive.

Once when Li Dong came by, he happened to see it and jokingly said he could publish a book already.

When everyone teased him, Pei Kuang would usually just smile without responding. But the more he understood these things, the more he profoundly realized everything a mother goes through when pregnant.

And what he could do was try his best to alleviate Song Anan's physical and psychological discomfort.

With both their efforts, Song Anan successfully gave birth to a baby boy after over 9 months.

According to their prior discussion, if it was a girl her name would be Nuannuan, and if a boy, Mumu.

In the hospital room, Pei Kuang held Song Anan's hand as they looked together at the baby in the crib next to them, joy written all over their faces as new parents.

A group of people stood around the bed, including Zhao Ya, Song Zhenhui and Song Linchuan, also eagerly looking at the child.

Zhao Ya couldn't help sighing, "This child looks so good! Just look at those eyes, like little Kuang, and the mouth and nose like Anan."

Hearing this, Song Linchuan's mouth unconsciously twitched, looking at his mother incredulously.

Zhao Ya glared at him, "What's with that expression?"

Song Linchuan stroked his nose, "Nothing, just worried your eyes are going bad."

How could this wrinkly red baby possibly look good?

Even if he was his auntie's child, Song Linchuan couldn't bring himself to honestly say the child looked good, and could only concede he looked passable.

Zhao Ya naturally picked up on the implication behind Song Linchuan's words, and was instantly unhappy. She went to smack him directly, but he dodged.

As Song Linchuan kept dodging, he mumbled something about looking like a little old man.

Pei Kuang explained with a smile, "Newborns are all like this. They've been soaking in amniotic fluid for so long that their skin is wrinkly. It'll get better after some time."

Zhao Ya immediately followed up, "That's right, what do you know? Newborns change every day."

"Plus, you looked even worse when you were born."

She then pointed at Song Zhenhui and said, "Back then, your dad even suspected the nurses had swapped you, and went to ask them himself, saying we didn't have such an ugly child."

Song Linchuan was stunned for a moment, looking at Song Zhenhui uncertainly.

The old man did something like this?

Song Anan and Pei Kuang also looked at Song Zhenhui in surprise, exchanging a glance and clearly both trying not to laugh.

Song Zhenhui was a little embarrassed having his wife expose his dirty laundry in front of the younger generation.

He lightly coughed and pretended to calmly look at Song Linchuan. "Your mother is right. You looked much worse than your younger brother when you were born."

Younger brother?

Song Linchuan was silenced. He glanced at the sleeping child on the bed and silently looked away.

Ever since this Pei Kuang started being with his auntie, he seemed to care more and more about these generational relationships.

To Song Linchuan, no matter how much younger his auntie's child was, he could accept the child calling him big brother with a clear conscience.

But just thinking about this damn guy's son calling him big brother made him very uncomfortable.

Song Anan had just given birth and her body was weak, so she got tired easily. Before long, she couldn't keep her eyes open.

So as not to disturb her rest, Zhao Ya took Song Zhenhui and Song Linchuan and left first, leaving only Pei Kuang to keep watch in the hospital room.

Pei Kuang sat by the bed looking at Song Anan's sleeping profile, then glanced at the child next to her. He felt very content.

This was his and Song Anan's child, a bond between them.

Thinking this, Pei Kuang couldn't help a warm feeling rising in his heart.

On the day Mumu was born, after getting through the initial chaos, Pei Kuang finally remembered Li Dong's earlier instructions to post something on Weibo updating fans that all was well.

@Pei Kuang: My baby has given birth to our baby. Mother and child are safe and sound. My wife did great!

The photo was of the baby's little feet.

Kuang fans immediately rushed to the scene, followed closely by other netizens, and the internet promptly exploded.

【Oh wow, so Auntie Song gave birth? Mother and child safe and sound, it's a baby boy!】

【Tsk tsk, look at Pei Kuang's smugness. My baby, gave birth, our baby, so much showing off in just one sentence!】

【Waah, my baby, sweet enough to kill】

【Gosh, Pei Kuang calling Auntie Song 'my wife', love that!】

【Congrats congrats! The main thing is they're safe and sound. This family of three must take good care of each other!】

【Ahhhh, just looking at the little feet you can tell it's a cute baby. Come come, auntie wants to hug】

【Hahahaha, laughing to death, sister upstairs, how deep is your filter to be able to tell the baby is good looking from just a picture of feet?】

【Ahem, let me tangent from this floor, since Auntie Song's child, shouldn't he call Song Linchuan big brother?】

【Hahahaha, right, what a 35 year age gap between brothers!】

【@Song Linchuan, take good care of your little brother】

【I'm dead, too funny! Pei Kuang is late age fatherhood, while Song Linchuan gains a little brother late in life!】

【Can't stop laughing, upstairs you're too much! Hahahahaha, 'gains little brother late in life', what's that!】


After being discharged from the hospital, Song Anan went directly to a postpartum care center, and Pei Kuang went with her.

This postpartum center was booked by Pei Kuang in advance. He had basically visited all the high-end postpartum centers in City B, inspecting them in person for professionalism and service standards, ensuring they were absolutely top notch.

But on the first day staying at the postpartum center, Song Anan encountered an embarrassing problem - her breasts were engorged.

The lactation consultant and nurses at the center tried many methods, but the effects were not ideal at all. Her milk just wouldn't express out.

Seeing Song Anan sweating profusely from the pain, Pei Kuang couldn't help feeling anxious. "Is there any other way?"

The lactation consultant and nurses hesitated for a few seconds, looking at Pei Kuang as they said, "For Song's situation, there is actually another method we could try, but it requires Pei's assistance."

Pei Kuang paused. He had a rough idea what method they meant.

"Alright, you can leave first. I'll take care of things here."

The nurse confirmed, "Do you know what to pay attention to?"

Pei Kuang lightly nodded. He had done research on dealing with engorgement before, he just didn't think of it earlier.

After all, that method was not suitable for every new mom. They had to judge based on each mom’s specific situation.

After the nurse and nanny left, Song Anan was confused as she looked at Pei Kuang.

What on earth were they talking about just now?

“What exactly is this method?” she asked.

Did she need his help too?

Pei Kuang raised his brows. He just leaned in and whispered something softly into her ear. Song Anan’s face immediately turned red.

She looked at Pei Kuang, flustered, “No, we can’t. You...”

Ten minutes later.

Song Anan sat there, her face flushed, with her back facing Pei Kuang as she fed Muzi.

Seeing how she was reacting, Pei Kuang couldn’t help but jokingly tease her, “We’re almost like an old married couple, yet you’re still so shy about this. What’s there to be shy about, it’s not like we haven’t done it before...”

Hearing this, Song Anan immediately sat up straight and glared at him, “You!”

Pei Kuang shrugged with an indulgent look on his face, “Alright, alright. I won't mention it, I won't mention it...”

Just like Zhao Ya said, babies really did change every day.

By the time Song Anan’s postpartum recovery month ended, Muzi had grown a lot bigger, and his facial features had gradually become more defined.

He was an adorable little baby.

Not only was Muzi a cutie, he was also very well-behaved. He usually just ate and slept. He really rarely cried.

He would only whimper a little when he was hungry or needed a diaper change. Otherwise, he was so good, it was unbelievable.

Even the nannies taking care of him at the postpartum care center said that of all the babies they had cared for, this was the first time they saw such an easy, low-maintenance child.

With such a well-behaved child, new parents Song Anan and Pei Kuang were most relaxed.

But Pei Kuang did not let his guard down. He kept a close eye on the mother and child.

About a month after giving birth, he keenly noticed that something seemed off with Song Anan’s emotions.

Especially in the last few days before leaving the care center, her mood swings were quite dramatic, mainly manifesting as low spirits, irritability, anxiety, and poor sleep quality.

Song Anan probably also realized something was wrong with herself. She would feel inexplicably sad and want to cry for no reason.

Sometimes when she looked at Pei Kuang, her eyes would suddenly turn red.

The two quickly realized what the problem was. These were signs of postpartum depression.

The main reason Song Anan could recognize the symptoms was because she studied medicine. As for Pei Kuang, it was simply because he had done a lot of research beforehand.

“What should I do? I know this isn’t right, but I just can’t help it. I’m so useless.” Song Anan said dispiritedly.

Pei Kuang wiped her tears and comforted her, “Anan, you can’t blame yourself. This is caused by hormone imbalances after giving birth.”

“It’s okay. You can tell me anything that’s making you unhappy or uncomfortable. I’m here. I’ll go through this with you.”

With red-rimmed eyes, Song Anan said, “My figure is a mess now. I look so ugly.”

Pei Kuang looked at Song Anan earnestly, “I really don’t think you look ugly. But if you don’t like how you look now, I’ll exercise with you and help you with postpartum recovery. How about that?”

In fact, Song Anan did not gain much weight during her entire pregnancy. Her postpartum care was very well done. Her recovery was already quite good compared to before, just slightly different.

But Pei Kuang also knew that at times like these, no amount of reassuring words would help much. So he would accompany her to make changes until she was satisfied with how she looked.

Song Anan pursed her lips and nodded lightly, “Okay.”

For a long time after that, Pei Kuang accompanied Song Anan in exercising every day. Following the nutritionist’s menu, he cooked various delicious and nutritious meals for her postpartum diet.

They also went to see a doctor halfway through, and received timely counseling. Pei Kuang paid close attention to her mood swings as the doctor had instructed, and helped soothe her emotions in a timely manner.

Finally, after three months, Song Anan’s postpartum depression was cured.

On this day, Pei Kuang was the happiest. He was overjoyed not only for Song Anan, but also because a huge weight had been lifted off his chest.

In fact, there had always been a thorn in Pei Kuang’s heart that no one knew about. This thorn had taken deep root.

Ever since Song Anan got pregnant, on one hand he looked forward to the arrival of the new life, but on the other hand, he was also very afraid.

Afraid that something might happen to Song Anan.

After all, the main reason why Zhang Man loathed him so much was because when she gave birth to him, she had postpartum depression.

But because it wasn’t taken seriously and treated in time, Zhang Man suffered for a long time. Later, her way of freeing herself was to redirect all the resentment onto him.

When Pei Kuang was little, he had witnessed Zhang Man at her most hysterical. All her misfortunes seemed to have started from giving birth.

He was especially afraid Song Anan would go down the same path.

Although he knew Song Anan and Zhang Man were different people, fundamentally different at their core, and that Zhang Man reaching this state could not be solely blamed on postpartum depression, that her own character played a big role.

But he still couldn’t help worrying.

Fortunately nothing happened. Fortunately it was all in the past now.

Looking at his wife and child in the distance, Pei Kuang's eyes were filled with tenderness.