Top-tier Auntie in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 11

What's going on?

Didn't you say you were going to study? Why are you reading Anatomy and Physiology?

The on-site program crew looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not knowing what Song Anan was up to.

The audience in the live studio exploded.

【OMG! Song Anan is pretending too hard here. That's not how you rebuild your image】

【What? Is Song Anan addicted to her nerd image? Can she really understand professional books like Anatomy and Physiology?】

【Is it possible that this is just her hobby and interest? There's nothing wrong with liking medical books, right?】

【Humph, you like medical books? Then why don't you take the exam for medical school instead of joining the entertainment industry and participating in these shows?】

【You think it's easy to get into medical school? She's in the entertainment industry because her grades weren't good enough for medical school】

【You guys need to mind your own business. The little auntie can read whatever books she wants, it's none of your concern. Go eat your carrots and stop meddling】

【I'm speechless. Those shouting that the little auntie should stay out of the entertainment industry if she's able - are you jealous? Or is it just sour grapes?】

【Speaking of which, Song Anan has really surprised me. She looks so gentle and well-behaved, but is actually fierce and capable, capturing two big guys bare-handed and resetting their arms with ease. And now she's reading Anatomy and Physiology...】

【Who isn't surprised? From the livestream these two days, I get the feeling the little auntie has a lot more to her than meets the eye】

The fans and antis in the live chat were arguing intensely. But for most of the audience, their attention remained fixed on Song Anan - specifically, what she would say next, and how the Anatomy book was related to those online rumors, if at all.

However, Song Anan's next actions caught everyone off guard. She simply opened the textbook and started reading intently.

Audience/Crew: "..."

She's actually just reading the book?

Isn't she going to take this chance to explain anything?

The director looked puzzledly at Jiang Han. But seeing his unconcerned expression, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

He turned to Song Anan and tentatively asked, "Little auntie, are you planning to become a doctor?"

Hearing the director's question, Song Anan slowly lifted her gaze from the book: "Yes, I'm going to be a doctor."

She said she's going to be a doctor.

The director was taken aback for a moment. On the surface it was a simple statement, but it carried deeper implications.

"So you're planning to take the medical school exam when you apply for college?" the director asked.

Song Anan nodded slightly, but mid-nod she changed her mind and shook her head.

"I'm already enrolled in university," Song Anan said matter-of-factly.

Everyone: ???


She's already in university!

Didn't she just turn 17? Even if she started school early, she could have taken the college entrance exam this year.

Wait, it's early July now, the exam results are out but acceptance letters haven't been sent yet.

The director breathed a sigh of relief. Based on Jiang Han and the others' reactions, Song Anan must have done very well on the exam, otherwise they wouldn't be so confident.

"I took the college entrance exam two years ago," Song Anan waved the book in her hand, "I'll be starting my third year this fall."

So she's going to be a doctor in the future.

Director/Crew: !!!

【What?! But isn't Song Anan only 17? If she's starting her third year, doesn't that mean she got into college at 15?!!】

【Holy crap! I'm 17 this year and only starting high school. Did the little auntie start school super early?】

【Kids usually start elementary school at 5-7, then 6 years of elementary, 3 of middle school, 3 of high school. So for Song Anan's case, she must have started early AND skipped grades】

【I can't believe the little auntie is studying medicine! No wonder she was so skilled at resetting bones yesterday - she's got professional training!】

【Medical students don't necessarily know how to set bones, depends on the specialty. But in any case, Song Anan is clearly very accomplished】

【What's the big deal, probably some third-rate school. If she really went to some super prestigious university, why wouldn't Song Anan reveal the name?】

【Right, not all colleges are equal. If you've really got the goods, why be shady about it? Probably because if she names it, we would have never even heard of it】

The director could guess what was up from Jiang Han and the others' composed reaction.

Based on their confidence, Song Anan's university must be quite reputable.

"Little auntie, can you reveal which university you attend?" the director asked.

Song Anan nodded.

But before she could respond, Song Linchuan proudly interjected, "My little auntie is a student at University B, majoring in Clinical Medicine."

Even though the director was mentally prepared, hearing "University B" still shocked him.

The live chat went silent for several seconds, then got flooded by a series of exclamation points.

【OMG!!! University B! It's the school I gave up dreaming about after I grew up】

【Holy crap, Clinical Medicine is University B's ace program, super hard to get into. My neighbor's kid is a smarty pants but couldn't get in last year】

【Ahhhhhhh, the little auntie is too amazing! A total academic powerhouse!】

【Hey antis shouting about some third-rate college earlier, open your dog eyes and see clearly - this is University B we're talking about!】

【Hahahaha, so satisfying to see the antis put in their place. How's your face feeling?】

【Now I understand Song Linchuan. If I had a little auntie like this, I'd be showing her off all day too. Calling her auntie treasure makes perfect sense!】

【I'm dead, you guys look at Song Linchuan's smug face right now. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was the one who got into University B】

【Song Linchuan: My little auntie is awesome, right!】

【OMG the person above can send voice messages...】

After suggesting Song Anan read her book, Jiang Han had quietly withdrawn to stand among the crew.

But he kept a close eye on the livestream chat, and couldn't help grinning at the flying comments.

This was precisely the effect he wanted.

After so many years as an agent, crisis management to maximize his artists' benefit had become second nature.

Of course, this was just the beginning. Jiang Han would also have the PR team guide public opinion going forward.

For example, in just one morning, people had already dug up the elementary, middle, and high schools Song Anan attended.

Seeing her figure holding award trophies on the schools' annual honor rolls year after year said it all.

What's more, netizens quickly unearthed that Song Anan had been the provincial champion on the college entrance exam!

【OMG! This shocks my whole family! Song Anan was the provincial college entrance exam CHAMPION?! Sorry, I still underestimated the little auntie】

【I just want to ask, little auntie, how many more surprises about you have we not discovered?】

【Right? I feel like Song Anan is like a mystery box, with so many delightful surprises waiting for us to uncover. I'm starting to want to become her fan】

【To be honest, I'm an old wife fan of Song Linchuan. At first I was just humoring the whole 'little auntie' thing, but now I've changed my mind. Isn't this exactly the internet daughter I dreamed of?】

【LOL, daring sister, you're trying to become old auntie-in-law to Song Linchuan】

【Hahaha, if you can't be his wife, then be his auntie-in-law, I see you】

With this development, the dust had basically settled.

In the time that followed, Song Anan earnestly read her Anatomy and Physiology textbook, while Song Linchuan looked through scripts. They took notes periodically.

Time ticked by second by second, the room quiet except for the occasional sound of pages turning and pens scratching.

In the livestream, many left out of boredom, but a considerable number remained, oddly taking out their own books and joining the remote study session.

However, having pulled an all-nighter, Song Linchuan soon dozed off at the table after reading scripts for a bit.

Noticing his state, Song Anan didn't wake him, just draped a jacket over him and continued reading.

With public opinion fully turned around online, the director also breathed a sigh of relief.

He gave Jiang Han a big thumbs up. A medical student at University B and provincial college exam champion at 15 - no wonder he had been so calm.

Jiang Han preened, seeming to finally understand why Song Linchuan always mentioned his little auntie with such smugness.

The main reason this incident resolved smoothly was the little auntie's history was so clean. Frankly, this was the easiest crisis management case Jiang Han had ever handled.

They could have spun other rumors about Song Anan with some effort, but delinquent and poor student? No need to worry at all.

After all, she had been a top student and teacher's pet since childhood, with all kinds of awards under her belt. Facts speak louder than words.

"So the little auntie doesn't plan to join the entertainment industry?" the director asked.

"Right," Jiang Han nodded, but didn't completely shut it down, "she has no plans for now."

The director was a little surprised, though he had guessed as much.

"If you ask me, after this show the little auntie will be super popular. It's a great opportunity, haven't you tried harder to sign her?"

Jiang Han shrugged. "Wouldn't matter if I was interested, the little auntie has a mind of her own. As young as she is, she knows what she wants."

The director smiled. That was indeed true.

These two days he had also noticed that while Song Anan appeared soft-spoken, she actually had very strong opinions, and wouldn't be easily persuaded.

"Besides, there's not much good in our circle. It's better for professional talents of her caliber to contribute to the medical field instead."

The director glanced at Song An'an, who was fully absorbed in her book, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's true, with Auntie's temperament, she does everything well."


After catching up on some sleep, Song Linchuan finally felt better. He took the opportunity while going to the bathroom to call Jiang Han out.

"What's going on?" Song Linchuan asked.

From Song Linchuan's reaction earlier, Jiang Han knew he hadn't been paying attention to Weibo and didn't know about the smear campaign against Song An'an.

But this didn't surprise him. With Song Linchuan's meteoric rise to fame over the past two years, there was too much noise on Weibo for him to pay much attention.

In fact, Jiang Han had intended to give Song Linchuan a heads up before coming over, but he hadn't been answering his phone, so it got delayed.

Jiang Han thought for a moment, then gave Song Linchuan a concise rundown of events.

Song Linchuan's face was ashen. In a cold voice he asked, "Which insiders have been instigating things behind the scenes?"

With the scale of this smear campaign, he didn't believe it was solely the work of antis.

Jiang Han didn't beat around the bush, and directly presented everything he had found.

That's right, in addition to the antis who had kicked things off, Song Linchuan's rivals had inevitably lent a hand from behind the scenes. After all, the baseless accusations spreading online clearly bore their fingerprints.

Otherwise, in just a single night, those groundless rumors could never have blown up like they did.

Looking at the list on Jiang Han's phone, Song Linchuan's brow furrowed deeply. "Jiang Kai was involved too?"

Jiang Han nodded.

However, Jiang Kai could hardly be considered Song Linchuan's rival, lacking the status for it.

Jiang Kai was Song Linchuan's former bandmate. During their time together, they were constantly at odds. After the band broke up and Song Linchuan's career took off, establishing himself in the entertainment industry, Jiang Kai had languished in obscurity all these years. For whatever reason, he seemed intent on putting Song Linchuan down at every opportunity, even though it brought Jiang Kai no personal gain.

"How do you plan on handling this?" Jiang Han asked.

Song Linchuan thought for a moment. "Do you have dirt on them?"

Jiang Han guessed Song Linchuan's intent and replied, "I do. It's not enough to take them down, but it's certainly enough to make them suffer."

Song Linchuan sneered. "Then make them suffer."

"We should hold off on Jiang Kai for now." Jiang Han spoke in a low voice to Song Linchuan.

Song Linchuan's brow furrowed even more severely, but he eventually nodded in agreement.

"Aside from them, gather information on the antis spreading rumors. Any that meet the criteria, sue them."

Jiang Han was taken aback. "You mean directly sue them, not just send a lawyer's letter as warning?"

His hesitation was understandable. Celebrities sending lawyer's letters carried no legal weight, only serving to convey a message and protect their image.

But directly suing was different - it involved initiating legal proceedings.

For various reasons, celebrities rarely directly sued their antis, unless some had grown truly outrageous. By making an example of one or two, they maintained their rights while sending a broader warning.

Song Linchuan glanced at Jiang Han and said coldly, "Sue them directly!"