This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel’s Supporting Role

Chapter 270

Due to the incident in Yuanqiu City, the "Prophecy Little Witch" account not only saw a surge in followers but also gained many new clients of various types. Chu Yang couldn't possibly ignore them all, but she didn't cater to everyone either. She would selectively choose some people for prophecies based on the circumstances.

However, she refrained from making predictions about the entertainment industry, given her new status. If she were to make a prediction that caused chaos, it wouldn't be good.

The officials didn't impose any restrictions on her, only asking that if any major events were to occur, she should inform them first so they could prepare. Chu Yang understood this.

Chu Yang would also select some simple tasks for Jiujiu to practice, such as finding lost pets or misplaced items.

Some people asked her about winning lottery numbers and stock market fluctuations, but Chu Yang ignored these requests entirely. When she didn't respond, some individuals sent her abusive messages or posted on social media claiming that the account must have been a gimmick all along, definitely inaccurate, and too arrogant to reply to messages.

Chu Yang simply disregarded such people.

Since she started working for the government, officials didn't contact her often, only once or twice. Because of these matters, Chu Yang would request time off, which was relatively easy to do at her workplace. Recently, the library had hired a new female employee who arrived late and left early every day, barely spending any time in the office.

Chu Yang's office lunch buddy, Wei Xi, gossiped with her, "I heard she got in through connections."

Chu Yang wasn't particularly concerned about this, as she knew there was more than one person with connections. As long as they didn't cause trouble and remained quiet, it was fine.

"Me? I work at A University's library. The job is quite relaxed, nothing much to do," the girl, named Liu Yuan, was talking on the phone in the office, her voice quite loud. At that moment, only Chu Yang and she were in the office.

Chu Yang was organizing some logistics documents.

"You want to come too? But I don't think there are any positions available. Let me ask around."

"Leave it to me, I know people."

Shortly after, the girl ended her call. She looked around and saw only Chu Yang typing away and organizing things. Her eyes immediately fell on a small ornament on Chu Yang's desk. She walked over and picked it up, "This is quite pretty. Can I have it?"

Chu Yang stopped typing and took it back, "I'm sorry, but no. This was a gift from my family." It was a souvenir Chi Yan had bought for her during a business trip, and she didn't want to give it away. If it were something else, it might have been fine.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Why are you so stingy? It's just a cheap little trinket." With that, she left in her high heels.

Chu Yang put the ornament back and continued working, with only the sound of her typing filling the office.

Not long after, her phone rang, "Mommy, are you off work yet?" It was Huohuo. Having just learned to make phone calls, Huohuo often called her secretly when no one was paying attention.

Chu Yang checked the time, 4:30 PM, "Not yet, honey. I still have half an hour to go. How was your day at home? Were you good?"

"I was good. Huohuo is always good. Mommy, I miss you," Huohuo sniffled. He hadn't seen his mom for a day and was missing her.

"Good boy. Go watch some TV for now, and mommy will be home soon. I'll bring you a little present."

"Okay, mommy. I'll wait for you to come home."

"Mm-hmm. Bye-bye."

"Bye-bye, mommy."

After hanging up, Chu Yang continued working diligently. When the clock struck five, she shut down her computer, picked up her bag, and left work.

On her way home, she bought two toys: a witch figurine for Jiujiu and a dinosaur figurine for Huohuo.


Recently, Chi Yan's maternal grandfather was holding a birthday celebration, so Chu Yang took two days off. Besides attending the celebration, they would also stay for a day to let the elderly man see the children.

However, after taking two days off, someone reported her, claiming she wasn't doing any work, frequently took time off, and didn't deserve to work at the library. Everyone in the office knew about it.

The library director quietly called her in to reassure her, "Don't worry, I know your capabilities. Don't mind it, just keep doing your job well."

Chu Yang wondered who had reported her. She considered herself quite low-key, coming to work on time when there were no issues, not refusing regular work, and getting along well with her coworkers. She hadn't argued with anyone.

"I understand. Thank you, Director. I'll head out now."


Back at her desk, Wei Xi quietly approached her, "I know who reported you." She gestured with her eyes towards Liu Yuan, who was sitting with her legs crossed, admiring her nails. "I overheard her on the phone when I went to the bathroom. I can't believe she actually did it."

Chu Yang remembered refusing Liu Yuan's request for her ornament last time. Could it be because of that?

"Why would she report me?"

"I heard her say she wanted to arrange for someone to work here, but our positions are full. There needs to be a vacancy. So she decided to pick on the easiest target, which turned out to be you."

Chu Yang looked puzzled, "Me? An easy target? And if her connections are so powerful, couldn't she just ask the director to add another position?"

Wei Xi replied, "Maybe she saw you coming to work on time every day, often working in the office, so she thought you didn't have any backing."

Chu Yang said, "Alright then."

That night, lying in bed and chatting with Chi Yan, Chu Yang asked, "Do I look easy to bully?"

Chi Yan looked at his wife's rosy cheeks and planted a kiss on them, "Mm-hmm, very easy to bully. I want to bully you right now."

Chu Yang pushed him away, "I'm being serious."

Chi Yan hugged her, "What's wrong? Did someone bully you?"

Chu Yang explained the situation, "I never thought that doing my job properly would make people think I'm easy to bully."

Chi Yan kissed her cheek, "Sometimes the workplace can be like that."

"Is your company like that too?"

"I don't know about others, but those who work directly with me definitely don't behave that way. Don't be upset, I'll help you get back at them."

Chu Yang turned over and closed her eyes, "Forget it. It's not a big deal. Let's sleep."

Although Chu Yang said to let it go, the next day Chi Yan still instructed someone, "Help me investigate who reported my wife."

"Yes, sir."

Half a month later, Chu Yang was still working steadily. A confused Liu Yuan felt something was off, and the next moment she received an email saying that after evaluation, she didn't meet the job requirements and was being dismissed.

She hurriedly made a phone call, only to be immediately scolded, "What have you done? Did you report someone? Do you know who you reported? My goodness."

"Who? Wasn't it just someone without connections? If she had backing, why would she work so hard every day?"

The person on the other end nearly fainted from anger, "You started offending people without investigating anything! Your mother has really spoiled you rotten! That's the wife of the Chairman of Chi Corporation! Do you know how many projects at A University are invested in by Chi Corporation? They even directly donated a building! If it weren't for Mrs. Chi, do you think we could have received so many investments and donations? B University is Chairman Chi's alma mater, so why do you think they invest in A University as well, not just B University? You fool! Come back here immediately."

However, Liu Yuan's regret was useless. The next day, Chu Yang didn't see her at all.