This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel’s Supporting Role

Chapter 268

On this day, Chu Yang was in the study teaching Jiujiu how to use a crystal ball. Across from her, Jiujiu was wearing a witch costume, her face still bearing traces of baby fat. In front of her lay an open book, its contents covering the section about crystal balls. The witch costume was a custom-made gift from Chi Yan.

"The crystal ball is one of the most important tools for us witches to make prophecies, though it's not absolutely necessary. Using it makes prophecies easier and requires less Witchcraft. Moreover, the crystal ball isn't just for prophecies; in case of danger, you can also use it to hit someone, though I don't recommend that."

Jiujiu pondered for a moment, then looked at Chu Yang. "Mom, have you ever hit someone with it?"

Chu Yang replied, "...Of course." That's why her heirloom crystal ball had shattered... The memory still pained her.

Jiujiu's eyes widened in admiration. "Wow! Mom, did you hit bad people with it?"

Chu Yang nodded, "Yes. But I'd suggest using a staff if you need to hit someone. At least a staff won't break as easily."


"Now, let me demonstrate how to use the crystal ball for prophecies. First, place your hand on the crystal ball, channel your Witchcraft into it, and think about what you want to know..."

Soon, the room lit up. Chu Yang saw an image in the crystal ball of Huohuo running into the room and then falling.

Withdrawing her Witchcraft, the crystal ball dimmed. Chu Yang opened her eyes and placed the ball in front of Jiujiu. "Now, you try."

Jiujiu stood up and put her little hands on the crystal ball. She closed her eyes and began to channel her Witchcraft... However, her face soon turned pale. She abruptly opened her eyes and fell back into her chair, bumping the table. The crystal ball nearly rolled off, and Jiujiu looked at Chu Yang with fear in her eyes.

Chu Yang quickly caught the crystal ball and set it down safely. She asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Jiujiu's eyes flashed with terror as she reached out to Chu Yang, who hurried over to hug her. "What happened? Did you see something bad?"

Jiujiu nodded, "Mom, I saw lots of houses falling down."

Chu Yang frowned, using a healing spell to help her recover. "What houses falling down?"

Jiujiu shook her head, "I don't know, Mom. I saw lots of people crying. Mom, I'm scared." She hugged Chu Yang tightly.

Chu Yang quickly comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay. What you saw might not be real, and Mom's here. You're safe, don't worry."


Chu Yang said, "That's enough learning for today. The nanny just made some cake. Go have some, and remember to rinse your mouth afterward, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Mom."

"Off you go." Jiujiu's spirits lifted, and Chu Yang let her go.

After Jiujiu left, Chu Yang picked up the crystal ball and began to prophesy. Many houses falling down, many people crying – something big must be happening.

The crystal ball glowed brightly as Chu Yang frowned, her expression grave. Sweat dripped from her forehead... Chu Yang opened her eyes and looked at the sky outside. Birds flitted across, leaving traces in the clear, sunny sky. Everything seemed so beautiful, but...

In the evening, Chi Yan returned home. As usual, he hugged Chu Yang first, then the two children. But when he embraced Chu Yang, he noticed her preoccupied expression and immediately asked with concern, "What's wrong? Did something happen today? Did the children give you trouble?"

Chi Yan looked at the two children.

Jiujiu and Huohuo shook their heads in unison. "No, no, I was very good. Didn't cause any trouble."

Chu Yang, standing nearby, took his hand. "No, the children were all well-behaved today. I'll tell you tonight. Let's have dinner first."


After dinner, the family of four went for a walk, then returned home. The children studied, bathed, and went to bed. Only after the children were asleep did Chu Yang and Chi Yan return to their room to talk privately.

Sitting on the bed, Chi Yan held Chu Yang's hand. "What's wrong? Didn't you say you were teaching Jiujiu about the crystal ball today? Did something happen?"

Chu Yang looked at him. "When Jiujiu was prophesying, she said she saw many houses collapsing and many people crying. She was very scared. After comforting her, I made a prophecy myself and discovered that an earthquake will occur in a few days, and... it will be big."

Chi Yan also became serious. "Where?"

"I looked into it today, and it should be in Yuanqiu City." She had seen a bridge in her vision, which was a famous landmark in Yuanqiu City. Chu Yang nestled in Chi Yan's arms. "I'm afraid."

Chi Yan held her tightly. "Don't be afraid. I'll take care of it. Don't worry."

"It will be very serious."

Chi Yan comforted her, "It's okay. Trust me. I've always handled the things you've told me about well, haven't I? This time will be no different."

Chu Yang looked up at him. "Should I make it public?"

Chi Yan nodded. "Give me the account details. I'll have someone post it for you. Leave everything to me. Don't worry or be afraid. If... if we can't save everyone, it's not your fault, you know that, right?" Chi Yan was worried Chu Yang might blame herself.



Soon after, the Prophecy Little Witch account was trending, even reaching the top spot. Some people grumbled as they clicked to see who would be so blatant as to buy their way to the top of the trending list.

But then after they clicked in...

"No way?"

"Are you sure?"

"Where's the National Earthquake Bureau? Is this information real?"

"It can't be. My family is in Yuanqiu City. There hasn't been an earthquake here for fifty years, even though we are on a fault line."

"Accounts spreading rumors will be banned, right?"

"I think it might be true. Some fortune-telling bloggers have indeed mentioned that something big might happen in the country in the coming days."

"I know this Prophecy Little Witch. They've trended before, and every prediction they've made has turned out to be true."

"I've followed this blogger before. Everything they've said has indeed been true."

"Oh my god, better safe than sorry. Really."


Of course, officials had noticed this message. The Earthquake Bureau was already discussing it. "Check the fault lines in Yuanqiu City. Have they been active recently?"

"Professor Chen, that area has indeed been more active lately. An earthquake is possible, but we don't know how strong it might be."

"Keep observing. Report to me immediately if there's any news."

"Yes, sir."

Yuanqiu City had naturally noticed this message, given that it was the top trending topic.

Soon, #YuanqiuCityEarthquake# was also trending.

Mayor Cui of Yuanqiu City ordered, "Get me in touch with this blogger!"

"Yes, sir."

After some effort, they finally contacted the owner of the Prophecy Little Witch account. "Hello, we're staff from the Yuanqiu City government. Mayor Cui would like to ask you some questions. Is that alright?"

A male voice came through, "Yes, that's fine."