This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel’s Supporting Role

Chapter 266

Chu Yang rarely played games. Although she had filmed a promotional video for that Western fantasy game, she hadn't actually played it. One day, out of boredom, she decided to give it a try. The game was already installed on her home computer.

Chu Yang logged in directly using the account Chi Yan had given her. Though she wasn't a gaming enthusiast, she had some basic knowledge. As soon as she logged in, she found her character lying on a bed. Not only that, but there were three other characters on the bed as well.

Looking at the names, she saw Chi Family YangYang, Chi Yan, Chi Jiujiu, and Chi Huohuo... Clearly a family, all wearing identical outfits.

The other three characters weren't online, so their figures were grayed out. Only Chi Family YangYang could move at the moment.

Chu Yang made her character get out of bed and leave the room. Outside, she found a garden full of flowers and various luxurious objects. However, being just a string of data, Chu Yang wasn't particularly impressed.

She guided her character out of the house and suddenly found herself on a street. The street was bustling with both NPCs and obvious player characters.

As soon as Chu Yang appeared, she didn't notice that many of the people idling on the street were instantly attracted to her.

Her character was wearing a complete set of god-tier limited edition clothes, with maxed-out weapons and accessories, all with full bonuses. Not only that, but she was accompanied by a limited edition pet raven.

"Who is this rich lady, Chi Family YangYang? Why haven't we heard of her before?"

While Chu Yang was still familiarizing herself with the controls, someone suddenly challenged her to a duel. Not understanding the system, Chu Yang accidentally accepted with a single click.

The challenger immediately struck with their weapon, reducing Chu Yang's health by 10%. As they prepared to use a second skill, Chu Yang panicked and started clicking randomly, activating whatever ability was lit up.

Five seconds later, her opponent's character collapsed, while her own character's health began to regenerate.

The spectators around them were shocked.

"Holy crap!"

"Is this the joy of being rich? One hit for 99% damage, two hits and even a strong player goes down! And she's regenerating health on top of that?!"

"Is this not cheating? How can she be so powerful?"

Suddenly, Chu Yang found herself inundated with friend requests.

She rejected them all, but people started sending her private messages:

"Rich lady, I'm hungry. Feed me?"

"Baby, add me as a friend?"

"Interested in joining a rich ladies' group?"

Some were more serious: "How did you manage to kill someone in two hits?"

"Where did you get those clothes? Are they for sale? I can make an offer."

"Are you taking on apprentices, boss?"

"You're amazing, boss!"

Finding it tedious, Chu Yang logged off.

However, screenshots of her game character had already been posted on the forum.

"[Image] Does anyone know who this Chi Family YangYang is? She showed up today decked out in god-tier limited edition clothes and accessories, killing someone in two hits. Someone estimated the price - her outfit alone is worth at least 5 million in real currency, and that weapon is another 2 million. Not to mention everything else. We know there are rich players in the game, but I've never seen such a complete set. Everyone knows how rare god-tier items are - the richest player on our server has only accumulated five god-tier items. This person has a full set."

"Which rich family is she from? Never seen her before."

"Wait, have you noticed she's not on the rich players' ranking? Could she be a staff member?"

"Must be staff, definitely."

"No way, Chi Corporation's game department has staff who stream, and I've watched them. There's no one called Chi Family YangYang. I think staff names are like 'Game Department No.1', 'Game Department No.2', and so on."

"Her surname is Chi, so she must be staff. Maybe it's a new account."

"Could it be a cheater? How can someone have such amazing equipment and not be on the rankings? I'm going to report this. Doesn't look like staff at all - she's not even responding to friend requests or private messages."

However, shortly after, those who reported received a response: "Report unsuccessful. The account you reported belongs to the Madam. There are no issues with the account."


What did that mean? What Madam?

The person who reported shared a screenshot of this response, asking, "What does this mean?"

Everyone: ...

"OP, you're brave. You reported the Madam's account."

"Haha, so that account must belong to the Chi Corporation BOSS's little wife."

"No wonder she exudes such rich lady vibes."

"We apologize for our rudeness. So it's the Madam. Greetings, Madam."

"We apologize for our rudeness. So it's the Madam. Greetings, Madam."

"We apologize for our rudeness. So it's the Madam. Greetings, Madam."

... Before long, everyone knew. It turned out that not only was there a Chi Family YangYang in the game, but also Chi Yan, Chi Jiujiu, and Chi Huohuo. The entire family of the Chi Corporation BOSS had accounts in the game. Moreover, all these accounts were equipped with powerful god-tier sets and lived in a luxurious mansion. However, they rarely logged in. Only once had someone spotted all four accounts standing together in a valley, seemingly posing for a screenshot.

"Is Boss Chi so romantic? A family of four in real life, and a family of four in the game. Hahaha!"

"They're even wearing matching family outfits. I'm so envious."

"Don't tell me the character models are based on their real appearances too."

"If that's true, the Chi family must all be heavenly beautiful."

"I've seen Boss Chi once. He was breathtaking, even more handsome than many celebrities."


When Chu Yang logged into the game, Chi Yan received a notification. "You played the game? Was it fun?"

Chu Yang: "...A lot of people tried to add me as a friend."

Chi Yan frowned: "Reject them." How dare they try to add his wife? He forgot to set her account to automatically reject friend requests from strangers.

Chu Yang: "Mm. I rejected them all. I logged off because they kept asking me questions."

Chi Yan: "Don't worry about them. Next time, I'll play with you."


Although she agreed, Chu Yang never logged in again... Subsequent logins were all Chi Yan or Chi Jiujiu playing.

But in the game world, the legend of the Madam continued to circulate...