This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel’s Supporting Role

Chapter 259

"What the hell, the game is updating again? Didn't it just update last week?"

"What's going on? Is there a new dungeon?"

"Since this game is updating, I'll switch to another one. Damn! This game is updating too?"

Before long, many people discovered that all the games under Chi Corporation were updating.

"What's happening, is it a bug?"

"Did something happen to the company?"

"What's going on? Why are so many games updating?"

"A major update in the gaming industry, what's the reason behind it?"

Two hours later, all the game official accounts updated with new content: To celebrate our chairman becoming a father, this game has prepared free gifts for all participants, everyone can log in to claim them for free.

Chi Corporation also posted on social media: To celebrate our chairman becoming a father, we're giving away 10,000 yuan to 100 lucky reposters, 50 Chi Family Technology product gifts, and 10 snack gift boxes.

"Holy crap! Dad!"

"Thanks, Dad. Congratulations, Dad!"

"Congratulations, Dad!"

"A little prince (or princess) born in Rome! Congratulations!"

"Chairman Chi must be very happy, putting on such a big show."

"Oh my god, there are not only gifts in the game, but fireworks keep going off. Wow, what a godlike father."

"Congratulations to Chairman Chi."

"My goodness, it's like New Year's in the game."

"I noticed all the NPCs have become much friendlier."

"Truly a godlike father."

"Just don't know if it's a boy or a girl."


Meanwhile, Chu Yang was already in the Postpartum Care Hospital, spending her days with the baby, getting massages from therapists, recovering, and eating various nutritious meals.

Chi Yan would come to accompany her as soon as he got off work. When Chi Yan was at work, Chu's Mom and Chi Yan's Mother were always there, along with her father-in-law. Sometimes Chi Xin would also come to see the baby. Chi's Eldest Aunt and Great-Uncle, who were thousands of miles away, had prepared gifts.

And Chu's Dad, the moment he received the call, had slaughtered all the hens at home and brought all sorts of food to Jing City.

Chi Jiaran's nickname was Jiu Jiu, taken from part of the character "ran."

A group of people surrounded Jiu Jiu, constantly cooing at her.

"Oh my, our Jiu Jiu is so cute."

"Eyes like her mother, mouth like her father, she inherited her parents' looks. Our Jiu Jiu will definitely be beautiful when she grows up."

"Jiu Jiu, I'm your great-uncle."

"I'm your maternal grandfather, you know."

"Oh, she's yawning, she must be tired."

"Even her yawn is so adorable."


During Chu Yang's confinement period, Jin Yang and the others also came to visit. Seeing the adorable Jiu Jiu, everyone's hearts melted. Wei Feng, Yuan Zhi, and the others even argued about who would be the godfather.

"My wife is godmother number one, so I must be the godfather."

"I should be the godfather, I calculated that Jiu Jiu and I have a connection."

"You calculated? How did you calculate that?"

"I calculated it by hand."


Besides Jin Yang and the others, ladies like Madam Zhuang had also visited. Madam Zhuang had given birth to her child long ago, and she and her husband had moved out of the Zhuang family home.

"Let me tell you, babies change every day. When she was just born, I said, 'Why is she so ugly?' Then my mom hit me, saying she's so beautiful, how could I say she's ugly? I didn't believe it, but surprisingly, she became beautiful two days later."

"It's like that. When Jiu Jiu first came out, she looked like a little monkey, but everyone said she was beautiful."

"My little one can already call mom and dad now, but she cries if she doesn't see me for a day. She's a bit clingy."

"Jiu Jiu seems quite good so far, looks quite well-behaved."

"She looks well-behaved to me too, and she looks like you, beautiful."


After half a month of postpartum care, Chu Yang's witch powers slowly began to recover, partly because one night Chi Yan kissed her when no one was paying attention, giving her some yang energy which helped her recover faster.

Chu Yang stroked Jiu Jiu's smooth little face, feeling that Jiu Jiu would definitely become an outstanding witch in the future.

That night, Chu Yang was already asleep, and Chi Yan was sleeping on the couch in the room. There was also a nanny resting in the living room outside. Suddenly, a loud crying sound came.

"Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah."

Chi Yan instantly woke up and started comforting the baby, "What's wrong, baby? Don't cry, don't cry."

But Jiu Jiu was still wailing at the top of her lungs.

The nanny quickly came in to help soothe the baby, and Chu Yang also woke up, "What's wrong? What's wrong with the baby? Is she hungry? Bring her to me."

Chi Yan handed the baby to Chu Yang, "I checked, she hasn't wet herself. I don't know if she needs to use the bathroom."

Chu Yang held the baby, trying to comfort her, and even tried to breastfeed, but the child wouldn't eat and kept crying, "Wah wah wah~"

The nanny took her to the bathroom, but she didn't poop either. She wouldn't eat anything, and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her body. Chu Yang tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't stop.

Chu Yang held her, "Something's not right." In these days, she had gotten used to it. Jiu Jiu would only cry when she was hungry or needed a diaper change. Usually, she was very well-behaved, and even when uncomfortable, she would just whimper a bit, not wail like this.

The nanny hesitated for a moment: "Could she have seen something?" It's said that young children can often see things that adults can't.

However, when Chu Yang heard this, she thought that maybe Jiu Jiu had indeed seen something, just not quite the same as what the nanny meant.

Was something about to happen?

Chu Yang immediately released her witch power to take a look. Outside her room door, there were two sneaky figures who then entered the room next door and carried out a baby.

There seemed to be another pregnant woman there, whom Chu Yang hadn't met but had heard about in passing.

Stealing a baby? Or swapping babies?

Chu Yang's eyes flew open instantly. She held Jiu Jiu's little hand, "Don't cry, don't cry. Mommy sees it, baby, don't worry."

Jiu Jiu finally stopped crying, whimpering a bit, her little face still wet with tears, her mouth making "mm mm" sounds as if trying to say something, her little hand constantly grasping Chu Yang's finger.

Chi Yan came over, "What's wrong?"

Chu Yang whispered the situation in Chi Yan's ear.

Chi Yan tensed up, "I'll handle it. You rest easy."


Chu Yang lulled Jiu Jiu to sleep, then asked the nanny to go rest. Chi Yan made a phone call to have people come over.

Jiu Jiu quickly fell back asleep. Chu Yang tapped her forehead lightly, thinking her daughter's abilities were even more impressive than she had imagined. She could already prophesy at such a young age. "Grow up well, my dear."

At around 3 AM, when everyone was deep in sleep, two shadowy figures appeared in the corridor.

"Will we be discovered?"

"No, we won't."

"What if the child wakes up and cries?"

"Don't worry, I've prepared some drugs. One spray and they'll fall asleep."


The two snuck into the room next to Chu Yang's, and not long after, they came out, quietly closing the door. Their hearts were pounding; they couldn't believe how smoothly it had gone. Just one more step...

However, just as the two had closed the door and were about to sneak away... suddenly, the entire corridor lit up. The two found themselves surrounded by black-suited bodyguards, both in front and behind.

Their legs went weak... and they collapsed to the ground.