This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel’s Supporting Role

Chapter 257

Recently, there was a midterm exam, and Professor Li asked Chu Yang to help invigilate, as it was a relatively easy task, so he assigned it to her.

Chu Yang had no objections. When she walked into the classroom with the exam papers, the students there thought she was a student too. However, they hadn't seen her before, and she appeared to be pregnant. Zhang Moxuan was surprised to see such a prominent figure and was so excited she almost ran over to greet her.

The class monitor, being more experienced, recognized Chu Yang. She approached the front and said, "Hello, Senior Chu Yang."

Chu Yang smiled at her, "Hello. I'm here to invigilate today. Everyone, please take your seats. The exam is about to begin."

The class monitor was surprised and delighted, "Oh, Senior Chu Yang is invigilating! Let me help you distribute the papers."

Chu Yang nodded, "Alright, thank you."

"No need to thank me."

Chu Yang opened the exam papers and distributed them with the class monitor's help. Noticing some students still whispering, she immediately tapped on the desk, "No more talking, please. The exam has begun."

Everyone immediately fell silent and started working on their papers.

Chu Yang sat at the podium, watching. Simply observing like this was a bit boring, so she occasionally walked around the room. Some students appeared to be top performers, writing non-stop, while others were scratching their heads, barely able to write anything.

The exam lasted for an hour and a half and quickly came to an end.

"Everyone, please pass your papers forward from the back," Chu Yang stood up to collect the exam papers.

As Chu Yang was organizing the papers, someone asked the class monitor, "Monitor, do you know today's teacher?"

The monitor shook her head, "She's not a teacher, she's a senior student, in her second year of graduate studies. Senior Chu Yang is the pride of our college and Professor Li's student."

"Ah, is Senior Chu Yang the one who won second place in the National Chinese Literature Competition a few years ago? So it's her!"

"Senior is amazing. I can't believe she's pregnant."

"I heard she got married right after graduating from her bachelor's degree."

Zhang Moxuan, who was nearby, overheard this. So the impressive senior was from her college! Zhang Moxuan approached the podium, "Hello, Senior. Do you remember me?"

Chu Yang was putting the exam papers into a bag, preparing to leave. Hearing this, she looked up. Her memory was quite good, and it hadn't been long since their previous encounter.

"Ah, it's you. Thank you for the candy."

Zhang Moxuan waved her hands, "No, no, I should thank you. I had no idea you were from our college, Senior. I really want to thank you for before..."

To prevent Zhang Moxuan from saying more, Chu Yang put her finger to her lips and made a "shh" sound, "It's a secret."

Zhang Moxuan immediately mimicked zipping her mouth, "I understand."

Chu Yang smiled, "I have to go now. See you around."

"Bye-bye, Senior."

Chu Yang left with the exam papers.

Someone who saw Zhang Moxuan talking to Chu Yang asked her after Chu Yang left, "Moxuan, you know the senior?"

Zhang Moxuan looked proud, "I met her once before. The senior helped me out."

Chu Yang dropped off the exam papers at the office and, seeing it was about time, decided to leave. She called Wen Yi directly: "Come pick me up." She had nothing else to do in the afternoon, so it was better to stay at home.


Back at home, Wen Yi first arranged for someone to check her pulse. "The baby is fine. It would be good for madam to maintain a certain amount of daily walking."

"Okay, thank you."

In the afternoon, Chu Yang sat in the shaded area of the garden, with snacks on a small table beside her. She was reading a book, with clouds drifting lazily across the sky. It was very pleasant.

After a while, two crows flew over and perched on the table. The servants, already accustomed to this, immediately brought over some food.

The crows cawed twice, then buried their beaks in the tasty treats.

After finishing their meal, they circled around Chu Yang, cawing.

"You're saying you've built your nest here? Where exactly?" Chu Yang asked.

"Caw caw."

"By the lake? How's the scenery there?" To be honest, Chu Yang hadn't explored much of the surroundings despite living in the Chi Family Mansion for so long.

The Chi Family Mansion occupied roughly the top of a hill, and the entire estate was already quite large. Fortunately, with many servants around, it didn't feel empty. Surrounding the mansion were lawns, forests, lakes, and reportedly even a wine cellar, though Chu Yang hadn't seen it.

"Caw caw."

"The scenery is nice, huh? Do you like it?"

"Caw caw." They liked it.

"That's good."

Chu Yang stroked the heads of the two crows. Soon after, having eaten and drunk their fill, the crows flew away.

In the evening, Chi Yan returned home. As soon as he entered, he changed his shoes, washed his hands, and then came over to press his ear against Chu Yang's belly. "Has the baby been troubling you?"

Chu Yang shook her head, "No. She's been very good."

"That's good." Chi Yan lifted his head from her belly and gave Chu Yang a kiss. "Mom's been working hard today."

Chu Yang stroked his face, "Dad's been working hard too. Work must have been tiring."

Chi Yan smiled and hugged her. Just then, the housekeeper announced that dinner was ready.

Chi Yan immediately helped Chu Yang up to go eat.

At bedtime, Chi Yan took a book and read to Chu Yang's belly. He had recently been reading books about prenatal care and learned that they could start prenatal education. So every night, Chi Yan would read little stories to the baby in Chu Yang's belly.

After finishing the story, it was almost time to sleep. However, looking at Chu Yang in the lamplight, Chi Yan found himself more and more enamored. He leaned in to kiss her once, then again and again. Because of Chu Yang's pregnancy, Chi Yan had trouble getting used to sleeping arrangements at first. He used to sleep while hugging her, but now that wasn't possible. There was a long body pillow between them, and not only that, he had been abstinent for a long time. Even when kissing Chu Yang, he didn't dare to go too far, afraid he might lose control.

But Chu Yang, worried he might suffer from the restraint, sometimes used special methods to help him.

Tonight was similar. Chu Yang buried her head in his chest, her ears and cheeks flushed red from embarrassment...

Outside, the wind rustled through the trees, its sound masking the noises from the room...

In the lamplight, Chi Yan's face looked like that of an alluring male spirit...

Chu Yang kept her eyes closed, her eyelashes fluttering. She didn't dare to open her eyes and look.

Seeing her like this, Chi Yan smiled and lowered his head to kiss her eyes. "Open your eyes and look at me, will you?"

Chu Yang's eyes moved slightly, and as soon as she opened them, she was drawn into Chi Yan's gaze. His eyes, filled with deep affection and desire, looked at her, making her blush and her heart race. Before Chu Yang could close her eyes again, she was kissed. "Such a good wife."


After a while, Chi Yan helped her tidy up, then tidied himself. He kissed Chu Yang's forehead, "Goodnight."


The next morning, Chi Yan got up quietly. As he was getting dressed, Chu Yang groggily sat up. Chi Yan walked over and kissed her, "I'm off to work, wife."

Chu Yang's eyes were still closed, "Mm-hmm. Take care."

Stroking Chu Yang's cheek, Chi Yan then left the room. Outside, his secretary had arrived early and was waiting.