This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel’s Supporting Role

Chapter 246

Li Hui and the others were instructed by the school leaders not to say anything. "Don't ask around, don't spread rumors, we can't say anything. You all should go back now, we're both tired."

"But this makes us even more terrified!"

"Just go back for now, the leaders won't let us say anything."

"Come on, let's not stay here anymore."

Li Hui shooed the people away and closed the door.

Looking at Chen Lian's bed, he noticed the person hadn't returned yet. "Where did he go?"

Zhong Xin shook his head, "Who cares where he went? I think we need to change dorm rooms." As Zhong Xin spoke, he picked up a cup to get some water, but Li Hui immediately stopped him, "Don't drink that, aren't you afraid it might be poisoned?"

Zhong Xin froze and didn't dare to drink, even though they had analyzed that only Chu Luo's cup was poisoned and the rest of the place was fine. "I really think we should change rooms."

Li Hui nodded, "I agree."


Although they weren't allowed to talk about it, everyone was gossiping like crazy behind the scenes. All kinds of rumors and speculations were circulating, and some accounts even got banned.

During classes, teachers also instructed students not to talk about it carelessly.

Chu Luo left with Chu Yang and the others. Chu Yang took him to the hospital first: "Let's get a physical examination to check your health."

Chu Luo didn't object and obediently went for the check-up. He still couldn't figure out who would try to poison him, and he also didn't know how Chu Yang knew someone had poisoned him.

Chu Luo had actually noticed some things. Every year during holidays when Chu Yang was at home, whenever she looked up and said it was going to rain or snow, it would always come true, even though the weather forecast said otherwise. At first, he listened because he was obedient, but later he believed her.

Not only that, he also remembered that one time when he was playing with village children on a frozen lake. Chu Yang had run over and told him to get off the ice, and she ended up saving someone. If it weren't for her, he might have sunk into the lake, and the consequences would have been unthinkable.

Many things didn't stand up to scrutiny, and there were flaws when examined closely, but Chu Yang had never tried to hide anything.

Chu Luo blinked but didn't ask, obediently following the doctor for the examination.

The results came back quickly, showing nothing wrong except that he might be a bit nearsighted.

Chu Yang asked, "Is it because you've been studying too hard? Or staying up late watching videos?"

Chu Luo replied, "...No."

Chu Yang said, "If not, then never mind. Let's have the housekeeper make him more carrots when we get back, they're good for the eyes."

Chi Yan said, "I'll tell the housekeeper."


Chu Luo: ...

That evening, just as the dorm was about to close, Chen Lian finally returned from outside. Li Hui saw him and asked, "You're finally back? Were you at the library?"

Chen Lian seemed flustered for some reason and snapped, "What's it to you?"

Li Hui: "Hey, you..."

Zhong Xin quickly stopped him, "Shh." He glanced secretly at Chen Lian, then sent a message to Li Hui on his phone: Didn't you say Chen Lian and Chu Luo got into a fight before? And Chen Lian got punched by Chu Luo, leaving his mouth bruised?

Li Hui: Yeah, why?

Zhong Xin: No one else came into our room today, right? Do you think it could be Chen...

Li Hui: No way... I'm scared.

Zhong Xin: Don't drink the water. Don't eat anything.

Li Hui: What if I'm thirsty...

Zhong Xin: Next door.

The neighboring dorm was also discussing the incident.

"This is a big deal, poisoning! It's attempted murder!"

"My god, how terrifying."

"Who could have done it?"

Qian Zhong: "See, being too eye-catching is dangerous. He nearly got killed."

"Qian Zhong, what are you saying? It's not Chu Luo's fault. How can you blame the victim?"

Qian Zhong rolled his eyes, "Well, why didn't they poison someone else instead of him?"

"Hey, what kind of thinking is that? You didn't poison him, did you?" A guy looked at him suspiciously.

Another guy chimed in, "Come to think of it, you did seem suspicious last time. You could be a suspect."

"Doesn't that mean we're in danger too?"

Qian Zhong got upset, "What are you talking about? It wasn't me."

"What, we can't even suspect you? We didn't say it was you, why are you panicking?"

Jin Ye also looked at him, "You'd better not have done it, or you're really tired of living."

Qian Zhong quickly covered himself with his blanket, "It really wasn't me."

The next day, the police questioned the people in Jin Ye's dorm room as well.

"We heard you're jealous of Chu Yang?" the police asked Qian Zhong.

Qian Zhong panicked, "It really wasn't me."

"What are you yelling about? Just answer yes or no."

Qian Zhong: "Yes, yes. But only a little bit."

Police: "Why?"

Qian Zhong: "Why? How come a country bumpkin like Chu Luo is so capable? I'm sure it's because of his sister who married into a rich family."

The police exchanged a look, silently judging him. They had investigated and found that Chu Luo was hardworking, diligent, and actually quite nice. He was always either at the library or working part-time jobs.

Some people really had strange ways of thinking.

After asking a few more questions, they ruled out Qian Zhong as a suspect.


The case wasn't difficult to solve, and the results came out quickly. It was Chen Lian from Chu Luo's dorm room, who had done it because of the argument they had before where Chu Luo had beaten him up.

Chu Yang was surprised that Chu Luo would actually hit someone.

"Why did you hit him?" Chu Yang didn't blame Chu Luo, she was just curious.

Chu Luo hesitated, "It was nothing, he insulted me."

Chu Yang: "What did he say?"

Chu Luo: "He said I was better looking than him."

Chu Yang: ...

Chi Yan chuckled, "I used to get insulted like that all the time. Ah, being too handsome really is a burden."

Chu Yang glared at him, telling him to be quiet.

As for the aftermath, when Chen Lian's parents came to apologize and beg for forgiveness, Chu Yang didn't appear. Everything was handled by the lawyers. Adults need to face the consequences of their actions.

When Chu Luo returned to school, his dorm room had been changed. Chu Yang even helped him move his belongings personally. "Sometimes it's okay to use your connections. As long as people are wary of your influence, they won't dare to bully you."

"I understand."

Not long after this incident, Chu Luo's sister's identity was revealed.

"So Chi Yan from the Chi Corporation is actually Chu Luo's brother-in-law?"

"Wow, Chi Yan senior used to be a student at our B University too!"

"I know, I know! Senior Chi Yan proposed to his girlfriend at school during graduation. A lot of people knew about it."

"I heard his wife was from A University, and they dated for three years before getting married right after graduation."

"It must be Senior Chu Yang. She's currently doing her postgraduate studies at A University."

"Quite a few people knew about them back then. After all, everyone seemed pretty interested in the love story of a handsome guy and a beautiful girl."

"Getting married right after graduation, how blissful."


"Chu Luo, your brother-in-law is Chi Yan?"

Chu Luo replied expressionlessly, "Yes."

"That's amazing."

Chu Luo: ... He didn't know what was so amazing about it. If only they had seen Chi Yan being chased and pecked by a goose. He wasn't even as capable as Chu Luo in that situation; at least Chu Luo knew how to catch a goose.

Chu Luo was referring to a time when Chi Yan visited his home. Chi Yan had been following Chu Yang around like a puppy, and then they came across some geese that someone in the village was raising. Chi Yan, who had never seen such a sight before, found it interesting and went to observe the flock of geese. He ended up being chased and pecked, yelling for help. Chu Luo had to drive the geese away to rescue him, while Chu Yang was doubled over with laughter. It had been quite an amusing scene.