This Female Celebrity Comes from the Cultivation World

Chapter 85

When he asked this question, the other crew members did not dare to answer. After all, they had never done this before.

But in the end, they still could not stand Shi Fei's pressure, and went from door to door in the town to inquire. Finally, they found out the address of this cat's family and its parents.

It was born to a house cat and a stray cat. It was raised by the residents and tourists in the town.

That is to say, it was free and independent.

Shi Fei was a reasonable person.

After finding the biological parents of the black cat, he gave each cat a box of cans and cat food as compensation, and even treated the cats in the town to a big meal.

No cats stood up against it!

Well, no one did either.

After an afternoon of intense discussion, the entire crew formulated a weight loss plan for the black cat, hoping that it could quickly lose three catties in a month to cooperate with the crew's work schedule.

The crew dragged on, this movie could be finished in a month, and the cat should finish too.


To lose weight, you just have to do two things well, watch your mouth and move your legs.

Healthier cat food can be fed, but it's hard to move your legs.

To this end, the solution devised by the crew was to buy a rope for little black fat and take it for a walk every day.

Force the cat to exercise in order to achieve the purpose of losing weight and slimming down.

In addition, some cat toys can also be bought to attract the cat to exercise more.

Xiao Yang's daily work tasks have added another item, walking the cat.

In the morning, when everyone else was working and eating breakfast, Xiao Yang took Little Black Fat for a walk. At noon, when other cats were having dinner, Little Black Fat reluctantly ate the weight-loss cat food carefully prepared by the crew, eating and vomiting.

In the afternoon, when other cats were basking in the sun in various parts of the yard or lying on the surrounding walls, Little Black Fat was dragged into the yard and forced to play with cat toys.

The effect was immediate. In just a few days, Little Black Fat went from a chubby black cat that liked to roll around and dig through the grass, lively, cute and innocent, to a fat black cat that often lay motionless on the ground.

The whole cat's temperament and style were completely different from before!

Shi Fei was very satisfied with this initial training result!

"Not bad! There is still some effect. This look is quite like the cat in my script! Little Black Fat, you are really amazing!" Shi Fei said as he stroked the cat's head.

Little Black Fat did not resist at all, not even blinking an eye.

Other cats still squatted in corners of the yard or lay on the walls, basking lazily in the sun.

Shi Fei seemed to notice the cat's unhappiness, scratched his head and said, "You can't keep calling it, let's give it a name!"

"How about calling it Fat Ball?"


No one dared to say this name was not good, and no one said it was good.

Someone advised, "Director, this cat is losing weight! Is calling it Fat Ball unlucky?"

"It does seem to be the case! Then what should we name it?"

All kinds of popular names were shouted out from the crowd, but one name stood out in particular. "How about calling it Ao Bai?"

With a circle of white fur around its chin, calling it Ao Bai would be very suitable!

"Ao Bai is a pretty good name!" Shi Fei nodded.

He also wanted the role in his movie to become a classic!

White-bearded Ao Bai is very classic. This name is not only descriptive, but also very auspicious!

Just like that, Little Black Fat got its own role name in the crew, Ao Bai.

Every day when they met Xiao Yang training the cat, the crew members who saw them would greet Xiao Yang and also greet Ao Bai. "Ao Bai, good morning! Going to work out again?"

"Ao Bai, walk nicely, lift your legs, hold your head high, walk out your cat steps! You are the best little kitty!"

After a while, Ao Bai seemed to know that this name was calling it, and would occasionally respond.

While Song Jixing was painfully working overtime shooting scenes, Ao Bai was training.

When Song Jixing took a half-day break, Ao Bai was losing weight, without missing a day.

Heaven helps those who help themselves. After a month of training, Ao Bai finally slimmed down! It became a burly black cat!

The shots Shi Fei needed of the cat in the crew were very simple. The cat just needed to cooperate to walk a few cat steps, and give some looks.

Although Ao Bai couldn't find its mark, and would even add to its own scenes. But with Song Jixing's help, she slowly guided Ao Bai, and finally managed to finish shooting all of Ao Bai's scenes in three days!

Shi Fei excitedly shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Cut, Ao Bai has finished filming!"

With this, the entire crew was done filming!

"Everyone has worked hard! We've been busy for so long, we can finally rest for a bit! Let's eat well tonight!" Shi Fei continued to shout into the walkie-talkie.

Hearing the two words "filming finished", the crew members were very happy, and the atmosphere on set was enthusiastic.

Song Jixing finished filming her scenes the day before Ao Bai. The characters in the drama finished filming, but the animal trainer's job could not be abandoned.

She had to squat near the camera and direct Ao Bai's positioning and shooting angles.

Hearing the words "filming finished", Xiao Yang was very reluctant. She took out the leash she used to train the cat every day and said to Ao Bai: "Ao Bai, I won't have to take you for morning runs anymore starting tomorrow. Although you're a cat, exercise is still good for your health, you have to exercise more yourself, understand?"

Ao Bai seemed to understand Xiao Yang's words and meowed once.

Xiao Yang took the opportunity to stroke Ao Bai, and Ao Bai behaved indifferently, lying on the ground allowing Xiao Yang to rub him.

Shi Fei walked up to Song Jixing and thanked her for her efforts recently, "Little Song! You've really worked hard! Shooting for so long must have exhausted you. Go back and take a good rest for a while. Let's work together more in the future!"

Song Jixing: "It was fine, Director Shi you shot for so long too, you should rest more too."

In short, she didn't readily agree to cooperate on his next film.

Song Jixing accompanied the wrap party dinner, then went back to the crew to pack up her things and left Jiyu early the next morning.

Director Zhang's documentary did seem to have fallen through. With the remuneration from Shi Fei, Song Jixing was not in such a hurry to take other jobs, and planned to rest for a few days before taking more offers.

But things never go as planned.

Shen Feixian walked up to Song Jixing holding a laptop, and showed her the news on the screen.

It was about the recent missing persons cases that happened near the reservoir in Z City next to Y City.

Song Jixing took a glance but didn't really understand. Her gaze shifted to Shen Feixian next to her.

Shen Feixian moved the mouse to open a document.

The document had several news clippings and photos of seven people.

Shen Feixian: "These three people went missing near the reservoir, there were eyewitnesses who noticed their disappearance. These few didn't have eyewitnesses, and disappeared near the reservoir... "

"Although their families have reported them missing, the police are moving very slowly, still looking into their social connections. I checked their cell phone signals, and the last places they disappeared were all near the reservoir."

Now Song Jixing understood, something in the reservoir was up to no good!