This Female Celebrity Comes from the Cultivation World

Chapter 38

A man wearing a white T-shirt and shorts walked towards her. He looked like her junior brother!

No, it was her junior brother!

Sang Xueqing's attention was still on Song Jixing's hand. She had just seen Song Jixing cut her hand, which made Sang Xueqing cry out in fright.

"Are you really alright? But I clearly saw it just now..." Sang Xueqing said worriedly, "Or let me do it instead, don't trouble yourself."

Feng Juechen strode forward and greeted his senior sister: "Senior Sister, good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon!" Song Jixing replied with a smile.

Feng Juechen walked over to take a look at his senior sister in front of him, as well as the little girl who was holding her hand and didn't let go. His gaze lingered on their hands that were about to touch for a moment, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

After carefully examining Song Jixing's hand and making sure there really were no wounds, Sang Xueqing's attention was drawn to the person standing next to her.

When she looked up, she saw a fair-skinned man with cold and elegant eyebrows and bright stars in his eyes.

"Hello!" Sang Xueqing waved at Feng Juechen. She suddenly realized something as her eyes darted back and forth between the two people, "Do you two know each other?"


The two answered in unison.

"Oh!" Disappointment flashed across Sang Xueqing's eyes, and her smile was somewhat dry.

After realizing her junior brother had arrived, Song Jixing's mind was no longer on the picnic.

As the last guest to arrive, Feng Juechen brought firewood for cooking and lamps for lighting.

His arrival was unanimously welcomed by everyone.

As for what everyone cooked for dinner, Song Jixing didn't care too much. She just casually handled some shrimp from the bucket and grilled them over the fire.

Most of the ingredients that everyone found were seafood, but because there were no tools or materials, the fishy smell of most ingredients wasn't handled well.

Even so, everyone still enthusiastically shared the food they found with each other, and asked Feng Juechen to eat together.

Feng Juechen tried them one by one, and his expression became more and more silent.


The other guests also became less talkative after trying the food.

But with the cameras still rolling, everyone had to keep up appearances and liven up the atmosphere of the show, even if they didn't want to eat anymore.

The production team gave each person three flowers to vote and choose. Song Jixing's shrimp, which was not too fishy and a little salty, took first place. It was followed by Zhu Chongguang's fruit platter and Qiu Ye's grilled fish...

Sang Xueqing overcooked her fish paste, leaving it dry and crispy. She only got two pity votes - one from Hu Hui who also overcooked his dish, and the other vote was from Song Jixing. Although she got the least number of votes, Sang Xueqing was extremely happy when she saw Song Jixing vote for her.

With that, today's activity was not over yet.

It was not until the ranking of votes came out that everyone knew tonight's dinner would also be ranked accordingly.

First place - A luxury buffet dinner for two. They could order whatever they wanted on the island for dinner and bring one guest to dine together.

Second place - A solo seafood feast.

Third place - An ordinary three course meal.

The remaining guests could only eat vegetarian...

The couple's dinner prize was clearly meant to cause distress!

Song Jixing looked around with the ticket for two, and said apologetically, "My junior brother came today. I'd like to take him to dinner, is that okay?"

The fact that Feng Juechen was Song Jixing's junior brother came as a surprise to everyone, but they nodded and smiled along.

"Your junior brother is fine, fine! So he turned out to be your junior brother!"

"Are you guys from the same company?"

"How come you didn't mention it this afternoon?" Everyone asked one after another.

"We're not from the same company, we're from the same sect! We have a common master... I only found out this afternoon that my junior brother was participating in the show too." Song Jixing explained.

Although everyone still had a lot of questions, it was natural for her to take her junior brother out for dinner.

"Alright, enjoy your dinner!" Han Yusheng said boldly.

As they watched the two walk away, the smile on Sang Xueqing's face dropped again.

There were many cameras overhead, and three or four cameras in the restaurant where they ate dinner recorded the entire process.

Even though Song Jixing had a lot of questions she wanted to ask, she still restrained herself properly and finished dinner with her junior brother.

Then she found a place with no people or cameras and greeted him.


"Senior sister, I don't intend to become an artist or actor. I think senior sister's job is very tiring, so I want to help. I just randomly found a job. My brother helped me solve the problem with my identity. He got me an ID card and had them sign the contract under your name. The money will be transferred to your card, senior sister."

"Today's job was arranged by the person who brought me into the company." Feng Juechen said with an increasingly innocent smile.

Song Jixing's expression became more and more serious as she listened.

They had known each other for more than a hundred years. Song Jixing knew her junior brother's character all too clearly. Feng Juechen looked harmless on the outside, but those who could make a name for themselves in the Judicial Court, much less the entire sect, were no lightweights.

No one could force him to do what he didn't want to do.

Song Jixing did not intend to take issue with Feng Juechen for suddenly participating in the show, even if he did so intentionally. But she had to question the ID card issue.

"Where did you guys get the ID card?" To actually dare to randomly make one?

Feng Juechen's innocent expression: "From a roadside fake ID maker!"

A fake ID?

"How was the contract signed?"

"Senior sister, I didn't intend to become a celebrity in the first place. But that talent scout kept dragging me and wouldn't let me go. My brother later checked on him before letting his guard down. I made up an excuse that I was underage and could only sign a contract under a family member's name." Feng Juechen said earnestly.

One surname Song, one surname Feng. How do they look like family?

Perhaps Feng Juechen could see the doubt in Song Jixing's eyes all too clearly.

He added, "I did some research. In this world, when people raise children, they emphasize fairness - one child takes the father's surname and the other takes the mother's."

Song Jixing: ......

But she was an orphan.

"So do you want to be an artist? Artists sign contracts for years..." Song Jixing said.

Seeing this, Feng Juechen's smile grew even brighter. "Don't worry, senior sister. I didn't sign a contract with them for years. It's commission-based labor division. I can walk away anytime! There's not even a penalty clause!"

Song Jixing: ????

Can there be such a contract? As far as she knew, this was the first time she had heard of such a contract!

While deeply doubting herself, Song Jixing also gradually relaxed about Feng Juechen entering the entertainment industry.

As long as her junior brother doesn't suffer losses, that's good enough.

She could worry about the fake ID issue later!

After exchanging a few brief words, the two walked towards their respective rooms, one after the other.

Coincidentally, they ran into Sang Xueqing opening her room door.

Seeing the two walking together, Sang Xueqing held the doorknob, put on a professional smile, and bid them goodnight. Then she slammed the door shut.

Feng Juechen said gently with a bright smile, "Senior sister, that girl seems to be quite concerned about you."