This Female Celebrity Comes from the Cultivation World

Chapter 142

After calming down, Xu Kai recalled the non-disclosure agreement he had signed and the instructions he had received, which somewhat diminished his thirst for knowledge.

It was now apparent that his involvement with the Special Action Department was inextricably linked to Song Jixing!

He knew his department was unique, but he didn't realize it was this unique – they could even cultivate?

Did that mean he too had the opportunity to become a cultivator?

As Xu Kai was pondering this, he suddenly received a message from his superiors in the Special Action Department, mentioning today's news broadcast and the issue of identity confidentiality.

They told him, by the way, to forget about that idea of cultivation since they were not qualified.

Xu Kai disagreed – how could he be unqualified without even trying?

Until his superior added that they had already been tested.

Well, when was that? Why didn't he know about it?

Couldn't they at least give him a chance for a re-evaluation?

Xu Kai wept inwardly.

So, was Song Jixing a cultivator? Xu Kai had a vague idea.

Until his superiors made it clear again that unless Song Jixing herself disclosed it, Xu Kai should absolutely not ask any further questions.

All of this was part of his previous job training, which Xu Kai was already well-versed in, so he naturally wouldn't make such mistakes.

What impressed Xu Kai immensely was Song Jixing's calmness in the face of such earth-shattering events.

Even though she had long been a high-profile presence on screen, doing prominent work, she didn't utter a single unnecessary word.

She was truly a pure people's artist!

Her heart was only for film and television arts!

As Xu Kai marveled, he gazed at the celebratory messages on his phone and leaned back on the sofa, gently caressing the badge on his uniform.

The excitement was all about others – he had nothing but his uniform.


After completing her official duties, Song Jixing hurried back to Y City with Bai Ling and immersed herself in the film crew once again.

Although the new drama was scheduled to begin filming after the new year, some preparatory work had to be completed beforehand.

This time, the veteran actor co-starring with Song Jixing was named Lei Bin, who would be playing her father in the drama.

To make the filming backdrop more realistic, the two would take some lifestyle photos to add detail.

To aid in unraveling the plot, they would also need to shoot some videos together.

As a newcomer working with an experienced veteran, Song Jixing politely shook hands and greeted him.

Song Jixing wasn't much of a talker, and apart from work-related discussions, the two didn't interact much.

Lei Bin had heard about Song Jixing beforehand and knew that she had recently starred in many popular works. He had expected her current popularity to make her a somewhat arrogant young lady, but she turned out to be very quiet and composed.

Quiet and composed was good – it seemed she would be easy to work with.

The two briefly exchanged contact information to facilitate future communication.

After working together for a few more days and with the new year approaching, when they were about to part ways, Lei Bin took the opportunity when no one was around to casually mention, "I heard our crew was originally planning to start filming before the new year! They wanted to finish shooting early so the drama could be released and compete for the fall TV awards!"

"But that plan was later canceled. Do you know why?" Lei Bin smiled mysteriously.

Song Jixing was straightforward and shook her head, "No, I don't know."

"I heard one of the investors has a child in our crew, and the investor wanted the child to go home for the new year, so they wouldn't let our crew rush the work!" Lei Bin said enviously.

Finally, he added with a sigh, "Although I don't know if this information is true or not, but in all my years in this line of work, this is the first time a crew has let me go home for the new year!"

Song Jixing smiled faintly, "Well, happy new year in advance then, and have a good rest."

Lei Bin also wished Song Jixing the same: "Young people should rest well too! Don't spend all your time stuck in the crew – work is important, but reuniting with family is even more important!"

Song Jixing nodded, not noticing the underlying issue.

With her father and younger brother around, it was indeed a rare opportunity to take a break from cultivation and enjoy a proper family reunion.

This work crew was located quite far from the steel mill, so Song Jixing stayed directly at a hotel near the crew.

Just as Song Jixing was about to pack up and go home, she suddenly received a notification from the Cultivate a Bit App about a Level C mission that required a cultivator to attend, and the mission location was very close to her, just two streets away!

A Level C mission meant it wasn't too dangerous and didn't require highly skilled personnel, but since she was already there, she might as well take a look.

After accepting the mission, the Cultivate a Bit App automatically downloaded a mission document for Song Jixing, providing additional information about this task.

After glancing through it, Song Jixing opened her phone's location services and headed straight there.

Song Jixing casually threw on a jacket, put on a hat and mask, and walked out of her room.

Outside the hotel, in addition to the cold wind, she was greeted by the aroma of sugar-coated chestnuts, the sweet fragrance wafting through the air.

Passersby were bundled up, with the occasional brave young couple holding hands without gloves.

Song Jixing's gaze swept over the blue street sign standing by the roadside as she turned the corner and walked about a hundred meters to the location for this mission.

The entrance to an old residential area.

Several vendors were squatting at the entrance, selling fruits, operating food stalls, and peddling household goods. It was livelier than the bustling street corner, with the occasional young person stopping to bargain at the stalls.

Song Jixing scanned the area – they were all actors, or Special Action Department personnel, her colleagues.

Considering the nearby residents and the fledgling establishment of the Special Action Department, the higher-ups decided to use some gentle measures to handle various incidents, thereby reducing public concern.

Song Jixing approached the residential area entrance, removing her hat and mask.

The security guard proactively opened the gate for her to enter.

"Miss Song, this time the spiritual creature is on the first floor of Unit 1, Building 13," the guard whispered to Song Jixing, then promptly returned to his post.

Song Jixing nodded slightly and went over.

Standing in front of Building 13, Song Jixing examined the quiet, seven-story yellow building. Most of the residents had been evacuated to a safe location.

Intermittent sobbing and a strong bloody stench emanated from the building to the left.

Song Jixing approached and knocked on the door.

— Knock, knock, knock

The crying inside stopped, replaced by a few low animal growls.

A woman's sobbing voice responded.

"Let me go, don't stop me!"

"Qiuqiu, be a good boy, okay? Please! Mom will be fine, okay!"

The animal's snarls continued unabated, accompanied by approaching footsteps from the other side of the rusty gray security door.

The sound of the lock turning, and a woman with disheveled long hair and tear-stained face, wearing a green thin sweater, appeared before Song Jixing.

The woman was surprised to see Song Jixing, hesitated for a moment, then said, "You are..."

Song Jixing showed her credentials and said seriously, "I'm from the Special Action Department. I received your call for help and have come to resolve your problem."

The woman tightly gripped the doorknob, hesitated for a moment, then welcomed Song Jixing inside.