This Female Celebrity Comes from the Cultivation World

Chapter 139

However, before the new year, they still had many things to keep them busy.

The spiritual root test had entered the latter half, and those in charge sent all the detected spiritual root carriers to their place, preparing to train them.

More than 1.5 billion people were tested, and only 34 people had spiritual roots. The oldest was 26 years old, and the youngest was 2 years old this year.

However, what surprised the people of the Cultivation World was that there were many with dual spiritual roots and triple spiritual roots, while those with four or five spiritual roots were fewer. Only three people had five spiritual roots.

Legend had it that in the distant past of the Cultivation World, when spiritual energy was abundant, cultivators valued having more spiritual roots, considering fewer roots inferior. Those with more spiritual roots could practice more cultivation arts, while those with fewer roots could practice relatively fewer arts.

Although the current Cultivation World was filled with spiritual energy, it was no longer as rich as before, and single spiritual roots had become the advantage.

But this was only a legend, and the ancient past could no longer be investigated.

The elders of other sects believed that it might be due to the recent resurgence of spiritual energy in this area. Previously, people had little contact with spiritual energy, thus resulting in fewer spiritual roots.

When the major sects recruited disciples from the sparse spiritual energy of the mortal realm, only a few prodigies with a single spiritual root would occasionally emerge from remote areas, whereas towns with abundant spiritual energy had no children with few spiritual roots, but rather most had multiple spiritual roots.

Regardless, with the current cultivation arts of the Cultivation World, those with fewer spiritual roots still held the advantage!

A group of children was brought into a strange courtyard with the stone tablet of the Qingyun Sect, looking around curiously at the two small wooden buildings in front of them and the lush surrounding trees.

In the eyes of Shen Feixian and others, no matter their height, weight or age, they were just a group of children. Even the little boy over two years old, crying with red eyes. Since the child was too young, he had come with his guide, a gentle woman.

Shen Feixian lightly patted Qi Yun's shoulder and said to him, "Junior Brother, you take care of the younger ones, be gentle."

The girls in the group were handed over by Shen Feixian to Yu Qing and Xiang Zhi. Yu Qing was the lead, with Xiang Zhi assisting, as the number of girls was not small, and Yu Qing alone might not be able to handle it all.

As for the remaining few, Shen Feixian did not plan to lead them himself, instead leaving them to several other outer disciples with better temperaments.

The first lesson for everyone was a thought education class, held at the entrance of the small wooden buildings.

The teaching environment was extremely shabby, with just a sitting cushion on the ground for each person, and a small table just over a meter long placed at the entrance of the building.

This was completely different from what the children had been told when they were taken from their parents, about being top national talents and having a bright future ahead if selected.

The scene looked more like a shoddy school run by con artists, and the teachers seemed like scammers too.

Luckily, the children were able to remain calm, wanting to see what the school would actually teach and how the teachers would try to deceive them.

The first lesson was not a traditional thought education class taught by the Qingyun Sect members, but a serious explanation of the changes happening in this world, and what they would be doing.

Learning the art of cultivation, protecting the ordinary people here.

The group of children had varied expressions upon hearing this.

Some of the children between ten and twenty years old snickered, and some even spoke up: "I'm not just a few years old, why are you telling me these jokes?"

"The story about saving the world is too cliché! Old man!"

At the scene, only a few young children seemed excited with shining eyes when they heard it.

"Can we transform?"

"Does this mean I'll become a superhero?"

There was also a bespectacled young woman who pushed up her glasses and said sincerely, "Do we still need to go to work in the future? Do we not need to clock in anymore?"

Shen Feixian glanced at the young lady's information.

Wang Feifei, 26 years old this year, a programmer for 4 years, currently pursuing a master's degree. She was the oldest among the children with spiritual roots, and her appearance was also a coincidence.

She had gotten in the wrong line for a physical exam and waited for a few hours, and no one suspected her because she looked young. To everyone's surprise, she actually had a spiritual root, so those in charge sent her here.

Having a spiritual root and being able to write code, she was somewhat of a fellow practitioner to Shen Feixian, he thought.

"You still need to work! But you'll have more vacation time, with weekends and holidays off as usual. If you need to work overtime, there will be high compensation, flexible clock-in times, work from home, and you'll only need to submit a report once a month. You'll be given a job position, plus travel and meal allowances, and you won't need to fix bugs."

The thick glasses frames could not conceal the light in Wang Feifei's eyes, as she was quite satisfied with the benefits offered by Shen Feixian.

Wang Feifei: "How many years is the contract for? When do I start? Can I ask about the salary? If I'm given a position, even if it's not high pay, I'll take it."

Shen Feixian smiled and reassured her, "Don't rush!"

Talking about cultivation without any proof to a group of young children just sounded like a childish scam. Even with official guarantees, it wouldn't be very credible.

Shen Feixian stepped aside, giving the stage to Song Jixing.

Song Jixing was the main person responsible for teaching them cultivation!

Song Jixing was teaching for the first time, with no experience, and she didn't plan to give them a lengthy lecture.

If she hadn't traveled back in time and seen the massive beast on her first glance, along with cultivators descending from the sky, she wouldn't have believed that she had traveled to a world where cultivation was possible.

So, actions spoke louder than words.

Song Jixing, expressionless and in an even tone, said, "I know some of you treat these things as a joke, you can laugh about it now, but you'll need to be serious later."

Even so, some of the children still looked as if they could barely contain their laughter.

Song Jixing looked toward the little boy, and with a wave of her hand, he floated up into the air, slowly spinning.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" The boy screamed, "What did you do to me?"

The children sitting around him also stood up and screamed, retreating far away.

"Be more serious from now on," Song Jixing said with a flick of her finger, and the boy was placed back down about a meter behind his cushion.

"As I told you before, this is no joke! You've had biology lessons in history class, you know that animals evolve. Humans are also animals, and before standing at the top of the food chain, we once struggled for survival like other animals."

"The rules have changed now, newborn animals are stronger than older ones, smaller animals grow faster, and their threat grows faster too!"

With Song Jixing's intertwined fingers, a massive wolf-like beast appeared, its eyes glowing red.

It was huge, probably about six or seven stories tall. When it opened its mouth to roar, it revealed a row of sharp, even fangs, and its pinkish tongue was lined with a row of shiny fleshy spikes.

Its gaping mouth seemed like it could almost fit a small sedan.