This Female Celebrity Comes from the Cultivation World

Chapter 114

Things for testing one's Spiritual Root needed some Spirit Stones and simple Formations. They didn't have Spirit Stones here, but Shen Feixian believed they must have mined some from the bottom of the reservoir.

The Formations were also simple and could be directly carved by his Junior sister.

Shen Feixian took everyone around the school, simply explained the personnel and layout, and made some plans for development and construction.

"Here, here, let's build teaching buildings!" Shen Feixian pointed to some places on the map.

Several experts nodded.

The locations of the teaching buildings were determined, just a few, not many. There was still a lot of space left. What should they do?

As soon as this question was raised, Shen Feixian took out the answer he had prepared long ago.

Shen Feixian: “Plant vegetables!”

"The vegetables we plant here are a little different from those elsewhere. If students with Spiritual Roots come, their future meals will be similar to ours. It will be good for cultivation..."

"After the Spiritual energy enters the body, the appetite will be particularly large. If you don't eat food containing Spiritual energy and only ordinary food, you will probably be able to eat several times as much as ordinary people."

They had previously made conjectures about the appetite, which was quite consistent with what they had thought.

Everyone turned their eyes to the plants in the green space.

"These things can be considered elementary spirit plants, heaven and earth treasures, but they have no effect on people without Spiritual Roots, and the taste is not very good!"

Influenced by the spirit gathering formation of the school, the concentration of Spiritual energy around this area increased linearly. Even the plants grown in the villa area nearby were constantly absorbing Spiritual energy and carrying spiritual energy.

After Shen Feixian finished speaking, he went directly to the nearby green space and casually pulled up a few white radishes from the pit. He carried the radish leaves back, broke open the radishes, and distributed half a root to each person.

"Come on, try it. Don't be polite! You can try the taste..." Shen Feixian said with a warm smile.

From the current situation, these plants tinged with Spiritual energy can be considered precious goods.

It was the first time that everyone had seen such a direct gift-giving behavior.

Receiving radishes tinged with the other person's Spiritual energy, does it count as accepting bribes?

Everyone held the radishes and thought about it for a moment.

"Don't be polite, try a bite!" Shen Feixian urged.

After all, they were partners, and since it was the treat, it would be impolite for everyone to refuse. At most they will file a report when they go back to explain the situation.

Under Shen Feixian's concerned gaze, everyone held half a radish respectively. Some wiped them on their sleeves, some bit into them without hesitation.

The radishes were very juicy, and there was a crisp crunch when bitten into.

Then came everyone's unanimous silence...

Whether it was wiped or not wiped, or only eaten a small bite, they were all trying their best to manage their expressions.

One of the elderly experts with eyes couldn't help it, and tears flowed down.

Damn, so spicy!

The strong freshness with strong spiciness, the faint sweetness and strong spiciness alternated in the mouth, lingering for a long time.

The main thing was that this thing was too deceitful. There was not much taste when you first bit into it. An intimate contact with the taste buds exploded in your mouth.

Wu Xiao took a big bite and held it in his mouth silently.

Really unpalatable...

The bitter tree bark he had gnawed on the grasslands abroad in the past was not as unpalatable as this.

After all, it was an important partner, so he still had to eat it down. He just hardened his scalp and chewed it once. The damn taste became even more intense in his mouth.

Was this a domestically improved variety, or spiritually improved?

Shen Feixian appreciated everyone's expressions and still said with a kind smile, "Everyone just try the taste. You don't have to swallow it. The Spiritual energy contained in these spiritual plants tinged with Spiritual energy is still unstable, so the taste is a bit strange."

"The nonsense written in novels about ordinary people eating spiritual objects able to gain eternal life is fake! Ordinary people without Spiritual Roots can eat the best spiritual plants, and all effects other than the slightly strange taste are ineffective."

"...Our taste may be a little better. The tastes of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy that you tasted are not as strong, but they won't taste very good. Cultivation is a painful thing, and the bitterness that the tongue tastes is far from the bitterness that the long road ahead will face."

Shen Feixian suddenly poured people's chicken soup.

Unfortunately, everyone had a mouth full of bitterness and could not feel the sweet scent of the soup.

After the planning was done, Shen Feixian signed Wu Xiao’s electronic signature to know that the school’s construction would officially start tomorrow.

Seeing it was almost dinnertime, Shen Feixian didn’t dare detain a few people for dinner either, but still warmly sent them to the small woods outside.

Regarding the small woods, Wu Xiao expressed that they might get lost.

Shen Feixian waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll have them clear the trees and open a path for you. Don't worry, it will be fast!"

As he said that, he called two outer gate disciples who were stationed there and asked them to process the trees.

After receiving the order, the outer gate disciples walked up and easily pulled the trees out just like pulling water bucket-like thick trees in their hands which seemed like paper in their hands. Left hand a root and right hand a root, pulled out seven or eight trees effortlessly in two trips.

Seeing this, the group of experts wanted to applaud and cheer!

Watching, Wu Xiao felt the hot blood rushing in his heart, with a strong sense of envy.

Having a Spiritual Root was like directly evolving. The strength would be dozens of times higher than the original human basis, just like taking one step to Heaven.

Unfortunately, he was an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiao mocked himself inwardly. If Lu Zhishen could also pull trees like this, maybe he wouldn't have been so famous.

The effect of pulling trees was immediate!

Wu Xiao drove the car to the outside of the woods, looked back at what it looked like before and now what it looked like.

No one would ever get lost again.

On the way back home in the car, Wu Xiao felt very depressed.

He used to be an ordinary person, the most ordinary. But relying on his own efforts, hard work and suffering for decades, he had only gained his current achievements.

The gap between cultivators and humans was insurmountable for ordinary people no matter how hard they tried.

But it was also good. If the new generation in the future could be as powerful as Shen Feixian, the lives of ordinary people would become more stable and harmonious.

After sending off those people, Shen Feixian looked at the empty woods behind. All the tenants had moved out today.

Even some farmers living a little further away had moved away with them, enjoying the benefits of demolition on the spot.

It’s really good!

Shen Feixian suddenly remembered that hundreds of years ago, his dynasty, his father and brothers and sisters, had long since vanished into thin air.

The main content for the evening was meetings.

On one hand, their own people were having a meeting, and on the other hand, their superiors and superiors superiors were having a meeting to jointly discuss how to deal with the current situation and content.

The meeting venue was set up by Shen Feixian. It was on the table inside that they usually ate at, nothing special, just notebooks prepared in front of everyone.