The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 9

The rain gradually stopped. After passing four long pavilions, the caravan came to a halt. The horses were allowed to graze and rest, while people got off the carriages to stretch their legs. Staying in a confined space for too long was uncomfortable, even for Xu Hanmei, who was slowly walking with Lady Qin's support, holding her waist.

The only one still in the carriage was Zhu Changwang. Having been confined to a wheelchair for years, he had always lived in a small space, though his mind had traveled far and wide.

"Big brother."

Zhu Changwang put down his book and looked at his little sister in red clothing as she jumped onto the carriage. "Finished playing around?"

Zhu Changle lifted her foot that was still outside the carriage to show him. "I stepped in mud. Mother will definitely scold me."

"It's alright. A scolding doesn't hurt."

"I'm worried it'll make Mother's chest hurt," Zhu Changle said, kicking off her shoes outside and sitting cross-legged opposite her brother, leaning forward to negotiate. "I'll wear your shoes to walk later, okay? After fooling Mother, I'll return them to you."

Zhu Changwang smiled faintly without saying a word.

"Then it's settled," Zhu Changle gave herself a high-five, very satisfied with this decision. She cheerfully brought up the main topic, "At this speed, how long will it take to arrive?"

"If all goes well, about half a month."

Zhu Changle's eyes widened, "That long?"

"You think it's just you riding a horse across the land?" Zhu Changwang teased her. "Aren't all the carriages packed full? The horses naturally need to be well-rested, otherwise if they lose weight, they might give up halfway. Moreover, Grandmother and a pregnant woman are in the carriages, so we can't go fast. If we can cover 150 li a day, that's already quite good."

That was slow enough, and Zhu Changle's disgust was written all over her face, amusing her brother.

"How come I don't see Aunt Feng?"

"She went ahead. The little tail doesn't like moving so slowly. Big brother, do you have a map here?"

Zhu Changwang raised an eyebrow, pulled open a drawer, and took out a map, spreading it between them.

This wasn't a map of the Great Wan Kingdom, but one starting from the capital and ending at Yunbei County. It was clearly drawn temporarily. Zhu Changle rested her chin on her hand and looked from the starting point bit by bit. Though she hadn't traveled the whole world, she had been to many places north and south with her master. Over time, she had gained knowledge of various regions, and even places she hadn't been to couldn't stump her.

Her master said she was born to eat from all four directions, a skill not everyone possessed. Zhu Changle proudly puffed out her chest, that smug look making Zhu Changwang grin. Their little Changle!

"It's quite good to go slow."

"How so?"

"If they want to make a move, they'll definitely choose a suitable place. First of all, it can't be too close to the capital. They surely have enough brains for that." Zhu Changle's finger traced over the map. "If I remember correctly, there's a long stretch here with few inhabitants, mountains on both sides. It's quite convenient to do anything there."

Zhu Changwang looked at where she was pointing and nodded in agreement. This was where two counties met, with a history of scorched earth tactics. Even now, few people lived there.

"I came to say we should go slowly. This is already slow enough, let's keep this pace."

"You're so displeased."

"Of course, I could walk faster than this." Zhu Changle folded the map and tucked it into her bosom, her natural gesture making it seem as if the map had always been hers. "Don't worry, big brother. Aunt Feng is worth ten people, and I'm worth a hundred."

"I don't see much else, but your boasting is certainly impressive."

"You'll soon agree with this statement." Zhu Changle put on her shoes and jumped off the carriage, turning back to look at her brother with hands on her hips and a smile. "I, Zhu Changle, am known as the Little Witch in the Martial Arts World. Go ask around about my great deeds, see if I'm just boasting."

Zhu Changwang looked at her with a smile, not reminding her that she hadn't changed her shoes. No matter how formidable the Little Witch of the Martial Arts World was, there were still a few people she didn't dare to offend.

"Zhu Changle!"

Her high spirits instantly vanished. Zhu Changle hunched her shoulders, looked down at her shoes, and turned back to give her mother an ingratiating smile.

Lady Zhang, seeing her mud-covered feet and the mud prints all over her clothes, was so angry her eyes nearly popped out. She looked just like a mud monkey. "Did you step in a mud pit? Not satisfied with one foot, the other had to join in too?"

"Well, they belong to the same owner, so they should share in hardships..."

"Zhu Changle!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, Mother, I was wrong!" Zhu Changle backed away, circling around the carriage and quickly running towards the one she was sitting in. She climbed up and lowered the curtain to hide herself, rubbing her feet to take off her shoes, then using two fingers to pinch them and bring them inside.

Lady Zhang looked at her, both angry and unable to hold back a laugh. She covered the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief and muttered, "She admits her mistakes faster than anyone, but never changes. I wonder who she takes after!"

"After her master," Zhu Maonian said, helping his wife onto the carriage, very smoothly passing the blame to someone who wasn't present.

Lady Zhang gave him a reproachful look, but suddenly the frustration in her heart dissipated. Being demoted wasn't so bad after all. At least the family was still together. Compared to those who had their property confiscated, were beheaded, or exiled, they had already received a blessing.

Xu Hanmei lowered the window curtain and cast down her eyes. Zhu Changle's whereabouts were no secret in the capital. When she was young, she was kidnapped while running out to play, and was very fortunately rescued by a passing martial arts expert. Later, the Zhu family actually let their precious daughter follow that female warrior to learn martial arts. For most of these years, she hadn't been in the capital. As for how much she had learned, no one had seen, but it was thought that at most she might be at the level of a guard.

The Zhu family's inner courtyard was clean. Since she became pregnant, her mother-in-law hadn't sent anyone into her room, and even exempted her from morning and evening greetings. Good food and drinks were often sent to her courtyard. But when her sister-in-law returned, she realized that the kindness she had been grateful for was nothing. Zhu Changle was truly the favored one. On the first day, they made her come out with her big belly to welcome her, and every day after that surprised her with the kind of indulgence and pampering unheard of in noble families.

No one wouldn't want to be treated like that.

In another carriage, Zhu Changle patted her chest and looked for a place to put her shoes. She knew her mother would roar like a lion. This skill she had mastered without a teacher, and her proficiency was increasing every day.

The old lady fingered her prayer beads and teased her granddaughter, "Did you really go step in a mud pit?"

"Grandmother, you must believe I didn't do it on purpose."

"Hmm, it was intentional."

Zhu Changle blinked and made a shushing gesture.

The old lady tapped her and took out a square piece of cloth from a nearby package to wrap the shoes. Zhu Changle didn't ask what it was for, just wrapped the shoes and placed them in the corner near the outside.

The rain fell on and off. The group didn't travel fast, but they also took fewer rest stops, so they weren't too delayed. By dusk, they arrived at the planned relay station.

Zhu Changle stood on the carriage shaft and waved to Aunt Feng, who had arrived earlier. She jumped down from the carriage to help her grandmother down, then turned to see her big brother being supported by someone to sit on the carriage frame and slowly move down to his wheelchair. She bit her lip and didn't go over. The most difficult traveler in the family wasn't her grandmother or her pregnant second sister-in-law, but her big brother.

The old lady patted her hand and pulled her inside. Changwang was the most intelligent child she had ever seen, but he also proved the saying that extreme intelligence leads to harm. The Zhu family had spared no effort in taking care of him, and in recent years Changle had searched high and low for good medicines. The Emperor had also bestowed many gifts. They had finally broken through the doctor's prediction that he wouldn't live past twenty. They only hoped that this prediction could be broken for much longer.

The Station Master, leading two station runners, was busy inside and out. The food and drink, though not exquisite, were plentiful. He kept apologizing, fearing that this official would hold it against him.

Even though he was demoted, who knew when a person who had been in the Emperor's favor for over twenty years might be reinstated? He didn't expect them to remember his kindness, just hoped they wouldn't remember any negligence.

Lady Zhang smiled slightly. "Please trouble the Station Master to prepare more hot water, and help brew some ginger sugar water tomorrow morning for us to take along."

"No trouble at all. This humble official will certainly have it ready for Madam."

Lady Zhang expressed her thanks, glanced at Lady Li who had served her closely for many years, and Lady Li understood, representing her to see the guests off. Zhu Changle guessed their family assets had lost another hair's breadth.