The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 6

With no way to retreat, they could only move forward.

Zhu Changwang returned to his courtyard and felt somewhat relieved upon seeing Changle meditating under the tree. He turned back and instructed, "Zuo Qing, go prepare things first."

As he pushed the wheelchair to the tree, Zuo Qing was about to withdraw when he heard his master say, "Notify Xu Zheng and tell them to depart immediately."

"Yes, sir."

Zhu Changwang looked up at the lush, leafy tree and joked, "If you had come back a few days later, you might not have been able to find your home."

"I could find you all wherever you are," Zhu Changle said, resting her chin on her hand as she looked at her elder brother. "Big brother, the sky hasn't fallen yet, has it?"

"It hasn't fallen, just veered slightly off course."

"That's good then." Zhu Changle leaned back against the tree trunk, reaching behind to feel the rough bark. This tree hadn't changed much over the years - it was the same now as when she was little.

"Changle, the time has come to put your years of learning to the test."

Zhu Changle was taken aback. "Is being an official so dangerous? Even after being demoted and sent three thousand miles away, they still want our lives?"

"Not for others, but for Father, yes."

"My father is truly remarkable!" Zhu Changle gave a thumbs up. "So this time, by making our whole family leave the capital, they're trying to catch us all in one net?"

"More or less."

"That's going too far. In the martial arts world, we have a rule that vengeance shouldn't extend to wives and children. They're not sparing anyone, old or young. That's breaking the rules!" Zhu Changle stretched lazily. "People in the martial arts world are always reluctant to deal with officials. All these years, I never dared tell them my father was an official, and one who managed other officials at that. This time, I'll let them know and scare them silly."

"Let your big brother remind you, your father has already fallen from grace."

"Having once been in charge still counts." Zhu Changle stood up, patted her bottom, and grinned from ear to ear. "May I borrow some ink and paper?"

Zhu Changwang made a gesture of invitation. As he watched his little sister skip happily into the study, he looked up at the treetop again, squinting and smiling softly. The usually playful Changle had now become his biggest trump card. Not only had those people not anticipated it, even he hadn't expected it.

They had never paid much attention to how much of her master's skills Changle had learned, thinking as long as she remained happy, it was enough. It wasn't until Changle had been away for too long and Master Zhong sent a letter mentioning that she was at a critical point for a breakthrough, hinting at how rare it was for someone her age to reach such a level, that they realized the little mischief-maker hadn't wasted all these years and had actually developed some real skills.

Watching her run out of the room, whistle for Little Golden, and frolic with the eagle for a moment, Zhu Changwang smiled again as Changle tied strips of silk to Little Golden's leg. She held something up to its nose and whispered in its ear. Zhu Changwang's smile deepened. Concerning the family's safety, he hadn't intended for Changle to bear the burden alone. He wondered who she was seeking help from, hoping it was her master.

Over the years, he had learned about Zhong Ningmei through various channels. She was a formidable warrior.

Tapping his powerless legs, Zhu Changwang sighed inwardly, hoping that he wouldn't be the one truly holding the family back on this journey.

As the wheelchair was pushed inside, Changle's cheerful voice remained as lively as ever. "The wind is picking up, big brother."

Zhu Changwang smiled. "Yes, the wind is rising."

To make matters worse, the next day was rainy.

The Zhu family, having spent a sleepless night, ate their last meal in this residence in silence. It was still early, the rain making it seem even darker.

"Hanmei, have you sent word to your family?" Lady Zhang asked.

"Yes," Xu Hanmei replied, her eyes downcast, making it impossible to discern her expression.

Lady Zhang didn't attempt to offer comfort. The family had enjoyed prosperity together, and now they must face adversity together as well. The notion of abandoning ship in times of trouble didn't exist in families of their standing.

Turning her gaze, Lady Zhang reported to her mother-in-law, "I've sent messages to all the families. There's one matter I'd like to seek your guidance on."

The old lady shook her head. "I've long since stopped managing affairs. This matter is no different from others; you can make the decision."

"This matter is of great importance. I'd like to ask for your oversight."

"Go ahead."

"As per custom, we can no longer occupy this residence. I've had everything that can be moved packed and sealed in another house. But the real difficulty lies in dealing with the shops, estates, and such. If we were to liquidate them hastily, we'd suffer great losses. Moreover..." Lady Zhang lowered her head and smiled slightly. "We've seen many rises and falls in this capital. I believe there's a possibility we might return someday. I'd like to keep some assets here, so we're not left empty-handed and unable to maintain our dignity when the time comes."

"That's sensible."

"So, I plan to entrust everything to Changmin, letting her manage it. Firstly, this keeps some assets here for us, allowing money to generate more money and ensuring our large family can live without worry. Secondly, I want to give Changmin some backing. Although the Wu family is in the same boat as us now, people's hearts can change easily. Without her maiden family's support, I worry she might be bullied."

Mentioning her married daughter, Lady Zhang's expression betrayed a hint of vulnerability. She blinked away the mist in her eyes and, composing herself, continued, "I understand Changmin's nature. If something were to happen, she would never think of abandoning her maiden family. If we entrust her with too much, the Wu family might object. But what if she holds all of the Zhu family's assets in her hands? Even though the Zhu family has fallen from power, with this leverage, Changmin can stand firm in her husband's family. However, given the magnitude of this matter, I'm somewhat hesitant."

Everyone looked towards the old lady. Xu Hanmei was particularly anxious. Although she was only the second daughter-in-law, with her elder brother-in-law having no intention of marrying, she knew that the family would eventually be handed over to her. If all the family assets were entrusted to her sister-in-law who had married out, would they ever be able to reclaim them? Although she was a daughter of the Zhu family, once married, she belonged to another family.

"You've considered all aspects. I can't think of a better plan," the old lady said. She had always been satisfied with this daughter-in-law, but today she was particularly pleased. The capital wasn't short of docile young ladies, but those who dared to act decisively were rare. Fortunately, the Zhu family had two such women. "You raised Changmin, and although she may not be quite your equal, she has the necessary sense of responsibility. I trust her character and temperament."

Lady Zhang, not bothering to wipe away the tears rolling down her face, bowed deeply before her mother-in-law. Born and raised here, she knew all too well how difficult life could be in a husband's family without the support of one's maiden family. Moreover, "Yesterday, she sent back all the dowry money she received when she married. The Wu family can't be happy about that. I'm truly worried about her."

The old lady gestured for Changle to help her mother up. "Then it's settled. Have you told her?"

"I've sent her a message."

"Are we entrusting everything to Sister-in-law?" Xu Hanmei couldn't hold back anymore and asked, twisting her handkerchief.

The Zhu family members all looked at her. Zhu Changning frowned deeply. "Third Sister is the most trustworthy."

"Of course Sister-in-law is trustworthy, but she's now Mrs. Wu..."

Lady Zhang wiped the corners of her eyes and asked calmly, "Do you have a better idea?"

"No, but..."

"If not Changmin, how about entrusting it to the Xu family?"

Xu Hanmei panicked inwardly and was about to beg forgiveness when Changle quickly steadied her, helping her sit back down. "Second Sister-in-law, although my third sister has married out, her surname will always be Zhu. You'll soon understand that in our Zhu family, we're all of one heart."

What nonsense, Xu Hanmei thought, feeling both anxious and irritated. She wanted to shake off Zhu Changle's hand but, having already displeased her mother-in-law, she didn't dare move. She forced a smile and sat down, saying nothing more.