The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 4

Lady Zhang knew her youngest daughter's temperament all too well. She didn't dare let her visit her sister alone. Instead, she forcibly styled her hair and dressed her in the latest fashion of the Capital City, ensuring that she at least outwardly resembled the young ladies of other families. All the way to her in-laws' house, Lady Zhang constantly reminded and instructed her daughter.

Zhu Changmin, the third daughter of the Zhu family, had married Wu He, the eldest son of the esteemed Wu Zhen, the Minister of the Court of Imperial Entertainments. As the elder Mrs. Wu's health was poor, Zhu Changmin had taken over the household management soon after her marriage. The only slight concern had been the delay in conceiving a child. It had taken nearly two years of marriage before she became pregnant, but now that she had finally given birth, both families breathed a sigh of relief.

Embracing her little sister who had rushed into her arms, Zhu Changmin felt both concerned and delighted. "So you finally remembered to come back! You've turned as dark as charcoal!"

"Sister, you've gotten so plump! It feels so nice to hug you!"

Zhu Changmin couldn't help but laugh at her sister's words as she clung to her. She patted her back and said, "I only gave birth a few months ago. It takes time to recover, you know."

"Hehe," her sister giggled.

Lady Zhang watched the sisters' affectionate reunion with a smile. "How is my in-law's health?" she inquired.

"She's better, but the doctor says we need to be extra careful in spring. That's why we don't dare let her come out and risk catching a chill," Zhu Changmin explained as she led them to the main hall. A matron was already waiting there, bowing in greeting to Lady Zhang from afar.

The doors and windows of the north room where the elder Mrs. Wu resided were tightly shut. As they opened the door, the pungent smell of Chinese medicine wafted out. Mrs. Wu was half-reclining on the bed. Seeing her visitors, she struggled to sit up. "My dear in-law, you've come."

Lady Zhang hurried over to support her. "Please, lie back down. We needn't stand on ceremony."

The elder Mrs. Wu allowed herself to be eased back, holding Lady Zhang's hand with a smile. "Then I won't stand on ceremony with you."

"As it should be," Lady Zhang replied, glancing at Changle. Understanding the cue, Changle stepped forward and performed a formal greeting, not missing a single detail of the proper etiquette.

"Changle has returned, looking so spirited," the elder Mrs. Wu smiled. "You sisters don't need to stay here with me. Let your mother keep me company and chat for a while."

"Yes, thank you, Mother," the sisters responded.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Changle stuck out her tongue playfully. Zhu Changmin tapped her forehead lightly and led her to her own courtyard. After dismissing the servants, she said, "You've grown so wild. What will become of you in the future?"

"Why worry about the future now?" Zhu Changle grinned, showing her pearly white teeth. She leaned over the cradle to look at the fair, chubby baby inside, her hands itching to touch. "My little nephew is so cute! What's his name?"


"Chenzhong, Wu Chenzhong. It's a nice name," Zhu Changle cooed, making the baby giggle. As the child laughed, so did she, looking every bit like a big child herself.

Zhu Changmin let the pair play until the baby seemed ready to sleep. She then called for the wet nurse to take him away. Pulling her sister close, she examined her from head to toe. "I've never seen a girl as tanned as you."

"That's because you haven't seen much, Third Sister. I've seen plenty of girls darker than me. The ones who weave and dry nets in the sun every day are much darker, and it doesn't stop them from being pretty."

"Why don't you compare yourself to charcoal burners while you're at it?" Zhu Changmin glared at her. "How long will you be staying at home?"

"I'd like to stay as long as I want, but I feel like Mother already wants to send me away."

Zhu Changmin laughed, then felt a twinge of sadness. She could imagine how lively the house must be with Changle's return, but she couldn't be part of that excitement anymore. Sometimes, she really wished she hadn't grown up. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have had to marry and leave home.

Tapping her little sister's forehead, Zhu Changmin chided gently, "Don't upset Mother too much."

"I'm not doing anything!" Zhu Changle protested with an innocent face. "My sitting is wrong, my eating is wrong, my standing is wrong, my talking is wrong... Everything is just wrong! Third Sister, I'm so pitiful!"

"Yes, yes, you're the most pitiful," Zhu Changmin said, suppressing a smile as she pushed away the face that had come close to hers. Changle might be able to put on a proper act in public, but at home, she probably didn't even think of pretending. Despite Mother's complaints, she had never actually made Changle change. After all, who could resist such a lively Changle?

Just as she was about to tease her sister further, she noticed Changle suddenly frowning. "What's wrong?" she asked anxiously.

Zhu Changle shook her head slightly and took a sip of tea. Soon, the sound of hurried footsteps reached Zhu Changmin's ears. She frowned, looking towards the door, ready to scold someone for the commotion, but the panicked expression on her maid's face stopped her.

"Madam, something has happened to the Zhu family!" the maid exclaimed.

Zhu Changmin shot to her feet, swaying slightly before being steadied by Changle's quick hands. She gripped her sister's hand tightly and said sternly, "What nonsense are you talking about? What could possibly happen to the Zhu family?"

The maid, having come from the Zhu household, immediately reported in her anxiety, "The master just returned from court. I overheard him telling the eldest young master that Lord Zhu has been accused of allowing his family to seize thousands of acres of good farmland and oppress the local people. He's been demoted to... demoted to a seventh-rank county magistrate, to take up the post immediately."

"From first rank to seventh rank, how efficient," Zhu Changle remarked, looking at her third sister. "I'll go find Mother."

"Yes, go find Mother," Zhu Changmin agreed, clutching her chest and instinctively moving to follow, but Changle held her back. "Third Sister, if people see you like this, the Wu Family will look down on us."

Zhu Changmin looked up at her sister, who was grinning widely, showing her teeth.

"When I was little, the first time I got into a fight, I knocked out two of the other kid's teeth," Zhu Changle held up two fingers, looking quite proud. "I was afraid Master would beat me, so I hid. After two days of hunger, I couldn't stand it anymore and snuck out to find food. Master was waiting for me in the kitchen. I did get beaten, but not because I had fought. Master said that in a fight, if you win, you should be righteous about it. Being able to beat someone down is a skill. If you lose, you should still be righteous because losing once doesn't mean you'll never win again. He said he'd only beat me black and blue if I lost a second time."

This was a life Zhu Changmin had never experienced – so free and unrestrained. She had often felt envious and longing when Changle told her stories, but only now did she realize that Changle always spoke of the happy and fun times, never mentioning the hardships she had endured. Of course, that was the world of martial artists. Only the strong avoided being bullied. Changle had grown from such a tiny thing to who she was now – how could she not have suffered?

"It's alright, Third Sister. It's just one loss. We'll fight back soon enough," Zhu Changle hugged her now calmer sister. "You focus on being a good Mrs. Wu. When you're settled, you'll have the energy to help with family matters. We have Father, Big Brother, and even though Second Brother is always quoting books, he's not stupid. Our family has plenty of capable people. And of course, most importantly, you have me! Hehe!"

Zhu Changmin's tears, which had been welling up, spilled over at her sister's laughter. She gave her still-grinning sister a light smack, but her heart felt more at ease because of these words. Everyone in court knew whose efforts had allowed their faction to survive in such a precarious situation and even improve their position. With Big Brother's strategic support added later, they had become an even more formidable force. There was no reason they couldn't weather this storm.

"I'm off now. I'll send you news if anything happens, I promise not to keep you in the dark. Just wait calmly for us to fight our way back!" Changle took advantage of her sister's momentary distraction to pinch her cheek, then ran off laughing before she could react. Without needing anyone to guide her, she headed straight for the elder Mrs. Wu's quarters. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw her mother being escorted out by the head housekeeper.

Lady Zhang extended her hand with a smile. "You've come at the right time. We should head home."

Zhu Changle tilted her head with a smile and went forward to support her mother as they walked out. Lady Zhang, as if nothing had happened, asked her, "Did you see Chenzhong?"

"Yes, he's adorable. He kept talking to me."

"Oh? And what did he say to you?"

"He said Fourth Aunt is very pretty, even prettier than his mother."

"I think what he actually said was that Fourth Aunt is very dark, the same color as charcoal."

"Mother, Father said I'm not dark, I'm sun-kissed!"

"When sun-kissed turns deep enough, it becomes dark."

"It's still sun-kissed."

"..." The mother and daughter walked out, chatting and laughing. The maids and servants looked at each other in confusion, unsure whether the news spreading like wildfire outside was true or false. If it was true, and the official had been demoted so severely, how could Lady Zhang show no sign of distress? But such widespread news couldn't be false, could it?

It wasn't until they were in the carriage that the smile faded from Lady Zhang's face. She slumped against the carriage wall and closed her eyes.

Zhu Changle sat quietly beside her mother. Although she had been away from the Capital City for years, she knew of the fierce struggle between the three factions. If Father could leave this place of strife, she thought it might not be so bad. Of course, she didn't dare say this aloud. Being demoted from first rank to seventh rank must be heartbreaking for Father.