The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 22

Dingding held the dog-beating stick, smashing it onto his palm over and over, muttering under his breath, "Look at the display, they're really laying it on thick."

Indeed they were, Zhu Changle sneered, surrounded from all directions with who knows how many hidden in the shadows. But there was a glaring weakness, judging by their position there were at least three separate groups all out for themselves. Whether it was to take credit or save face, they would most certainly not work together.

And that would be their golden opportunity.

Patting the bamboo basket at her waist, the two exchanged a look. Dingding stepping back, Zhu Changle drew her Tidal Sword, and the sixth move she chose was the relentless and ever-vigorous attack, its overwhelming force made others dare not to block. Those who had just fallen into the courtyard promptly returned to the rooftop, both of them took the opportunity to chase upwards, blocking their path on each side.

The enemies may lack the coordination, but they had it!

Aunt Feng walked to the step with her bow, pulling an arrow from behind and fully drawing her bow to aim at the easiest target above - one arrow, one life.

Those above reacted, but before they could move, the arrow had already launched again. This time, it wasn't a long arrow, it was...

Zhu Changle and Dingding raised their arms and their sleeves fell, revealing the wrist arrows. Simple, yet lethal.

A life was reaped as soon as they met and the other party finally became cautious. Forgetting about what was below, all moves were directed at these two while trying to drag them away from their original position, which was precisely what Zhu Changle intended. Only with her family safe can she fight unrestrained.

Their backs protected by each other, with the assist from the wrist arrows, they stand firm against the wind, even for a while.

But the enemies were just too many, and after taking more than a dozen lives, the assault was still on and the two, both injured, couldn't do a war of attrition. Zhu Changle realized that the adversaries meant for a war of attrition to exhaust them.

"Watch out!" Zhu Changle warned urgently, and a knife blade as long as a little finger and double-edged fell beside Dingding. At the same time, Zhu Changle activated her wrist arrow, which zipped towards the direction from where the hidden weapon just came and someone in the shadow fell in response.

Dingding glanced down, and humphed, "Let's go!"

This call was not to the enemies. He raised his dog-beating stick, Zhu Changle stepped onto it, climbed higher again, executing 'relentless and ever-vigorous' in the ascent. Then she saw a few bugs in the hidden corners and a man standing under a not so far tree. No need to guess, the one who just helped Dingding was him.

First, she greeted a bug with her wrist arrow, and when Zhu Changle descended, she waved to that man, "We meet again!"

That call was akin to announcing that he was her acquaintance, her ally.

Without any discussion, some drew their swords and surrounded him immediately, dividing their forces and easing the pressure on Zhu Changle. Rapidly, she loaded an arrow onto her wrist arrow, and with Dingding they charged to two opposite directions, quickly turning the tide.

"If you're a rat, go hide in the gutter!" Zhu Changle kicked a man into flight, leveraging to attack another, her sword across his chest and the falling body slid into the courtyard.

Aunt Feng quietly breathed a sigh of relief. The young lady's ability to engage in small talk indicated that the crisis was over. She only wondered who the newcomer was.

That was also a question on Zhu Changle's mind. She hastily glanced sideways, seeing that he was handling the situation with ease, she relaxed herself. Launching another attack, she asked Dingding in a low voice, "Is he your friend?"

"Isn't he your friend?" Dingding shot her a look, he certainly wasn't the one who had greeted the newcomer earlier!

Zhu Changle seriously pondered whether knowing someone briefly could be termed as friendship. Unable to stretch that definition, she thought of another possibility, "Did Little Lid send some backup since he couldn't help?"

"That could be highly possible."

With the arrival of such a strong supporter, seeing the unfavorable situation, some tried to retreat. One after another, the team of misfits dissipated quickly.

Huffing, Zhu Changle tossed a playful punch into the sky and laughed aloud, "Thank goodness you arrived timely, otherwise, I would not have ended up with a minor injury today."

The man nodded and turned to leave. Quick on her feet, Zhu Changle hindered his way, saluted and said, "I still don't know the name of my friend. I am Zhu Changle, the Changle that signifies happiness, and he is my friend Dingding…"

"I am Tong Ziming." He interrupted.

Zhu Changle waved him off without turning back and delightedly turned to the man and asked, "Did Lan Ping ask you to help?"

The man shook his head.

Zhu Changle was taken aback, 'not Lan Ping?' She had only asked two people for help, if not Lan Ping, then who could it be?

"Do you know Lan Ping?"

The man did not wish to indulge in further conversation. With a salute, he tried to leave. However, this piqued Zhu Changle's curiosity. She was adamant about figuring it out. After all, whose account would she owe this favor?

A swift thought crossed her mind. She again blocked his way, "I certainly can't force a friend to stay. The chase along the road, there was no logic in dragging you into it… What now?"

The man's gaze made Zhu Changle bewildered. Rewinding her previous statement, she found nothing wrong. She hadn't even tried to trick him yet!

With a slight tap of his foot, the man ascended to the roof, standing and looking down at Zhu Changle from high above.

Thrilled, Zhu Changle joined him up on the roof. She chuckled and asked, "So, not leaving?"

He shook his head.

Zhu Changle was momentarily speechless. With a gesture asking him to go ahead, she plunged back into the courtyard. Joking or not, this valuable ally – no matter who sent him – was a priority to retain. After all, Little Golden had yet to return, and God knows where Little Lid was fooling around.

"Young Lady." Aunt Feng hurriedly came over to check on Zhu Changle. Ascertaining that she only had superficial injuries, she felt relieved and then focused on the unfamiliar man.

"Aunt Feng, this is...Right, I still don’t know the friend's name."

The man opened the fan in his hand. The side facing outward read two characters, 'Qiuli'.

"Qiuli? Is that your name?"

Qiuli nodded.

Zhu Changle finally realized the peculiarity. The man had only communicated through nodding or shaking his head. From beginning to end, he hadn't said a word, but he could hear. Could it be...?

"Are you unable to speak?"

Qiuli looked at her.

"What's the matter? It's a small issue." Zhu Changle patted his shoulder and noticed the man evading, but didn't mind. His laughter rang out so loud and charismatic, "What’s the big deal about not being able to speak? I could speak a few years ago, and no one was talking to me. I was almost chattering in gibberish back then. At home, my mom wished she could sew my mouth shut."

Such a way to console? He didn't express a slight pity, nor did he softly step around to avoid causing pain. He just treated it as if it was the most common thing in the world. To Qiuli, it felt a bit...novel.

The tightly-closed door cracked open, and the voice of Zhu Maonian leaked out, "Has it ended, Changle?"

"It's okay now, father." Zhu Changle ran over to push the door wider and then led his father out. "Father, we were lucky that Qiuli lent us a hand. Without him, it wouldn't have been this quick."

Zhu Maonian stepped down the porch, cupping his hands in admiration, "I am very thankful for your aid."

Zhu Changwang and Zhu Changning came out in unison and both made a gesture of courtesy. However, the women of the house didn't show themselves.

Qiuli took a longer look at Zhu Maonian and returned his gesture of courtesy.

"Father, his throat got hurt and it’s inconvenient for him to speak. We are simple folks of the Jianghu, we don't care much for formalities, I will be sure to thank him appropriately later. Isn't that right, Qiuli?"

Qiuli graciously nodded.

"Hehe." Zhu Changle pushed her father back gently, "I'll oversee things here. You should go and appease mom and grandma."

Zhu Maonian's eyes swept over his daughter's injuries and blood stains, swallowing down the lump in his throat while following her lead back to the room.

Some things are just too light to mention verbally.