The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 17

Dingding's arrival broke the enemy's encirclement, leaving behind more than a dozen corpses as the black-clad men retreated.

Dingding approached Zhu Changle, toying with his dog-beating stick. "Little Zhu, how did you end up in such a miserable state?"

"Shut up," Zhu Changle glared at him. Did she want to be in this condition?

"Hehe, why am I so happy about this?"

"Don't ask for a beating. Your ladyship is in a foul mood."

Dingding tossed her some hemostatic medicine. Zhu Changle glanced at her wound, which was still bleeding. She was about to look for a handkerchief to wipe it, not wanting to frighten her family, when the door opened. Zhu Changning pushed their elder brother out, followed by their father.

"Is it a serious injury?" Zhu Maonian asked as he hurried over.

"It's just a scratch, not worth mentioning." Since she couldn't hide it anymore, Zhu Changle didn't care. She was about to use her other sleeve to wipe the blood when Aunt Feng quickly stopped her, taking out a clean handkerchief to dress the wound.

It hurt a bit, but she could bear it. Not wanting her family to worry, Zhu Changle kicked Dingding and introduced him, "This is my friend Dingding. Dingding, the one with the beard is my father, the one sitting is my eldest brother, and behind him is my second brother. Say hello."

Very... straightforward. Dingding raised his dog-beating stick, then quickly realized his mistake and tucked it into his waist. He cupped his hands in a martial arts salute and said, "Uncle, Big Brother, Second Brother, my name is Tong Ziming. It's a pleasure to meet you."

As the head of the family, Zhu Maonian solemnly returned the gesture and expressed his gratitude, "We're fortunate you arrived in time. Otherwise, Changle might have..."

"No worries, she would have managed even without me. She just might have taken a bit more of a beating," Dingding jerked his chin towards Zhu Changle, shamelessly taking credit for being a big help.

Changle spat at him, "You have the nerve to take credit when you arrived so late? Father, don't be polite to him. He'll take it seriously."

"I traveled day and night, okay? You only told me to come to this road to meet you, but didn't specify where exactly. I had to search all the way here!"

"And you're so slow at searching that I can't even comment on it?"

"You think everyone has a divine steed like you? If you had left Little Tail with me earlier, I definitely would have found you sooner."

"I knew you were still after Little Tail. Why don't you ask if it even wants anything to do with you?"


As the two bantered back and forth, Aunt Feng finished treating Changle's wound, and the Zhu family finally relaxed a bit. They recalled the earlier conversation about the origin of the name "Dingding" and didn't quite know what to make of it.

A young lady chasing someone around yelling "Dingding," and a man being called "Dingding" all the time – didn't these two feel any shame?

Zhu Changwang rested his chin on his hand, watching the two go back and forth, realizing they were truly good friends.

"Wah..." A not-so-loud cry reached Changle's ears. She clapped her hands together, "The baby's born."

The sound wasn't very clear, and the Zhu family couldn't quite make it out. Zhu Changning's face lit up with joy as he quickly asked, "Has the baby been born? I think I heard something."

"Yes, yes, it has," Zhu Changle patted her second brother's shoulder, her gesture more like that of a brother than a sister. "Congratulations, Second Brother."

Zhu Changning patted her shoulder in return, everything understood without words.

They didn't have to wait long before the door swung open, and Lady Zhang stood in the doorway holding the baby. Usually full of energy, she now looked a bit worn out, but still managed to smile and say, "Congratulate our Zhu family on the joy of having a son."

Zhu Maonian showed a slight smile, "Born in the midst of turmoil, he's sure to be someone who can shoulder great responsibilities. This is a good thing."

"That's right. The eldest grandson is... quite handsome," Zhu Changle said cheerfully as she leaned in to look at the ugly baby, forcing herself to say he was good-looking. Lady Zhang knew her well and, holding back a laugh, moved the baby closer to her.

Zhu Changle wiped her hands on her clothes and was about to hold the baby. No matter how ugly, he was still a member of their Zhu family, and she didn't mind.

"Mother!" Madam Xu's sharp voice came from inside the room. The inn was simple, the rooms small, and her voice carried clearly. "Changle... Changle has blood on her. The negative energy is too strong, it might harm the child..."

The joyous atmosphere vanished instantly. Zhu Maonian's face darkened, and Lady Zhang moved to place the child directly into Changle's arms. The baby's kitten-like cries seemed particularly jarring at this moment.

Zhu Changle took a step back, putting her hands behind her. She was about to make a joke to lighten the mood when Dingding beat her to it, "What were you fighting so hard for earlier then? You should have just let them charge in. Let's see whose negative energy is stronger, theirs or yours."

Zhu Changle kicked him and pushed her guilt-ridden second brother towards the room. "Mother is tired and needs to rest. Where's Grandmother? Grandmother should rest too. Second Brother, please take care of things."

"When a girl marries into a family, it's understandable if she doesn't know better at first. But after all this time, she should have learned something. Changning, don't you agree?" The old lady rose slowly and walked out. The tightness of her lips showed how displeased she was.

Zhu Changning was startled. He was also annoyed at Madam Xu's inappropriate words, but he hadn't expected his grandmother to speak so harshly in front of so many people, including an outsider. He hurriedly said, "Grandmother, Hanmei is a new mother. She's just too concerned about the child. Please forgive her this time. I will certainly have a good talk with her."

Zhu Changning turned to Madam Xu and said sternly, "Apologize to Grandmother at once."

"That's enough," Zhu Changle stepped over the threshold, pushed her second brother aside, and supported her grandmother. Without even glancing at Madam Xu, she said, "Second Sister-in-law just gave birth. If outsiders saw this, they'd think our Zhu family was too harsh! Grandmother, look, Second Brother is about to cry."

Zhu Changning, who absolutely adhered to the principle that men shouldn't shed tears easily, was initially grateful for his little sister's intervention, but hearing the last part, he wanted to glare at her. Where did she see that he was about to cry?

Zhu Changle glared at him first, as if to say, "You can't even keep your wife in line, I haven't even settled accounts with you yet!"

Zhu Changning, knowing he was in the wrong, turned his head away, accepting the rebuke.

Seeing the interaction between the siblings, the old lady's anger subsided a bit. She patted Changle's hand and left the room, with Zhu Changning hurriedly bowing in respect.

Lady Zhang handed the baby to her son. Seeing him frozen in place, she placed the child in his arms. Though annoyed, her movements remained gentle. "Your sister with the 'strong negative energy' is injured. I need to go check on her. I'll leave things here to you."

"Mother, your daughter-in-law was just too anxious. It's all my fault," Madam Xu wasn't a foolish person. She had seen how favored Zhu Changle was these past days, and after giving birth to the Zhu family's eldest grandson, she couldn't hold back. She thought surely the weight of the eldest grandson would outweigh that of an unmarried daughter, but she hadn't expected that in the Zhu family, it truly didn't.

"I'll go apologize to Changle right away." Madam Xu struggled to get out of bed, pushing away Lady Qin who tried to help her.

Lady Zhang had seen it all before. Even knowing this was a ploy for sympathy, she could only have Lady Li go over to stop her. "Changle is right. We can't let others' actions make our Zhu family seem harsh. Rest well. Lady Li, please go ask Nanny Liang to come and help with the aftermath."

"Yes, ma'am."

Everyone outside had left. Zhu Changning stood holding the baby, at a loss. Madam Xu gestured for Lady Qin to take the child, while tearfully apologizing, "Husband, I really didn't mean to. The child was born prematurely, as small as a kitten. I was just too afraid..."