The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 53

Thunder rumbled—

The sky was already dark, and the clouds had blocked out the moon. Qin Wei sat on the high ground of the small island, feeling chilled to the bone.

"Damn it!"

Usually Li Yao didn't let her curse, and she had just about reformed herself, but today she really couldn't stand it.

She had thought she was unlucky enough in her previous life, and that heaven had given her a chance to start over and things would get better, but from the time she woke up until now, she felt that nothing could be worse—only more and more dreadful.

She was so unlucky it was unparalleled, one chapter was stronger than six!

"Damn it! Fuck! Shit!"

Qin Wei was a little annoyed, but then immediately felt dizzy—

The two chocolate bars were already eaten up. Possibly because of the blood loss, the replenishment to her energy from these two chocolate bars was not enough for her to cope with the expenditure of energy in her body.

In other words, if she didn't make it back to the human settlement, she might not make it through the night.

When it rains, it pours. The raindrops really came pelting down one by one.

Qin Wei completely collapsed. She wanted to cry but didn't even have the strength.

"What the hell, my main account is gone and my side account is trashed too. I'm finished so fast!"

Qin Wei raised her hand and blamed heaven for being unfair.

A beam of light shone on her face, the glare too bright to see anything.

Scared, she pulled her hand back in—she still couldn't be too disrespectful to heaven...

"She's over there!"

Hearing someone's voice instantly ignited the hope in her heart. Qin Wei was extremely pleasantly surprised, so pleasantly surprised that—

"Teacher Qin! Great that you're here...Teacher Qin?"

She fainted on the spot.


Qin Wei had a long dream. In the dream there were many people coming and going in front of her. Among them were former colleagues from when she was still a trainee in her previous life, as well as her current agent Li Yao in this life, and...

A few faces she wasn't familiar with.

But she felt that she should be familiar with these people.

They were probably friends the original owner had known...

She opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling overhead, while the steady, rhythmic "beep, beep" of a heart rate monitor sounded in her ear. She had already left that small island.

"Wei Wei, you're awake!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, Qin Wei saw Li Yao's face.

Like seeing a loved one after enduring hardship, Qin Wei immediately felt wronged. Her eyes grew hot and she raised her hand to pull off the oxygen mask.

"My ancestor, don't move."

Li Yao hurriedly got up to stop her.

"You're injured, starved for a day on the island, had low blood sugar, and got drenched in the rain at night—you almost had hypothermia. For now just lie there obediently. We'll talk about everything else when we get back home."

So they were still abroad? Li Yao had rushed over specially to see her?

Qin Wei felt a little moved again.

Speaking of which, Li Yao sounded a little angry:

"The show's production team is completely irresponsible! Our Wei Wei's face is so perfect, how could they let her get injured?! What if this leaves a scar? You don't know how to do anything, you just make a living with this face!"

So she was nothing but a pretty face huh?

Qin Wei couldn't figure out whether Li Yao was praising her or putting her down.

Qin Wei had so much she wanted to say, so she raised her hand again and took off the oxygen mask:

"Are we still in Italy? How did I...get back..."

Li Yao looked at her:

"Don't you remember? It was Li Hanming and Sheng Lin who found you with the local police. When they found you, you were at death's door. They didn't dare delay for even a moment, afraid you wouldn't make it back...whoops, poor choice of words—afraid you wouldn't hold on."

"Li Hanming... Sheng Lin..."

Qin Wei found it strange how they had known where she was.

"Here, put this back on first! The doctor said you need more oxygen."

Li Yao said as he carefully helped her put the oxygen mask back on. Then he became serious again and told her,

"I've already gotten the gist of what happened. This was definitely no accident—someone who doesn't like you clearly wanted to kill you. And with the other two incidents before this, I don't think we can let it go. We have to get to the bottom of this."

Qin Wei also seemed to have had a premonition about this. One accident was an accident, but every time targeting her specifically, it became a little unreasonable to call it a coincidence.

Qin Wei looked at Li Yao and nodded lightly.


News of Qin Wei's accident still spread like wildfire, with people in the know leaking details, true or false, online, attracting attention.




Every related tag about her on the hot searches made people's hearts skip a beat when they saw them.


[Holy crap, no way! Σ(っ°Д°;)っ]

[I'm studying abroad in Italy, I also heard from friends—it was by the coast, my friend said someone went missing at sea. It's a tourist city, and the tourist season was about to begin, so they were afraid something happening would negatively impact that. So the local police all went out searching. I don't know the specifics, but the timing matches up with when the show crew went there to film.]

[Hope nothing happened, I just started stanning her...]

[Fools have fool's luck. As a hater of Sister Qin, I also don't wish anything bad on her...]

[She's not really disfigured right? Although I don't like her, have to admit she's good looking. If her looks are ruined that would really be a pity.]

[Modern medicine is so advanced, Sister Lu definitely will be fine. Even if she really is disfigured, us mom fans aren't just looks fans—we'll continue to love her.]

[Mom fans are so touching, let's all pray that Qin Wei is okay!]


Qin Wei was fine overall, she just lay in the hospital for two days.

The wound on her was at her temple. Although somewhat deep, the area wasn't large. The doctor debrided it then bandaged it, and told her she would be fine.

Li Yao was worried sick about scarring, but Qin Wei took it easy. She felt that even if it did scar it would be very small, and her hair could cover it easily anyway, so she didn't fret over it.

As a result, Li Yao had been so anxious these two days that he lost his appetite and looked completely haggard.

But Qin Wei was good, eating and drinking happily.

During this time the other members of Stars Group also came to see her. Only Liu Xin didn't come because he had to rush off for a schedule, but that was normal for them, so no one thought much of it.

When Sheng Lin and Li Hanming came, Qin Wei looked at them gratefully. After all, if not for these two Bodhisattvas, she would probably already have had her funeral and been buried.

So simply saying "thank you" dozens of times still wasn't enough to express Qin Wei's gratitude.

Sheng Lin scratched his head, rather embarrassed, and glanced at Li Hanming, still not daring to take all the credit for himself. He confessed frankly:

"Teacher Qin, if you want to thank someone, thank little Hanming here! I didn't actually help with much, just went with him to circle around that island by sea. That day you got into trouble, Hanming was really worried about you the whole time. In the end, it was also because of him that..."

Qin Wei looked at Li Hanming. Li Hanming didn't deny it, just smiled a little awkwardly.

Qin Wei asked:

"That island probably can't even be found on a map, so how did you manage it?"

Li Hanming raised his hand.