The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 47

Liu Xin looked at her, completely confused.

Qin Wei turned her head and walked away.

"Hey! What are you doing..."

Liu Xin called after her, but she didn't look back.

The four of them looked at each other blankly.

Ten minutes later, Qin Wei came jogging back, and in her hands was a long black rectangular box.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting."

Qin Wei said, placing the box on the ground and opening it. Inside was a violin.

Liu Xin looked at the violin lying quietly in the box, having no idea what she was going to do. Chen Chen had already wandered off, and she didn't know where Qin Wei had gotten a violin from. Did she have the leisure to play music?

Moreover, could she even play the violin??

Many fans online had the same questions—

【Who can take a guess, what is Qin Wei up to?】

【I know this one! As we all know, beginner violinists play extremely abrasive and unpleasant sounds. Qin Wei wants to use that sound to attract Chen Chen over.】

【Good lord, I'm just going to say it - Sis Qin wants to make some noise huh, why doesn't she get a gong? That would be more powerful.】

【Maybe she's afraid Chen Chen would be too embarrassed to come over and identify himself...】

【Oh geez, my heart hurts for that violin】

【Let me recap Ms. Qin Wei's musical journey since her debut: suspected lip-syncing during galas, half-hearted dancing, doesn't recognize sheet music, claims to like opera but got called we can add violin playing to the list...】

【Qin laoshi, take it easy, that bow of yours can't saw through the violin!】


Qin Kaili also walked over:

"Wei, now's not the time to be fooling around. We still have to go look for Chen Chen!"

Liu Xin frowned and said to her with arms crossed:

"Qin Wei, you have to prioritize matters by importance and urgency. What exactly are you trying to do?"


Qin Wei replied, as she picked up the violin and started tuning it.

Liu Xin wanted to say more but was stopped by Li Hanming.

Li Hanming put his index finger to his lips, signaling Liu Xin to keep quiet.

Liu Xin was somewhat annoyed. Who did this punk think he was, daring to make gestures at her?

But thinking about how good-looking he was, and how many fans he had, what if they had opportunities to collaborate after debuting?

Plus she would look bad scolding a child like this on camera, people might say she was playing the seniority card.

So Liu Xin stood there and watched coldly—

Knowing Qin Wei's character, she had no musicality whatsoever. The violin wasn't something you could just fake for a few days and master. It was unfriendly to beginners. Even if Qin Wei was given the chance, she would only embarrass herself!!

At this moment Qin Wei was wholly focused on tuning the violin. She then rested the bow on the strings, and began playing a melody.

"A beautiful jasmine flower

A beautiful jasmine flower

Fragrant and pretty, branches full

Sweet scented white, praised by all

Let me pluck and give you away

To another family

Jasmine flower, jasmine flower


In the interplay between strings and bow, a graceful oriental melody flowed forth. In that moment, passersby walking nearby paused and turned to appreciate it. Some cast delighted looks, others took out phones to record videos, still others simply closed their eyes to enjoy the music.

She...was able to play this?

Liu Xin's mouth hung open in an "O". She thought to herself, could Qin Wei have hidden a music player on herself, and was now playing a pre-recorded track?

But the truth was, every note came from the violin in her hands.

When did Qin Wei learn to play violin? And so well too??

Online fans:

【Damn! Got fooled by this woman】

【This is a simple tune, but the distinct oriental style makes it easy to fool foreigners. Qin Wei is taking shortcuts. I can't even play the guqin but I can play High Mountains and Flowing Water on it!】

【The above poster clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. Foreigners have ears too, they can tell good from bad. It's already not bad for a layperson to play violin decently. In my opinion, every note she played was stable. And Jasmine Flower isn't simple for beginners either, it was around Grade 4 when I took exams.】

【Qin Wei, how many more surprises do you have that I don't know about?】


When she finished, everyone around applauded.

Qin Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately she had picked up her old skills out of boredom at home. It was awful at first but her technique was there, and the original owner's hands were quite agile. Daily practice quickly improved her playing.

Perhaps the original owner was musically gifted but never had the chance or time to nurture other hobbies, having chosen the path of an entertainer.

Otherwise, how could a person with no sense of music own so many instruments at home?

She never expected her childhood suffering learning instruments to be useful here.

Skilled or not, these hands didn't have the muscle memory built up over 10 plus years of practice. Just in case, Qin Wei chose a relatively simple piece to play.

Seizing the opportunity while there was a crowd, she continued with a second song.

Seeing her ready to play, the audience intuitively quieted down.

Qin Wei's expression grew solemn. From the first note, an indescribable majestic air permeated forth.

"In the wind and rain, I stand tall!

Onward! Our blood boils hot! Bearing our mission and duty upon our shoulders!

Onward! The iron torrent surges onward! Riding the wind and breaking waves, shaking the earth in all directions! Unstoppable!


Just listening, vivid scenes flashed in the mind—

Tanks recklessly charging ahead at unbelievable speed amid the fire and smoke of war.

The heavens and earth change color before it.

When she finished, sounds of applause rose and fell continuously around her!

Unbound by language, the music profoundly stirred every soul present. All were shocked and marveled that one so young could possess such mastery!

Qin Wei stood with violin in hand, bowing slightly to express her thanks. She too heaved an inward sigh of relief.

She had originally planned to play a pastoral or fishing song, as those were what she was most familiar with. But in that moment her emotions welled up and she spontaneously decided to change to this song instead.

It wasn't easy, she had just learned it in the past few months and had never played it perfectly start to finish before. She didn't expect such great results on the first try, although she admitted it was still imperfect.

After airing, these hashtags shot up the hot search ranking—





【My god! The March of the Iron Torrent! Qin Wei slays!】

【Cultural ambassador promoting our heritage—Qin Wei】

【Unfamiliar with the tune at first listen, by second listen already immersed】

【Liberate Rome】

【Liberate Western Europe】

【Liberate the whole world】

【Qin Wei's ambitions keep growing, has she gone for political education these last few months?】

【I suspect she's been reading philosophy, politics, history lately. Anyone got a book list?】