The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 467

At the banquet hall eating dinner, Song Huan came back, and Qin Wei still gave her some chicken legs to eat, saying eating more can relieve stress.

Song Huan thought it was interesting, so she poured herself a glass of wine and told Qin Wei:

"Eating chicken legs can't relieve stress, but drinking moderately will definitely work."

Qin Wei wanted to tell her that she doesn't drink, but after hearing what Song Huan said next,

"When I occasionally can't sleep, I also drink... Don't try to report this to my company, we also have work hours, it's allowed for me to drink moderately during my break..."

Qin Wei drank it all in one go, not to get drunk, but afraid she wouldn't be able to sleep at night because of what happened during the day.


"So you drank."

Her roommate told her.

It seemed like that did happen...

When her roommate mentioned it, some things came back to Qin Wei, but what happened after that?

"Afterwards who knows how much you drank, anyway when I came over, you were crying and weeping while holding onto Miss Song, saying you can't sleep without her there, sleeping alone is so scary, then you hugged her arm and wouldn't let go...

I've worked with Miss Song on set before too, she always keeps her emotions hidden, I've never seen her look so broken down...

When she looked at me, she directly asked me to save her. I finally managed to pull you away with great difficulty, then you grabbed onto me and wouldn't let go. Do you want me to continue?"

Qin Wei let go, embarrassedly covering her face:

"Oh oh oh, that was my mistake, I'm sorry... No, I remember I grabbed Ju An's paw, I didn't expect it was yours... So where is Ju An?"

As she spoke, she groped around and got up to look for her little brown bear.


The kind-hearted Miss Qiao pointed her in the right direction—

Right there next to the bed, on the ground.

Qin Wei: "!!!!"

Qin Wei picked up Ju An and hugged her in her arms, then looked at her roommate aggrievedly:

"It's a two meter wide bed, and there's no more room for poor Ju An? Are you jealous of Ju An's beauty so you pushed her down? Qiao Sixiao you are vicious!"

"Stop making things up! You rolled over and squeezed her down yourself while you were sleeping! You were grabbing my wrist so even if I could pick her up, I wouldn't have been able to leave! Okay?"

Such grievance is unbearable!!

"Oh fine, you go back to sleep then, thank you, good night."


The next day when the whole crew went to participate in various water activities, little Qiao chose to abstain, while Qin Wei chose deep sea fishing that no one else intended to try.

After boarding the yacht and once it was anchored out at sea, Huo Yu walked out from the cabin and saw Qin Wei sitting in a shaded area on deck fishing. He went over and sat down next to her.

"Did you take medicine for seasickness? Throwing up from seasickness out at sea is really awful."

After Huo Yu finished speaking, Qin Wei glanced at him without even greeting him, but Huo Yu was not offended. He continued speaking on his own,

"You can catch sea bass, flying fish here, sometimes even sharks... But sharks must be released back. In these waters, catching a shark and not releasing it is illegal."

"Oh, Boss Huo actually knows what illegal means!"

Only then did Qin Wei respond to him, but she was clearly mocking him,

"By the way, is Liu Xin still alive?"

"I only wanted to vent your anger."

Huo Yu wasn't stupid either, he could tell the implication behind her words, but could only helplessly spread his hands,

"When I was little I didn't have parents. At just over ten years old I was already mixing around in various auto repair shops in small county towns to make ends meet.

Back then when I was with my brothers, being good to each other was simple. We shared food when we had it. When someone bullied you, your brothers would vent anger for you. It was crude but refreshingly straightforward.

Then suddenly a man appeared claiming to be my dad. He knew what my mom's name was, who had died many years ago, and he also knew my name was Huo Yu. He gave me money and sent me to school. Only after that did I realize, oh, I can also live like an actual human being. Although I was nostalgic for my former life, I was also reluctant to give up my current respectability...

Sorry for rambling, those were just some things from my past...

What I'm trying to say is, I don't know how to treat you well in a way that would make you happy. If you tell me, I can improve."

Qin Wei lifted up her little stool and scooted it over a bit to the side.

Seeing her react like this, Huo Yu explained:

"Miss Qin don't get the wrong idea, I don't have any other intentions towards you. Some things can't be fully explained in just a moment. I just want to ask you, did your dad give you any birthday presents when you turned 18?"

"Huh? My dad?"

Only then did Qin Wei turn her head to look at him.

Seeing her surprised reaction, Huo Yu also confirmed one thing, Qin Wei probably didn't know anything.

"You don't need to know about anything else, just answer my question. I can only tell you your father once did business together with my father, but after taking a sum of money he disappeared without a trace. My father looked for many years but couldn't find any whereabouts.

We only know that that year you had just turned 18. The only clue we could find was that he mailed a parcel domestically with you as the recipient. Can you tell me what he sent you? Do you still remember?"

"Hmm hmm hmm."

"What was it?"

"Why should I tell you?"


When the sun set in the west, the yacht docked. As Qin Wei disembarked, Shen Qingqing happened to be standing at the pier. Seeing Qin Wei, she came over:

"Did you catch anything?"

Qin Wei: "Fat sheep."

Shen Qingqing: "??"

"Lobsters and fish."

Qin Wei pointed at the cooler Mu Chen was carrying behind her,

"Have the kitchen prepare them later. We'll eat them tonight."

Shen Qingqing was very pleasantly surprised and clapped saying:

"Wonderful! But who is he? Where is your assistant?"

"My assistant got seasick. How would I know about that."

Qin Wei glanced back at Mu Chen, recalling what Huo Yu had just said to her—

"Give me the goods. We'll split the money inside, 30% for you, 70% for me. This is what your father owes me.

Although it's repaying the debts of the father with the son, I want to write off the grudges of the previous generation with this. As long as you give me the goods and we split the money, I won't bother you again.

All I want is money."

Qin Wei had also asked him:

"Why should I believe you? I could fully embezzle what my dad left me, or refuse to cooperate at all right?"

He wasn't surprised by any of her questions. He patiently told her:

"You don't think falling out of the car into the river was just an accident right?

You don't think your home being burgled was just the security system failing with the thief only wanting to steal some luxury goods right?

What about the people on set who tried to set it on fire, you don't think it was a rival studio paying to harm you right?

There are always some old things trying to make some disharmony in this harmonious society... I also want it to be harmonious but I need money to run the company properly. All I want is money. If possible, I don't want to touch any red lines."

To tell you the truth, that group of bastards who did business with my dad all know about the existence of that money. Everyone wants to find it and keep it for themselves, but since they check each other, no one can achieve it..."

When he turned and saw Qin Wei leaning against the fishing rod half asleep, Huo Yu stopped talking. Instead he told her:

"It's not that I don't want to tell you everything, but there are too many complex grievances. You wouldn't understand even if I said more. In short, your father blacked all of us for 10 billion. You..."

Qin Wei perked up and slammed her thigh, sighing:

"Pfft, why didn't you say so earlier? I could get 30 billion right? Would I need to pay taxes on those 30 billion?"