The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 370

This semester, it was rare to have a class where Qin Wei, Shen Qingqing, Wei Lai and Youyou could get together.

Then they were dumbfounded.

"This class we will be studying functions and limits."

The old professor stood at the podium and after a simple few words, began writing problems on the blackboard. The other students bowed their heads and started scribbling away, while only the four of them didn't know what to write.

Shen Qingqing: "The answer is one ninth, right..."

Wei Lai: "What was the formula again..."

Youyou: "What is lim? What is e??"

Qin Wei: "Isn't this calculus class? Why are there more letters than numbers??"


The professor was very nice, he didn't take attendance or care if you came to class. As long as you handed in your homework on time, it counted towards your grade.

But there would be a closed book exam for this class at the end of the semester, with all fill-in-the-blank and essay questions, eliminating any chance, requiring real studying for this subject.

A 90 minute lecture, couldn't understand the lecture, couldn't understand the textbook, Qin Wei felt like she was on pins and needles.

Luckily there was only calculus on Wednesdays, and the day before Li Liang had notified her that she had a magazine cover shoot that afternoon, something arranged long ago. But now class was over, and Li Liang called again:

"Sis, um, the magazine side cancelled the arrangements...uh...but tomorrow going to shoot an ad for Tianshi Watches is confirmed, don't worry!"

"I know."

Qin Wei knew the reason, the scandal from hitting someone had never really blown over. That romance reality show going live was purely to gain views by having her on.

It did help salvage her reputation somewhat, but the antis, gossip sites, and internet trolls still wouldn't let her go, interfering with a lot of work, delaying some and forcing the cancellation of even more.

Now without An Xing's protection, her work situation was even more difficult.


Qin Wei hung up the phone. Since there probably wouldn't be much work for a while, she'd just think of it as a vacation. She could go home and catch up on homework, play with Legos...

She should go home and look at her calculus homework, she couldn't fail this class. Even if she hit obstacles at work, she couldn't let calculus become an obstacle in her studies!!


Just as she had made up her mind, Li Liang called again:

"Sis, the TV drama Meteor has finished filming, they're in post production now. We have a few scenes to reshoot, not too much work, 3 days should be enough to finish. The crew asked if you're available these next few days?"

More work had come up!

For some reason, Qin Wei felt a little happy and readily agreed.

She quickly packed a bag at home. Her roommate wasn't home, and Qin Wei was afraid of disturbing her work, so she sent her a message saying she was going on a work trip. A few minutes later her phone rang, it was her roommate calling.

"Let Xiao Wang take care of you these few days, I'll be back in 3 days. I don't have time to water that plant, remember to have Xiao Wang do it. And..."

"You don't need to worry about anything, just go do what you need to do."

Qiao Sixiao hung up the phone and glanced at Xiao Wang next to her.

[Xiao Wang's Diary: My sister's roommate will be gone for 3 days, unexpectedly the most miserable one is me. Have to bring her breakfast early in the morning, and help her water plants. After work still have to accompany her at her place, and she's never satisfied with how I take care of her...

The water I wash her hands with is too cold, the lemon tea I poured is too icy, the fruit I cut is in chunks too big, don't step on the Lego pieces on the floor...

Have to stay with her until she sleeps, then drive back home myself...

This is what I earn my pay for, I serve willingly, it's just...

Working is so tiring, my injury still hurts and my body feels bad. She's not very happy every day either.

These few days I suddenly understand the importance of a silly sweetie. Silly teacher please come back soon! I want a night life, I want to go out for skewers!]


Qin Wei yawned and sat waiting for her scenes on set, her gaze somewhat distracted.

Sitting next to her, Su Yang's brows remained furrowed the whole time:

"y equals arcsin x minus 1/2, natural domain... Qin Wei keep your eyes open! You asked me to go over problems with you, don't fall asleep!"

Su Yang was a little annoyed. She had come to reshoot some scenes together, and was spending all her breaks doing homework. She was touched by her own diligence at first, but then realized not a single math problem had been solved correctly.

It was a complete mess.

Qin Wei had just closed her eyes and slowly opened them again:

"What is arcsin?"

Su Yang: "⊙〈⊙......"


Shen Kai had also come during the reshoots. There were some of Guo Yuyang's scenes that needed to be redone with him. At this meeting he didn't chase after Qin Wei persistently, only coming over occasionally for brief small talk. Regarding Qin Wei's current circumstances, he only mentioned it once:

"Don't dwell on temporary gains and losses, you need to wait, wait patiently. If everything goes smoothly, once this drama starts airing, your situation will get much better.

I've seen some of the rough cuts, I have confidence in the quality of the drama."

The quality was good, but a drama catching fire or not was still a gamble.

"Or...I have some variety show invites, if you're interested, I can consider them..."

Shen Kai looked at her. The costume made her look clear, cold and delicate. Along with her current calm and melancholy expression, Shen Kai couldn't help feeling a little lost. It was as if time had gone back to when they first met, she was still that pretty and aloof girl, wary at every moment, keeping everyone thousands of miles away.

The first time he saw her, he was smitten. Her looks, her temperament, her every move and action suited his preferences too perfectly!


She was so hard to gain the trust of. She didn't accept any of his goodwill. Other than when filming, she wouldn't even talk to him. Shen Kai had never imagined pursuing a girl could be so difficult. It took a lot of thought before he noticed some little details—

When waiting on set, if he told stories to the child actors, she would silently sidle over and sit not far away, quietly listening. When it got to funny parts, the corner of her eyes would relax. When it got to sad parts, the corners of her lips would turn down.

She didn't like others praising her looks, especially fawning over how beautiful she was. No matter how unrestrained your compliments, she wouldn't give any reaction.

She would only accept drinks and food from her assistant and manager. It was only after becoming familiar with Shen Kai that she would occasionally accept drinks from him, but it had to be opened in front of her.

He discovered these little details, gaining her trust bit by bit. At first he thought it was cute how the little fairy was so lacking in security, wanting to protect such an insecure girl.

Later once they were familiar, Shen Kai would often tell her all kinds of stories, occasionally also about things he saw and heard while filming. Afterwards he even told her about his plans for the future—

He hadn't bought a house yet, he wanted to buy one with his future wife, one she liked. The decoration would also be up to her, they would build their home together.

"It has to have big floor-to-ceiling windows, good lighting."

"Of course."

"Thick soft carpets."

"Must have them."

"Lots of flowers and plants, for you to care for."

"Okay, you just watch."

"Then you already have a girlfriend."


"I really want a home."


"In the future, I'll give you the grandest wedding. You're so beautiful, you can't be mistreated."

For the first time, Qin Wei raised a doubt: "Must be beautiful?"

"You're not beautiful?"

Shen Kai was stunned. If she wasn't beautiful, who else dared say they were beautiful?

Qin Wei shook her head:

"Beautiful, I guess. Otherwise so many people wouldn't say that...but my brother says I'm ugly..."

"Your brother is blind!"


Shen Kai came back to himself and couldn't help asking Qin Wei:

"Qin Wei, do you think you're beautiful?"

Qin Wei was a little confused by his sudden question. She turned her head to look at him and smiled politely yet elegantly:

"Are you trying to sweet talk me or what? Why suddenly ask this? Are you questioning me? I'm so beautiful, you can't even see it? You spe...blind or something?"