The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 365

Spending some time to make her teammates who were with her day and night understand was worthwhile to Qin Wei, especially since she could solve the problem while shopping at the supermarket-- killing two birds with one stone.

When she returned to the cafe, Xu General Manager had just about finished what he was busy with. Qian Lang ordered an Americano for Qin Wei to let her rest. She drank half the coffee before Xu Mingchuan had also finished what he was busy with.

"Sorry for taking up some time. I had to look over and sign the equipment purchase order from Shanghai. I'm free now. If you don't have other plans, why don't we go to the golf course to walk around and play a round?"

Xu Mingchuan closed his laptop, had Qian Lang put it away, and asked at the same time.

"Sounds good."

Qin Wei did not object.


Driving to the golf course, Xu Mingchuan had chosen a high-end and very private club. Only members who had a certain net worth could consume here, so there was no need to worry about paparazzi sneaking in to take photos.

Even the clueless colleagues who had come along knew to go play on their own now-- no one wanted to follow the two bosses around and make things awkward.

Golf was just an excuse for them to chat alone. Xu Mingchuan's mind wasn't on golf today either. He just casually swung at the balls, then aimlessly took Qin Wei around the course.

"I won't force you if you don't want the villa, but you're welcome to live there anytime without paying rent," Xu Mingchuan said to her.

"You can rest assured about security too. Yunjin promised heightened security, but if you're still worried, I can hire separate guards to patrol around your house in shifts around the clock."

"School starts again tomorrow, and the villa area is far from campus to begin with... No need for Xu General Manager to worry about where I'll live, but thank you for the concern."

Xu Mingchuan smiled. He had just remembered that she hadn't graduated yet.

"Speaking of school starting, I think it's necessary to bring up the contract. Based on our agreement, the contract expires when school starts. The company is still very much looking forward to renewing with you. Although I'm no longer running the company, I have a say in the contract terms and can only give you more, not less."

Xu Mingchuan said,

"But we can't sign 1-2 year contracts anymore. With the company back on track, we're thinking long-term for your development, so 5 years minimum for the contract. I have two options prepared for you here.

The company proposed a 50-50 split, but if you're willing to sign, I'm happy to fight for 60-40 or even 70-30 for you.

But you can't pick and choose jobs like before. You'll need to obey company arrangements. Signed artists who can be willful are truly rare-- even Qiao Sixiao whose contract allows for it can't really defy the company's plans. At most she can postpone, but she basically can't refuse on a whim."

Qin Wei raised her brows:

"That's one option, what's the other? Tell me."

Xu Mingchuan didn't rush to answer. He signaled with his hand, and Qian Lang came running over.

Qian Lang opened the box he was holding, inside which was an extravagant and intricate gemstone necklace.

"Xu General Manager, wait! Let's keep business separate from personal affairs. I have a third option."

Qin Wei cut in before Xu Mingchuan could speak.

Don't say it! She'd feel bad rejecting it no matter if it was the $1M ring or the $800k necklace...


Qiao Sixiao got back from voiceover dubbing after 7pm. On her way home she had already told her roommate not to make dinner because she had Xiao Wang order takeout to bring back.

Finally done with work, Qin Wei sat in the living room building with Lego. Seeing them return, she barely even glanced their way, too absorbed in playing to greet them.

"I bought your favorite private kitchen dishes. Come eat first before continuing with Lego."

Qiao Sixiao sat on the sofa to rest while Xiao Wang busied herself.

"So much food, Xiao Wang should stay and eat with us."

Qin Wei got up and pulled her roommate to wash hands. Through the door they heard hurried footsteps--Xiao Wang had already left.

Qin Wei was puzzled:

"But this food is delicious, why'd she run off?"

Qiao Sixiao didn't find it odd at all:

"Whether it's one meal or meals every day, she knows the difference clearly.

But you on the other hand..."

Qiao Sixiao looked Qin Wei up and down,

"Ruby necklace, take it out and show me."

Qin Wei was surprised:

"You know about that too?"

Qiao Sixiao frowned:

"So you've never paid attention to what I endorse? I heard some inside news from the jewelry industry today. DB got a huge order, buyer's surname Xu, has to be the Xus if it's Beijing. "

Qin Wei didn't deny it:

"Yeah it was purchased, he flaunted it to me today too. Super eye-catching, really pretty. You can have the brand lend it to you next time you walk the red carpet, guaranteed spotlight."

"They didn't give it to you huh..."

"Would they just give it away for free?"

The conversation ended there with both understanding the implication. Back in the living room eating, they also chatted about Qin Wei's contract.

Qiao Sixiao said: "Contracts are confidential, you don't have to say."

Qin Wei nodded: "The confidential parts will be dug up soon anyway, might as well just tell you directly so you have the inside scoop.

I didn't sign, but it's not a complete termination either. My endorsements and other activities with Anxing are still active until they expire. All related work is still profit sharing with them managing and maintaining. I'll still cooperate on anything relevant, that's still considered collaboration.

But starting today, Anxing won't arrange any new work for me, return all my platform accounts, and no longer manage me."

Qiao Sixiao also told her:

"This also means they won't get you any new jobs, won't help counter any smears against you, and won't pay your studio employees. You're free now, but you'll have to experience all this personally."

"Right, so the team won't be with me for now. They follow the company's arrangements.

Mainly because 5 years is too long. What if you were free during that time? Then you'd be soaring to the peak of your career alone while I'm still working for Anxing. I can just picture you flying high while I'm slaving away!"

Qin Wei put a shrimp dumpling on Qiao Sixiao's plate. Seeing her eat it with relish, Qin Wei quietly asked her,

"You've been quite unrestrained lately, eating a bit more compared to usual..."


Qiao Sixiao didn't deny it,

"I had a follow-up today. The doctor said I'm recovering very well. With my good health as base, and the recent good rest and balanced nutrition, he recommended I keep it up to aid the healing."

Looks like the food I've been cooking is pretty good!

Qin Wei was secretly delighted.

But suddenly thought of something.

"I start school again tomorrow... This might be the last night I stay at your place..."

Qin Wei felt a little down. After all, freeloading had been so nice, and Qiao Sixiao would surely miss her a lot too... Having an extra person around made things lively, plus she could take care of her...

"Teacher Qiao, I..."

"Hello, Xiao Wang? Get a housekeeper to come by tomorrow. Also sell off all the random clutter in the house. It's too messy, you'll see when you get here. We'll talk in person. Yeah... Just throw it if you can't sell it, it's aggravating."

Qiao Sixiao hung up and blinked at Qin Wei.

"Sorry, had to make a call real quick. Didn't catch what you said, what was it?"