The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 359

Early in the morning, Qin Wei rescued someone. After taking a shower and changing clothes at the homestay, it was only noon.

She walked out wearing a white t-shirt and shorts, drying her hair with a towel while sitting on the sofa. She casually picked up a box of milk placed on the table by a sponsor and started drinking.

"What should we eat for lunch?"

Qin Wei looked at the two people sitting at both ends of the sofa and asked.

Su Yang looked at Qiao Sixiao. Seeing that she didn't speak, he said:

"The director said there will be an interview, and then the audience votes to decide who cooks."

Qin Wei was puzzled: "Ah? What are the judging criteria?"

Director: "Audience preference."

"That's not fair!"

Qin Wei protested, but no one paid attention to her.

A staff member brought over a bamboo tube and had the three draw lots.

"The first is Qiao Sixiao."

Qiao Sixiao held the red bamboo stick at the bottom without objection.

On the other hand, Qin Wei looked very nervous.

The staff member turned on a tablet and randomly selected questions from online fans -

"How serious was Qiao's injury? Was it really caused by a fall from a horse? Other than the wrist fracture, did she sustain any other injuries?"

Qiao Sixiao smiled gently at the camera:

"First, thank you for your concern. I did get injured from falling off a horse. In addition to the wrist fracture, I also sustained multiple soft tissue contusions and some abrasions. Fortunately there were no serious wounds that required stitches."

Barrage comments:

[I feel so heartbroken for my Qiao... She previously fractured her ribs while filming and endured it to finish filming. Fortunately this time it was after wrapping up filming...]

[My Qiao is so beautiful yet suffers so much! Not like that silly sweet girl next to her!]

[Hey, why are you putting down my sister when praising yours?]


"What are your next work plans?"

Qiao Sixiao replied:

"I have no plans for now, just some voice dubbing for the new drama and some more relaxing activities. Other than that, I'll treat it as time off for myself."

"Someone spotted Qin Wei frequently going in and out of Yun Jin community recently. Is it true as rumored online that she's living at your place?"

Qin Wei cut in: "Do you have evidence? Don't randomly speculate without evidence..."

The staff held up the tablet showing a photo of her wearing a t-shirt and skirt, carrying a cake and walking into the residential area. The timing, outfit and everything matched what was shown in the livestream.

Qin Wei continued to argue: "Ah but that doesn't prove anything! You didn't..."

The staff showed another photo taken an hour later - Qiao Sixiao's assistant Xiao Wang crying while carrying the same cake box to the parking lot.

The cake Qin Wei bought that day was rejected by Qiao Sixiao.

Desperately, Qin Wei said: "Ah no..."

Qiao Sixiao: "......"

Qin Wei gave up struggling: "Ms. Qiao, please answer your own questions..."

Qiao Sixiao: "............."

[Xiao Wang's Diary: Seeing myself in the livestream, I just...feel so hopeless. Today I asked Liang if she's been busy with work lately and she said there's not much going on, feels like she might become unemployed anytime... I'm already thinking about what her and I should do from now on?]

Barrage comments:

[dddd stop asking!]

[Yeah, what if you make them break up with all your questions...]

Having had similar experiences before, Qiao Sixiao firmly maintained that Qin Wei was merely visiting her and regardless of how the show team probed, she gave the same answer.

After all, it was just a game. She had already shown face by answering such personal questions. Pushing further would just make the show team appear overly aggressive and boring, so they let it go.

Next was Qin Wei's turn. Having witnessed Qiao Sixiao's interview, Qin Wei was prepared to evade very personal questions.

"Why did you save someone today?"

The staff member asked Qin Wei.

Qin Wei looked at him:

"No particular reason. She happened to need saving and I was the closest one there."

"What do you think about Chu Hao's matter?"

Qin Wei answered:

"I'd rather not make too much commentary about it. It's someone's private business. Chu Hao is not a public figure. He mainly works behind the scenes and has never sold a public persona. I hope everyone won't bother them too much over this matter. Whether they split up or stay together, it is each person's own choice. Over-commenting is not polite."

"For this incident, is there anything you'd like to say to everyone?"

Qin Wei thought for a moment before speaking to the camera:

"I hope this incident can just be put behind. Please don't make too many judgments about those involved online. No one is perfect. Most people make mistakes that don't warrant public trials, especially for these two people where it's hard to determine who was at fault.

Also, I hope everyone, whether you are male or female, don't compromise too much for the sake of love!

You have to first become your own self, before becoming your partner's companion. You must walk shoulder to shoulder. If you fall too far behind, your partner might not even hear you when you speak up."

Barrage comments:

[My sister always answers such questions cautiously]

[But don't you think Chu Hao is scum? The woman made his career yet he abandoned her...]

[Is it possible to see things from Chu Hao's perspective where the situation might be different?]

[I'd just advise all sisters to not always sacrifice yourselves. That woman could have become a musician herself but now, without even a name to herself... Among everyone involved in this incident - musician Chu Hao, musician Gu Minghua, actress Qin Wei - they all have names, only she is known vaguely as "Chu Hao's ex". I guess only this identity sticks to her now]

[Weren't we told not to comment! Just wish them well! Let's talk about the goose instead! Why doesn't anyone ask her any heart-piercing questions?]

"Next we'll ask Su Yang."

Qin Wei: "Huh? That's it?"

The director nodded.

Qin Wei felt words were left unsaid, filled with frustration:

"Don't you want to ask anything else? Like about her and me? Aren't you guys curious at all?"

Staff: "We don't ask what we already know."

Barrage comments:

[We don't ask what we already know]




Su Yang's questions were equally tame, but his fans were extremely enthusiastic - not only voting for him themselves, but mobilizing their networks to vote for him too, managing to get him trending as if in an election.

As a result, Su Yang won by a landslide.

Since many were touched by Qin Wei's actions that morning, she came second.

As for Qiao Sixiao, she unexpectedly ranked third this time. Even her own fans wanted to watch her cook and restrained themselves from voting for her.

Qiao Sixiao did not object to this outcome but Qin Wei reacted as if her tail was stepped on. She stood up directly to protest:

"I knew this voting is unfair! Ms. Qiao was so well-composed and eloquent in her interview! How could she be third!?!

She's first in my heart! And besides, her injury isn't healed yet! I'll swap with her! She can't cook!!!"

Barrage comments:

[Waaahhh your heart aches for her... So pampering!]

[What divine friendship is this! Admire them!]

[Haven't I been saying, what if, hypothetically speaking, don't curse me if I'm wrong 'kay...what if Qin Wei simply doesn't want Qiao Sixiao to cook, not so much because she wholeheartedly doesn't want Qiao Sixiao to cook?]

[Stop spouting nonsense here]

[No no, think deeper about it...]

Qiao Sixiao looked at her: "A bet is a bet."

Qin Wei shook her head, pressing Qiao Sixiao's shoulder and looking straight at her emphatically:

"No. I'm calling the shots on this. Be good and listen to me."