The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 347

"Stop at the intersection."

When the car driven by Shen Qingqing dropped Qin Wei off, Qin Wei still had the driver stop at the intersection not far from Yunjin Residential Area.

Su Yang leaned over and asked Qin Wei in a low voice:

"You're living at her place, right..."

"No way."

Qin Wei lied as steady as an old dog, not falling for his trick.

Su Yang snorted and mumbled quietly:

"Keep pretending then, others may not know, but don't I? You're wearing the same earrings today that were her mother's birthday gift to her this year!"

Qin Wei unconsciously touched her earrings, only to hear Su Yang's gleeful laughter:

"I knew it!"

The origin of the earrings was a trap, Qin Wei only realized now that Su Yang had a backup plan, she was careless.

Su Yang revealed a satisfied smile:

"It's a secret right? I won't tell anyone else, but you have to agree to a request of mine..."


Qiao Sixiao had Wang Dongdong bring a housekeeper to clean the apartment. As soon as Wang Dongdong entered, she was stunned. Qiao Sixiao didn't let her come in yesterday when she hurriedly brought stuff over. Today she was allowed in, but the apartment had undergone an earth-shattering change.

"Don't touch the Lego blocks on the living room floor, and don't change their positions...

The flowers on the balcony don't need tending either, don't bump into these knick-knacks, just focus on cleaning...

Wang Dongdong, I asked you to come help me take care of housecleaning, why are you standing at the door staring at those two silly fish?!"

Qiao Sixiao was a little annoyed and scolded Wang Dongdong a couple times. Only then did Wang Dongdong come to her senses and hurriedly went over to show the housekeeper which areas needed cleaning.

After arranging for the housekeeper to clean the kitchen, Wang Dongdong had just walked into the living room when the front door was pushed open. A freshly dressed sporty girl bounced in, holding a supermarket bag in one hand and a cake in the other.

"Teacher Qiao o(^o^)o I bought ty Store's limited summer..."

She said halfway when her eyes met Wang Dongdong's panicked ones.

Stay calm! Don't panic when something happens!

Qin Wei changed what she was about to say:

"I just bought this to visit you!

Little...Wang, stop standing there stunned, take it..."

Hmm...very smooth, not only explained why she came, but also greeted Wang Dongdong, transition was natural...

When performing, remove all traces of pretense, leave no clues!

Wang Dongdong quickly came over to take the cake, and took the supermarket bag from Qin Wei that she didn't really want to give her.

Bananas, grapes, eggs, oyster sauce, rice vinegar, salt, lettuce...

Wang Dongdong regretted it too, lowering her head to look at the bag, forcing out a smile:

"Since you're already here, Teacher Qin is really...considerate, even bringing so many gifts...hahaha, you two chat first, I'll go put these things in the kitchen..."

Having said that, Wang Dongdong fled to the kitchen, then closed the door.


Qin Wei stuck her head out at the foyer, looking at Qiao Sixiao:

"I've been found out huh..."

After saying that she became anxious again,

"What to do? What to do!"

Seeing her panicked look, Qiao Sixiao couldn't help but sneer, pointing at the flowers on the balcony:

"Go water the flowers, you haven't taken care of them at all these past few days, they'll all die if this continues...

Alright, who stepped on your tail? What are you hopping around the door for?

If you're found out then you're found out, it must've been Wang Dongdong who blabbed if He Hong found out. Then not only will I fire her, I'll blacklist her too..."


The two people standing in the living room fell silent at the same time.

Qin Wei looked at Qiao Sixiao, completely confused:

"It sounds like something broke in the kitchen..."

It was Wang Dongdong's heart.


"Wang Dongdong, don't cry, Qiao Sixiao won't fire you, she's just talking nonsense..."

Qin Wei sat in the living room, consoling the sobbing Wang Dongdong.

On the table was a broken plate and cup.

Just now in the kitchen, Wang Dongdong's hand shook and the cup fell into the plate on the countertop, then both fell to the ground together.

"Deduct it from your salary."

Qiao Sixiao said lightly on the balcony while watering the flowers.

Qin Wei protested:

"Do you have no compassion? You wouldn't threaten her if she wasn't already scared! Don't you know how fragile timid people are? Her heart is shattered, and you're deducting her pay?"

As she spoke, she patted Wang Dongdong's back and consoled her softly,

"It's fine, mistakes happen to anyone at work, I broke one of her porcelain spoons the other day...secretly threw it away and it was like nothing happened..."


Qiao Sixiao put down the little watering can, came inside, and pointed at the debris in the box on the table,

"The plate is 3,300, the cup 1,350. I heard the spoon broke too but didn't bring it up with you. Since you're so insistent on paying for it, I won't stop you either, 800 each, so 5,400 yuan total. You pay for her, and I won't pursue it!"

Qin Wei: "......"

Qin Wei picked up a piece of broken porcelain with her fingers. The capital "H" on it just told her—

"Qiao Sixiao didn't rip you off, we're all expensive."

Qin Wei: "............"

Qin Wei: "......"

Qin Wei: "...Alright."

Qin Wei slowly said: "Wang Dongdong why don't you..."

Wang Dongdong: "( ́;(;`)..."

"Don't cry, it's not..."

Qin Wei's heart softened again as she was about to speak,

"You only pay for the 3,300 plate, I'll cover the rest!"

Qiao Sixiao narrowed her eyes:

"If you're paying, pay it all. Think you can get individual pricing here? hermes needs to bundle too. I do as well - take away the whole package."

Qin Wei was unhappy too. She had steeled her heart to decide to pay the over 2,000 yuan, but Qiao Sixiao was still unsatisfied!

"What does your willingness to be a chump for their bundling have to do with me? Are you paying or not?"

Seeing pitiful Wang Dongdong nodding as she cried, Qin Wei's heart instantly softened again:

"You can go first, it's all on my tab, I earn more than you so I can take the hit."

As Qin Wei spoke, she even tore off two tissue papers, one to wipe Wang Dongdong's tears, one to keep for herself.

Wang Dongdong cried in anguish: "Teacher shouldn't have to pay for me, it was my mistake...sob sob sob..."

Qin Wei shook her head: "It's fine, it's just a few thousand bucks, that's nothing to me...sob sob sob..."

After the others left, Qin Wei got up wanting to build Lego, but was stopped by Qiao Sixiao:


Qin Wei started making excuses:

"That cup, I was the one using it all along, so it's me who has no cup to use after it broke. No need to pay for it, I'll just use my little bear thermos.

And that spoon...what a useless thing! It shattered from a tiny knock, and it even cut my hand!"

Qiao Sixiao looked at her doubtfully:

"Where did you cut it? Let me see!"


Qin Wei hid her hands behind her back,

"I'll pay you back for that plate after a while! Definitely!"

Qiao Sixiao sat on the sofa looking up at her:

"You using it doesn't make it yours. You've slept in a bedroom too, does that make the dozen plus square meters yours??"

When the show finishes airing, pay me back then. That's the maximum leeway I'm giving you, Qin Wei. This is the price of playing hero. Learn your lesson, 5,400 yuan not a cent less, otherwise move out!"

Teacher Qiao has three bedrooms. One is the master bedroom Teacher Qiao lives in. After her roommate moved in, she gave up one room for her. Everyone take note.