The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 214

Zheng Qiancheng had been staying in the barracks for years and had solid straight male ideology. He had no concept of whether women wore makeup or not. Song Huan had also been overseas on rescue missions for years, eating alfresco and sleeping rough. His team members were all unkempt tough guys who did things on impulse and seldom considered others' feelings.

How could Qin Wei have known? So she was instantly furious.

Have you washed your hands? Did I allow you to? You can't just go and touch little animals at the zoo either (;`O ́)o!!

But it was two against one and they were both trained.

She couldn't win.

Qin Wei immediately cowered, at a loss for words and on the verge of tears.

"Heh, you've made the big star cry."

Seeing her red-rimmed eyes pitifully, Song Huan patted Zheng Qiancheng’s shoulder helplessly with a wry smile.

"Apologize. I'll report you to your superior later."

"I apologize." Zheng Qian cheng said and then left.

"That's just how he is." Song Huan said, pointing to Zheng Qiancheng before also turning to leave.

By now some of the others had washed their faces and were returning in groups of three or two.

The two instructors left with dark looks on their faces while Qin Wei sat at the edge of her bed looking wronged. On top of that, she hadn't removed her makeup either.

So they all imagined a scene of "the female star throwing a fit about removing her makeup and fighting with the instructors".

Tsk tsk tsk... Turns out that the star with such status still has the temperament of a big star in private...

Qin Wei heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness those two plague gods had left. Why were they picking on her anyway??

"Is it because I did something wrong? Or because I was late??"

Qin Wei muttered to herself worriedly.


Exactly three minutes later, Instructor Zheng's whistle sounded again —

"From today until the end of military training, the school has notified you all that makeup and cosmetics are prohibited, except for sunscreen.

Many of you arts students and some who'll rely on your looks to earn a living in future, so the higher-ups have made this one concession. Anything else is out of the question. Anyone I catch disobeying will definitely be punished with running laps!"

As he finished, his stern gaze swept over Qin Wei again.

Qin Wei replied softly,

"Got it..."

Instructor Zheng continued shouting,

"In the barracks, you only need to reply 'Yes'! When I call your name, you need to reply 'Present'! I didn't mention this earlier, but from now on, you must follow this standard! Understood?"


Qin Wei instantly regretted her response, pressing between her brows,


Instructor Zheng said, "And don't move when you're standing in formation!"

Qin Wei: "......"

Instructor Zheng: "Let me ask again, understood?"

Qin Wei: "Yes."

Instructor Zheng: "Do you not eat? Reply louder!"

"Yes sir!!"


Without a moment's rest, they were immediately asked to pack up and assemble downstairs.

Life's not easy, little Qin sighed.

She returned to her bedside and put her things into the cabinet before taking out some sunscreen to apply —

Teacher Qiao was very thoughtful to prepare 10 bottles of sunscreen for her.

Even if she finished a bottle a day, there would still be 3 bottles left at the end of military training...

Oh well, whatever...

After packing up, she followed the crowd downstairs.

At the landing, there were reporters conducting interviews again:

"First time staying in a 60 person dorm?"

Qin Wei nodded. "How's the experience?"

Qin Wei swallowed her initial response and just said two words coldly,


"We can see the school and leaders attach great importance to this military training..."

The reporters started chattering at the cameras again...

What gives...

Qin Wei sighed again.

Why were there still reporters doing interviews during military training?

But she had to assemble downstairs so there was no time to go back upstairs and question this.


Going downstairs, she saw Instructor Zheng glaring at everyone with a stern face.

"Five minutes! Packing, washing up and getting downstairs took you all five minutes! This will not happen again! Assemble quickly!"

"Attention! Left turn! Forward march!"

Instructor Zheng led the troop to the training parade grounds. The grounds had different instructors in charge of various troops’ training.

"From now on during training, our two platoons will be acting jointly, fully under my and Song Huan's charge! All you need to do is obey!"

After Instructor Zheng finished speaking, Instructor Song stood with arms crossed, observing.

They started right after announcing the start of training, beginning with standing at attention.

Instructor Zheng taught them and demonstrated the stances while Instructor Song went around correcting everyone individually.

Just standing still took half an hour. They were not allowed to move at all or wipe away sweat throughout.

It was already afternoon and the sun was beating down overhead. In less than half an hour, everyone was already very hot.

"Back straight. No more moving. It's just half an hour. Look, Instructor Zheng is standing here too right?"

Instructor Song walked up and down the rows correcting everyone's stances.

His gaze inadvertently turned to a certain star surnamed Qin and she was actually standing completely still in the same spot.

He'd thought she would be the first to not endure it!

Half an hour browsing TikTok would have passed quickly but seemed especially long standing under the summer sun.

Qin Wei had already counted to one thousand seven hundred in her head...

"Alright, one minute break."

Song Huan's voice broke the silence. Everyone immediately relaxed. Some bent over to massage their legs, some moved their limbs around, some simply sat down to rest.

Qin Wei was fine, she just shifted her stance.

"Enduring it?"

Song Huan walked over to stand next to her and asked curiously.

Qin Wei just replied with two simple words coldly,

"It's okay."

Quite the arrogant star attitude huh.

Song Huan looked at her recalling the first line of her file — Qin Wei has bad temperament, puts on celebrity airs, extremely uncooperative, carefully consider if she is suitable for cooperative tasks.

Actually Qin Wei wasn't trying to act tough. Adding up all the times she had stood still posing for photographs, it was also a few hours every day. Just like the instructor, photographers would always say "Don't move". At the start after a few shoots she truly felt tired. By now she really was fine.

It was just half an hour.

Song Huan looked at her, the corner of his lips turning up as he said softly,

"Then the training intensity isn't high enough."

She really felt targeted.

Qin Wei wanted to roll her eyes but keenly noticed there was a camera not far away.

This wasn't some variety show. What were they doing?? Can they just freely film everything in a military encampment?

Of course not. But it was allowed after getting permission.

The equipment belonged to the school and the filming crew were also school staff. The decision to film the military training process into a documentary was jointly decided by the military department, school and relevant city officials after meetings.

Naturally the purpose wasn't for likes, viewcounts or anything like that. It was to record the full process of the first strict military training.

They would also capture some typical examples, both positive and negative teaching material. After filming everything properly, it would only be uploaded to the school's internal websites for study and exchange purposes.

This was very normal. Other schools did the same but they used their school's most professional teams.

Of course, it was an army encampment so there were filming restrictions and military departments reviewed all footage, deleting or blurring whatever was necessary so no confidential information would be leaked.

Actually this didn't have much to do with the trainees so they weren't informed.

So Qin Wei was confused when she saw the cameras.

The one minute break quickly passed and training resumed with Instructor Zheng's whistle.

They continued practicing standing at ease, straddle stance, squatting down and standing up.


Finally it was dinnertime.

But they still couldn't dismiss. The troop followed the instructors to the mess hall and stood at the entrance.

The afternoon of training already showed some results. The formation was neat and quiet.

Until three or four rows of female students showed up, whispers started in the other troops —

"That's Qin Wei there!"

"Where where?"

"Are you blind? The best looking one..."

"The one with the cold face..."

The Capital Drama Academy sounded like an arts school but through continuous development, it had become more comprehensive. Film, television and drama were only one part of it. Literature, philosophy and management also had their own departments.

For this military training, students from all departments were mixed randomly so there were all sorts of majors here. Most students hadn't interacted with celebrities up close before so there was still curiosity.

Qin Wei felt the surrounding gazes. She should have smiled and waved to showcase her affinity. Li Yao had repeatedly reminded her about this.

But now she was hungry and only wanted to enter the mess hall to eat. She was simply not in the mood to socialize...

And why should she socialize during military training anyway? Was she afflicted with occupational disease?

No way!