The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 207

[Sisters Group Chat]

【Sun Tiantian: The program team just deleted all the Weibo posts that confronted Qin Wei, and issued a post saying that they respect and bless her. Have you all seen it? @everyone】

【future: Saw it. It's comfortable. Makes me want to quit too, but the company won't agree. The two from An Xing were still brave and lucky...】

【Youyou: Don't be afraid. At worst, just pay money? I saved quite a bit these past two years. 】

【Sun Tiantian: Eight digits... How much can you earn in two years...】

【Qin Wei: If it's not enough, let Shen Qingqing pay.】

【Youyou: Senior sister is right!】

【Shen Qingqing: ??】

【Shen Qingqing: I don't have eight digits either. You two, don't make plans for my money... Also, Youyou's family isn't lacking money at all.】

[Youyou has removed Shen Qingqing from the group chat]

【Qin Wei: ??】

【Youyou: It's fine. Don't spread rumors if they aren't true. She's talking nonsense.】

[Sun Tiantian has invited Shen Qingqing to join the group chat]

【Shen Qingqing: Speechless! You guys have fun! I'm going to study vocabulary! I'm taking the College English Test 4 when school starts!】

【Sun Tiantian: @Shen Qingqing Aren't you a junior now? Taking CET 4? Not CET 6?】

【Youyou: To be fair, this older sister rarely went to class after getting admitted, just like senior sister. The only thing she did more was participate in military training... Speaking of which, does senior sister need to do a make-up military training?】

【Qin Wei: Yes】

【Youyou: [Sympathetic.JPG]】

【Qin Wei: It's a citizen's duty that should be fulfilled. I have no dissatisfaction. 】

【Qiao Sixiao: Just don't get too tanned.】

【Qin Wei: Teacher Qiao, you're here! Speaking of which, why did you quit the show too?】

【Qiao Sixiao: Schedule conflict】

【future: Speaking of which, didn't Brother Kai also help this time? Shouldn't Qin Wei thank him?】

【Sun Tiantian: Is it appropriate for you to bring this up...】

【Shen Qingqing: What's going on? Did my Brother Kai do something wrong? Why bring him up suddenly? He just couldn't stand the show team's practices and gave a like. You guys shouldn't overinterpret...】

【Youyou: You brought up her beloved person, so she got a little excited. Sweetie, don't take it to heart. She'll be better soon...】

【Qin Wei: Then how should I thank him?】

【future: With your body?】

【Qin Wei: !!!】

【Sun Tiantian: I'll make you shark bait! @future】

【future: Just kidding! You have a lot of gold bars, right? Give him one or two.】

【Qin Wei: Gold bars?? Then I'd rather give my body...】

【Qiao Sixiao: [Old person subway cell phone.jpg]】


I just saw what happened with the show team in the group chat, and then Li Yao called to tell her about the show team's data fraud—it was no longer an issue of compensation, but relevant authorities had already started an investigation.

"If data fraud is suspected, and profits were made from it, then not only the show team but the TV station will face severe punishment. Financial compensation is light—if the circumstances are serious, people may even go to jail."

Li Yao sounded a little happy when he said this.

Qin Wei asked him:

"So will the show still happen?"

"Of course not," Li Yao answered.

"They said production is terminated. Who knows about the future? Anyway, we quit, so what happens next has nothing to do with us."

Hearing the tone in Li Yao's voice, Qin Wei knew he was still in a good mood. She carefully tested the waters:

"Then...since production ended so suddenly...can I...take a break?"

"Of course! Dear grand ancestress, go home and rest well. As long as you don't cause trouble, you can do whatever you want!"

Li Yao agreed readily.

Qin Wei was ecstatic inside! She could finally enjoy her summer vacation! Her vacation was starting!!

As she talked on the phone, she sent messages to the group chat:

【Qin Wei: Want to come over and party at my house tonight?】

【Youyou: Yes!! I want to go play at senior sister's house!】

【Sun Tiantian: I have filming this afternoon and will come later. You guys go first.】

【future: Sounds awesome. You must have a lot of good wine at home, right?】

【Qin Wei: @Shen Qingqing Remember to bring wine】

【Shen Qingqing: ......】

【Shen Qingqing: What kind of wine?】

【future: Any kind】

【Qin Wei: What about Teacher Qiao? @Qiao Sixiao】

【Qin Wei: Teacher Qiao?】

"But I have a dinner to attend tonight, dear grand ancestress. I'll come get you now."

Li Yao said over the phone.

Qin Wei frowned, firmly refusing:

"I'm not going."

"Go ahead. Chairman Xu invited you to dinner. He's worked hard recently, and is leaving on a business trip tomorrow. Today is the only chance to see him. You can't be that heartless, right?"

Qin Wei was conflicted. She had already made plans with her friends, but now there was a conflict with this dinner. She thought about how her boss really had worked hard recently, so she didn't refuse:

"Can it be scheduled earlier? I want to go home early."

She didn't need to report to him that she planned to host a party at home. That would just make him worry.

"Sure! Get changed, dear grand ancestress. I'll come get you now!"


Although it was meeting her boss, General Manager Xu was still her superior. Qin Wei didn't dress too casually. She picked a dark green Dior dress they had sent her the other day, showing proper respect for the other party.

She previously lacked understanding and knowledge regarding such etiquette. Now as she slowly learned bit by bit, she realized there were some areas she had acted ignorant.

Like last time, dinner was still booked at the Western restaurant. But the time was moved up by two hours.

Following Li Yao into the private room, Qin Wei was surprised to see General Manager Xu dressed very casually today, unlike his usual suit and leather shoes.

Seeing each other's outfits, they both couldn't help but freeze briefly.

"Come now. No need to stand on ceremony among our own. Sit," Li Yao said, breaking the strange atmosphere.

He pulled out a chair for Qin Wei. After seeing Xu General Manager sit down as well, Li Yao took the seat beside Qin Wei.

"Chairman Xu ordered your favorite steak. He knows you're disciplined now and don't waste food. Cut yourself a piece later..."

Li Yao chattered on about this and that, lightening the mood considerably.

"I asked you to come today mainly to discuss arrangements going forward," Xu Mingchuan spoke up first.

"The drama you interviewed for responded. They hope you can join the training crew. I'll send detailed info to you later. If you think it's good, the role is yours."

After listening, Qin Wei felt both excited and expectant—excited to see her hard work pay off, anxious because she would really be acting now.

But with all that experience in front of the camera, plus filming segments recently for the variety show "Time Will Tell You" which wrapped hastily but still counted as a little practice, she felt anxious yet more expectant than nervous.

"Will the training be horseback riding?" Qin Wei asked.

Xu Mingchuan nodded. "Besides that, also lines, posture, and more. Are you going?"

Qin Wei nodded. She had no hesitation about this.

"Then check the documents I send you when you get back. There's another thing I need to tell you..."