The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 189

These words slipped out without thinking, and Wei Lai realized that she should not have said that. Facing the two silent people, she desperately tried to make up for it:

"I together? Hahaha, how unexpected..."

But that didn't ease the atmosphere at all. On the contrary, her awkward laughter made the situation even more embarrassing than before.

"She said she was scared, so I took her in," Qiao Sixiao said with a smile, signaling for Wei Lai to come and sit down too.

Wei Lai breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately they didn't take too much offense...

"It really is scary," Qin Wei struggled to defend herself.

"It's not that I'm timid, it's just that this place is creepy! Think about it..."

"Oh shut up!"

Qiao Sixiao was tired of listening to the unlucky girl's fear. She was scared yet kept talking, which made her even more scared. Not only that, every repeat of her story was more detailed than the last, almost turning into a horror story.

Yet Qiao Sixiao herself was also scared stiff.

Qin Wei was both a coward and a glutton for punishment.


Qin Wei obediently shut up without arguing back.

But in Wei Lai's eyes, the scene had become much warmer, as if a filter had been added -

Qin Wei: "I'm scared, there are ghosts whimpering..."

Qiao Sixiao: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'll protect you!"

Qin Wei: "I want to live with you, whimper..."

Qiao Sixiao (hugs Qin Wei and pats her head): "Okay, you can sleep in my bed too."

Qin Wei: "You are so nice!"


"Wei Lai?"

Qin Wei saw her suddenly fall silent, her eyes slightly distracted, so she called out to her.

Wei Lai came back to her senses, unable to restrain the corners of her mouth from rising. She muttered to herself:

"The sweetness of happiness, it's like I experienced it..."

Qin Wei turned her head and whispered to Qiao Sixiao:

"Should we leave? This hotel is creepy. Look at her, it's like she got possessed by something..."

Qiao Sixiao covered her mouth:

"It's late, stop telling your horror stories. I'm not scared but listening to you makes me feel uneasy too!! If you keep talking, I'll throw you out the window into the wasteland!"

Qin Wei looked at Qiao Sixiao in horror, indicating that she would not say anything more.


There was a laugh from Wei Lai next to them.

"Do I get to watch this for free...?"

Qiao Sixiao: "?"

Qin Wei: "??"


What exactly was going on in Wei Lai's mind, Qin Wei didn't ask. Instead, she returned to the original topic:

"Why don't we stay here tonight too?"

After she spoke, both Wei Lai and Qin Wei looked at Qiao Sixiao.

After all, this was her room.

Qiao Sixiao felt a bit overwhelmed. This wasn't a kindergarten:

"Get another room. You two can move there and keep each other company."

That could work too.

Wei Lai didn't refuse. After all, she had come to Qin Wei for shelter in the first place. As long as Qin Wei didn't object, she was fine with it.

Qin Wei didn't mind either. After letting her assistant know, they soon changed rooms.

After the two left, Qiao Sixiao breathed a sigh of relief. She was used to living alone. With them gone, her place was nice and quiet again.

With them gone, the suite's living room felt more spacious, and her ears finally had some peace and quiet. She could finally get some rest.

Back in her room, lying in bed, she started reading a script.

Time to sleep in a bit...


Half an hour later.

Qiao Sixiao reluctantly opened the door, staring at the two people at her door with an extremely unhappy expression.

"Please take us in..."

Wei Lai pleaded miserably.

Qin Wei also nodded, occasionally looking back and saying to Qiao Sixiao in a tearful voice:

"Your child is unfilial, disturbing you again, but please let us in, I'm scared..."

Qiao Sixiao: "......"


This is what happened -

Wei Lai didn't have any opinion about getting a separate room. She had come here because of the damn moths in the first place and didn't want to go back. As long as there were no moths, she was fine.

Qin Wei was also okay with it. She felt that being alone would scare her. As long as someone accompanied her, she was good.

So the two of them rejected the suite and moved into a newly opened standard room instead.

That should have been the end of it. But lying in their respective beds, they couldn't help but start a late night chat...

More than ten years ago, there was no film and television town here. As far as the eye could see were farms.

The birds here were a disaster, always coming in swarms to eat the grain...

To prevent the birds from stealing rice, the farmer uncle erected many scarecrows in the fields.

At the same time, to drive away beasts from trampling on the fields, the villagers also dressed the scarecrows in unwanted colorful old clothes from home, put on hats, and drew faces on cloth to make them look more like people from afar...


When putting up a scarecrow, one of the villagers accidentally pricked his hand on the straw.

He instinctively sucked on his finger and cursed.

After he left, he didn't notice a drop of blood trickling down from the scarecrow's finger...

Life went on as usual. Everyone found that the existence of these scarecrows was indeed effective, and few birds came now.


The villager who pricked his hand started getting sick, weaker by the day...

One night, the village night watchman was on patrol and heard rustling sounds from the paddy fields, thinking it was small animals...

The watchman went over...

And shone his flashlight ahead...

"Stop it, Qin Wei!! Don't tell anymore!"

Wei Lai curled up under her quilt, covering her ears and shouting for Qin Wei to stop.

She really shouldn't have asked what Qin Wei was scared of in the middle of the night. Of course there was nothing scary that she was afraid of!

But Qin Wei's expression suddenly became gloomy. She whispered to Wei Lai:

"Are you sure...?"

Wei Lai: "......"

And so began this story.

When Wei Lai heard Qin Wei stop talking, she dared to peek out from under her quilt. Good, Qin Wei had shrunk back into her own bed and wrapped herself even tighter in her quilt.

Qin Wei had told a horror story that freaked them both out.

The night grew late and the silence felt even creepier...

After a long time, Qin Wei poked her head out from under the covers:

"Why don't we just go back and live with Qiao Sixiao..."

That was exactly what Wei Lai wanted to do too. She was originally only afraid of the moths. Now, being alone with Qin Wei gave her the creeps.

The two were instantly in agreement and hastily left the room to knock on Qiao Sixiao's door.

Qiao Sixiao didn't open the door. Time seemed to crawl by unusually slowly. Strange gusts of wind blew in the corridor, sending chills down their spines. At the end of the corridor, a flash of bright color floated by...

"Wei Wei...could it be looking for us...?"

After hearing that, Qin Wei felt goosebumps all over. Dear god!! Such supernatural things should not exist in this world!

Just thinking about the wasteland outside made her want to break down!!

But when Qiao Sixiao opened the door, it was like a ray of light piercing the dark night, bringing them the hope of life.

At this moment, Teacher Qiao was god!

"Come in."

Qiao Sixiao frowned and stepped aside to let them in.

Without a word, the two rushed into the room.

Having heard about what happened before they came back, Qiao Sixiao had already viciously twisted Qin Wei's face in her mind. If Wei Lai wasn't here too she probably couldn't control herself from getting physical!!