The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 117

Shen Kai frowned and looked at Xu Mingchuan coldly:

"I'm not discussing this with you, I'm telling her I have something to say to her."

Xu Mingchuan didn't back down, and spoke even more firmly:

"She's my artist, and has work scheduled right now. Mr. Shen, don't disturb my artist's work!"

Shen Kai restrained his gaze, not wanting to continue confronting Xu Mingchuan. He turned to look at Qin Wei:

"Qin Wei, I have something to say to you."

Qin Wei didn't respond, mainly because his aggressive attitude made her somewhat timid.

With his height of over six feet, she probably couldn't win in a physical fight...

"As long as I'm here, no one can bully you, including him."

Xu Mingchuan enunciated each word very firmly.

After thinking it over, some things needed to be clarified. She just didn't have the chance before. Since he wanted to talk, she might as well use this opportunity to make things clear with him.

Qin Wei glanced at her watch:

"Five minutes, okay?"

"Twenty minutes. I have a lot to say."

He's bargaining now?

Qin Wei shook her head:

"Eight minutes. I have a flight to catch."


It wasn't difficult for Shen Kai to find out her schedule. He just had Liu Simin ask the only brand she was working with, and he knew where she was.

After leaving the TV crew, Shen Kai took care of some work matters before rushing over here.

What exactly did she mean by what she said to the reporters backstage at the TV studio?

He didn't want to lose sleep over this again. Today, he had to talk with her.

Luckily, she agreed.

Since the brand manager had worked with Shen Kai before, he took the initiative to arrange a meeting room for them.

In this industry, they would continue to cross paths, so the brand manager had developed the habit of keeping secrets about what he saw and heard, especially when it involved artists they were working with.

"Please say what you need to, Mr. Shen."

Upon entering the meeting room, Qin Wei looked around, then sat in the chair closest to the door.

Shen Kai walked in and closed the door behind him.

He glanced at his watch, then said to her:

"I admit, I was a bit arrogant in my attitude towards you before. Everything I did was because I hoped you would quit the business and we could be together properly. Now, I'm willing to compromise. You..."

"Who do you think you are?"

Before he could finish, Qin Wei couldn't hold back anymore.

"Mr. Shen, don't get me wrong. I mean, whether or not I quit is not up to you."

This was more like her old fiery self. Shen Kai made himself stay calm and said:

"Qin Wei, I didn't come here to argue with you. I just want to tell you, I...was wrong."

Qin Wei stood up and patted him on the shoulder, looking at him with an affirmative and approving expression:

"To admit a mistake shows strength of character. The past is in the past, I don't blame you.

We're both still young with long roads ahead. Be more careful in the future. I have to go now."

Just as Qin Wei reached for the door handle, Shen Kai pressed his hand against the door to stop her:

"What I mean is, give me another chance for us to start over."

Qin Wei pushed his hand away:

"No need, thanks. I'm in a hurry."

But Shen Kai didn't back down. Using his arm to block the door, he said in a low voice:

"I don't need an answer from you now. I just want to tell you."

You see, how arrogant he sounded. Even with his advantageous background giving him ample confidence, Qin Wei had never thought about relying on someone else for the rest of her life.

Moreover, the premise of a romantic relationship was that both people have feelings for each other.

Qin Wei turned around and looked up at him, once again thinking that he was so handsome but she had zero interest in him. So she said to him very seriously:

"Bro, let the past go. To be frank with you, I agreed to chat because I don't want you as an enemy.

Since we've broken up, let's part on good terms!

Look at you with your successful career. And I'm showing signs of turning from a nobody into someone. Don't make things difficult for me...this nobody. Let me go!"

Shen Kai looked at her with complex emotions:

"Last time you even sent me two boxes of oranges. That was just a token of thanks?"

"That was to thank you for helping me...

Come on, it's the 21st century. Are you still talking about repaying kindness with my body?

This isn't a romance novel! If you think the oranges weren't enough, I'll send you a ceremonial banner next time!

I've said everything I needed to. Mr. Shen, I wish you success, safety, and happiness! Goodbye!"

Shen Kai was dumbfounded, momentarily not knowing how to respond. As Qin Wei hurried to leave, he said to her:

"In the studio interview, you said you've turned the page and have a clear conscience. I went along with you to handle the reporters because I wanted to support your career...But what if I have a guilty conscience?"

Qin Wei: "..."


After saying that, Shen Kai let go of the door and walked out first. Qin Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Li Yao, who had been waiting outside, hurried in.

"Little ancestor, are you okay? What did you guys talk about?"

Surprisingly, the soundproofing of this meeting room was quite good. Standing outside the door, Li Yao hadn't been able to make out anything clearly.

Qin Wei shook her head:

"It doesn't matter what he said. I only care about my work. I want to make money."

Li Yao clutched his chest:

"That's good. I was worried he came to ask you to get back together. I was thinking, what if you soften and agree? How would we deal with that?"

Qin Wei wagged her finger:

"You're overthinking. This time was to set boundaries. Think about all the online abuse I got because of him. Men only block my way of making money.

At my age, I should be working hard. Sleeping in is a waste. If I don't improve myself now, what's the point of talking about romance when I'm still young."

"Good, that sets my mind at ease. Let's go, Joe Sixiao is still waiting for us at the airport."


On the way to the airport, Li Yao was still telling Qin Wei about the procedures after they arrive. With each sentence, Qin Wei nodded, looking very attentive.

"We're just cooperating, don't feel pressured. No foul language allowed at any point. Maintain good composure. The client definitely won't make unreasonable demands, but we should still have a celebrity's discipline..."

Qin Wei nodded.

Nodding, nodding...

"Li Yao."

Xu Mingchuan, who was driving, looked in the rearview mirror and said to him:

"Give her a break. She's been sleeping the whole ride, she didn't hear a word you said."

Li Yao was stunned and looked down at Qin Wei.

Sure enough, drool had dripped onto her pants.


It was still dark when Xu Mingchuan's car arrived at the airport. Before anyone could wake her, she suddenly jerked awake on her own, and didn't forget to wipe the drool.

This gave Li Yao a fright:

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... Used to getting up at this hour to jog and practice dances. Thought I was late... Scared me for a second..."