The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 114


Qin Wei was completely confused.

"Ex-boyfriend? What? Is this an interview from the TV station?"

The familiar staff around her nodded in unison.

Qin Wei looked at the cameraman, who she had also seen at the TV station before.

What kind of question is this...

But since they were reporters from the station, Qin Wei still tried to remain as polite as possible:

"Please ask questions related to the show, I think questions about the publicity, competition, teammates, training etc. may be what you want to ask more..."

The reporter didn't seem to understand:

"Do you think you can be friends with your ex-boyfriend? I saw you and Mr. Shen Kai interacting very naturally on stage."

"I think questions should be asked politely. On what basis are you asking this? Have I publicly acknowledged it or privately told you? If there are no other questions, I'll leave first. I still have schedules to follow. Excuse me."

Seeing Qin Wei get a little angry, the reporter quickly changed the subject:

"Teacher Qin, your performance on stage was amazing. If you had to rank the beauty of the female artists on site, who would be the top three?

Also, who do you think is more beautiful tonight, you or Qiao Sixiao?"

Qin Wei rolled her eyes at him, right in front of the live camera, she rolled her eyes at him without hiding her displeasure:

"Can we only be talked about our relationships and looks?"

After saying that, Qin Wei left, the kind that left without looking back.

The reporter sighed helplessly, "Most artists being interviewed cooperate to answer, Teacher Qin still has quite a temper."

The bullet screen exploded at this time—

【My sister didn't punch you, you should thank her! What kind of questions did you ask, so boring. During the previous interview, didn't you hear Zhang Yuru say she didn't want to answer either? Bullying the weak and fearing the strong?】

【Is this reporter trying to gain eyeballs by always asking these things? I listened and wanted to give you a slap through the screen! 】

【Ridiculous, Lu E tirelessly trained, but you completely ignored that and kept trying to dig up people's privacy, worse than an anti-fan!】

【Women can be talked about not just marriage and looks, but also dreams and pursuits! I firmly stand with Sister Qin this time!】

【Lizhi TV fell short this time, doing a show for women yet so arrogant】


After leaving the interview site here, Qin Wei walked through the corridor to the training room area and saw reporters and media squatting at the door not far away.

To live stream today and promote the premiere of the show, the program team had invited many media friends, and naturally they would not miss the opportunity to interview celebrities since they were already here.

In the conference room ahead, Shen Kai walked out, changed into a navy blue suit jacket, the same as when Qin Wei saw him at the hotel, wearing a sharp suit that made him look very upright.

Qin Wei hesitated again and again, glanced at the media, then quickly walked up and called out behind him:

"Mr. Shen Kai."

Shen Kai looked back, and at the same time the media reporters also looked over. A scoop just fell from the sky, and it was hot news!

They did not expect to find this backstage!!

The media reporters and photographers raised their equipment.

Shen Kai was a little surprised. He looked at Qin Wei, for a moment unsure:

"Are you...calling me?"

Qin Wei did not deny it. She rushed over in just a few steps:

"Last time I was too impulsive, and you were just being nice, but I realized too late. Today I have a chance to see you, so I want to apologize in person."

The corners of Shen Kai's mouth curved up unconsciously, but he soon realized it himself. He restrained his smile, turned his head aside and coughed, before saying:

"Two boxes of oranges? If that was an apology, I've already received it, Qin..."

"Shen Kai, I'm a reporter from Metropolitan Online, may I interview you two?"

"I'm a reporter from Triangle Video..."

Before Shen Kai could finish speaking, the reporters had already surrounded them.

A bunch of microphones were shoved in their faces, and the flashing lights kept going.

Shen Kai frowned, a trace of displeasure on his face, but Qin Wei didn't seem to mind. Facing the camera, she was still very calm.

She even turned her head and said to Shen Kai:

"Taking pictures right, Mr. Shen shouldn't you cooperate a little?"

Seeing that they didn't reject it, the reporters seized this good opportunity to ask questions.

No matter what they asked today, it would be the headline dominating entertainment news!

One of the reporters jumped in first, also because he had a loud voice, catching the attention of the two:

"Why are you two together?"

Qin Wei smiled:

"No rush, you're confused. Weren't we just recording a show, this is a necessary path backstage, of course we would walk together!"

Another reporter asked:

"What is your relationship? There were rumors that you two dated before and then broke up, so now...?"

Qin Wei looked at Shen Kai beside her. She was still smiling. Shen Kai seemed to understand and smiled back, signaling her to speak:

"Dating was just a rumor. Not responding back then didn't mean acknowledging it, so the breakup is even more nonsense. I met Shen Kai because of work, we are also each other's friends. Later we rarely met because we were busy with work, but we kept in contact. Isn't that right, Mr. Shen Kai?"

"Of course."

Shen Kai showed a faint smile. He took over Qin Wei's words.

"Miss Qin Wei sent me two boxes of oranges not long ago. It was delivered to my office by her agent. Not only did I eat them, my assistant and agent also got to try them. Just now backstage, I was thanking her for it."

Reporter: "You two were photographed together. Aren't you afraid the media will make an issue out of this and bring you trouble?"

Very good, the media people have a clear understanding of themselves, knowing not only that they don't just state the facts but make issues out of things, and also that they bring others trouble.

If you have this awareness, what can't you do well?

But still have to say what needs to be said:

"It's no problem, taking this opportunity to clarify rumors eliminates trouble right? Haven't I made everything clear now? There is nothing to hide between friends, I have a clear conscience about this."

When Shen Kai looked at her, his expression was still properly smiling, but the emotions in his eyes kept changing.

Shen Kai did not speak again, but gave a look to Little Jin standing beside him. Little Jin immediately understood and walked up:

"Media friends, sorry for disturbing you. Mr. Shen still has to go back to set to film. There will be opportunities to interview again in the future..."

After saying that, under Little Jin's cover, Shen Kai left first.

The media did not continue to make things difficult for Shen Kai, after all they would meet again in the future, but it was different for Qin Wei since her agent was not around.

"Miss Qin, you really only have a friendship with Mr. Shen? Because as far as we know, you were together before, and you were out..."

"Alright, that's enough from you guys."

While speaking, Qiao Sixiao walked over from the end of the corridor, pulling Qin Wei to her side. She jokingly said,

"Heard you guys bullying Qin Wei from far away. If you want to know that badly, hurry up and go chase after Shen Kai, you can still catch him!"