The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 69

Murong Hai mischievously poked Lin Zaozao's protruding fat with his finger and teased, "Little fatty, you have too much fat on your body, you're already stuck in the armrests of the chair. To save you, little fatty, we can only dismantle the chair."

"No!" Lin Zaozao hurriedly refused.

"Why not?" Murong Hai asked puzzledly.

"I bought this with money. My butt hasn't touched it a few times yet! If you dismantle it now, wouldn't I lose a lot?" Lin Zaozao twisted her neck and said stubbornly.

"Hmm! Little fatty has a point. Let's not dismantle it then, after all, it would be wasteful, right? Okay, little fatty, you sit here nicely and wait until you're hungry all night and lose some of the fat on your belly, then we'll try again to see if we can pull you out of the chair."

After speaking, Murong Hai poked Lin Zaozao's belly fat again mischievously, then held in his laugh and prepared to leave with Ji Fantian and the others.

Seeing that Murong Hai and the others were really about to leave, Lin Zaozao panicked at once.

Because she didn't want to sit here all night!

More importantly, even if she sat here all night, she couldn't possibly lose the fat on her belly!

Thinking of this, Lin Zaozao immediately grabbed Murong Hai's clothes and pleaded pitifully, "Murong Hai, I don't want to sit here all night. How about? Why don't you guys try to pull me out!"

"How do we pull?" Murong Hai looked at Lin Zaozao puzzledly and asked.

"Don't you know how to pull radishes? Just pull like that!"

"But Lin Zaozao, we've never pulled such a fat radish like you before, and we don't know if we can pull you out or not?" Murong Hai said, barely holding in his laugh.

"Murong Hai, are you going to pull me out or not?"

"Pull, we'll pull you out now."

After exchanging glances with Ruo Qiu and the others, they forcibly steadied their crazily upward curving mouths and walked to Lin Zaozao's side.

Ready to pull the radish.

No, pull Lin Zaozao out.

So Ruo Qiu and Ye Yi steadied the chair behind Lin Zaozao, while Murong Hai and Xiao Taohua barely held in their laughter and pulled one of Lin Zaozao's hands each, preparing to use force to pull Lin Zaozao out of the chair.

But before they could take action, someone laughed. In an instant, the force that Murong Hai and the others had barely mustered was instantly deflated.

Lin Zaozao watched as Murong Hai and the others lowered their heads and their bodies shook violently with suppressed laughter. Without looking, she could guess what a mess they were laughing into.

She kicked the closest Murong Hai and gnashed her teeth, "Murong Hai, are you gonna pull me out or not?"

"Pull, I'll pull you out now."

Murong Hai barely steadied his smiling face and exchanged another glance with Xiao Taohua before preparing to cooperate with Ye Yi and Ruo Qiu to pull Lin Zaozao out of the chair.

"Little fatty, suck in your breath, it'll make it easier for us to pull."

"Got it, got it."

After handing her hands to Murong Hai and Xiao Taohua, Lin Zaozao took a deep breath and tried her best to tighten the fat on her belly.

But as soon as Lin Zaozao took a breath, another loud fart sounded.

Hearing this loud fart, Murong Hai and the others' bodies stiffened for a second before they squatted directly on the ground, laughing so hard they couldn't stand up.

"What are you laughing at, I didn't fart!" Lin Zaozao said awkwardly.




"Stop laughing! I told you it wasn't me!" Lin Zaozao shouted red-faced.

"Hahaha... We won't laugh, hahaha..."

Just after Murong Hai and Xiao Taohua got up from the ground and met Lin Zaozao's angry eyes, they couldn't hold it in again and squatted down to laugh wildly once more.

"Murong Hai, Xiao Taohua, Ruo Qiu, none of you are allowed to laugh any more!"

"Okay, okay, we won't laugh. Oh my, my stomach hurts so much from laughing!"

Xiao Taohua rubbed his hurting stomach from laughter and wiped his teary eyes. Then he pulled up Murong Hai who was still squatting on the ground and once again prepared to pull Lin Zaozao out of the chair.

"Cough cough... everyone try your best, don't get discouraged."

Xiao Taohua exchanged glances with Ye Yi and Ruo Qiu opposite him, controlled their crazily upward tilting mouths, and started another round of pulling Lin Zaozao the fat radish out!

So with everyone's effort, Lin Zaozao's belly was pulled out a bit more, but her butt was still stuck in the chair.

"Lin Zaozao, suck in your breath one more time, tighten up your big butt!"

Looking at Lin Zaozao still stuck in the chair, Ruo Qiu supported himself on the chair, laughing so hard he almost collapsed.

"Ruo Qiu, damn you and your ancestors, tighten your own damn ass!"

"My butt's not as big as yours, no need to tighten it." Ruo Qiu laughed while holding on to the chair.

But when he and Ye Yi saw Lin Zaozao's round, chubby belly revealed from being pulled, he couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed even louder.

Because Ruo Qiu laughed, Ye Yi also lost his strength from laughing. So the two of them didn't pull steadily, and the chair went straight into Murong Hai and Xiao Taohua's bodies along with Lin Zaozao's butt.

"Ow! Little fatty, hurry up and get off, you're crushing me to death!"

Xiao Taohua tried hard to steady the Lin Zaozao on top of him, but half angry and half pained, he still failed to push Lin Zaozao off of him.

Murong Hai was more experienced. He pushed the Lin Zaozao pressing down on him towards Xiao Taohua mischievously and then rolled out from the side by himself.

When he stood up from the ground, he didn't say anything but directly squatted down again silently laughing while hugging himself.

"Ye Yi, Ruo Qiu, Murong Hai, I'm not done with you three bastards,"

Lin Zaozao growled furiously while lying on top of Xiao Taohua.

Damn, if she had known it would be so difficult to pull a chair, she shouldn't have been so penny-pinching over a chair earlier.

This was really fucking embarrassing to death.

But before she could say another word, she saw a trace of blood flowing from the corner of Xiao Taohua's mouth. Seeing that trace of blood stunned Lin Zaozao's brows.

She couldn't have crushed Xiao Taohua to death!

"Ye Yi, Murong Hai, you useless morons, stop laughing and help me pull myself off Xiao Taohua, he's bleeding from the corner of his mouth."

Hearing the urgency in Lin Zaozao's voice finally made Murong Hai and the others stop laughing. They quickly walked over to Lin Zaozao's side and pulled her off Xiao Taohua.

"How is he? Where is Xiao Taohua injured? Did I crush him to death?"

Seeing more and more blood flowing from the corner of Xiao Taohua's mouth, Lin Zaozao was so anxious her eyes nearly turned red.

She really was a miser. Over a broken chair, could she have caused irreparable harm!

Hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Gu Shan pushed his wheelchair over to Lin Zaozao's side. With a bit of force, the armrests of the chair were dismantled by Gu Shan.

Once Lin Zaozao's body regained freedom, she hurried over to Xiao Taohua's side. Seeing Ji Fantian taking his pulse, she anxiously asked,

"How is he? Where is Xiao Taohua injured? Did I crush him to death?"

"His pulse is weak, his inner strength has reached his heart pulse. This pulse is like an omen of impending death. Xiao Taohua, he..."

"Alright, Ji Fantian, don't talk anymore. If you keep talking, Xiao Taohua really might die."

Lin Zaozao pushed Ji Fantian aside and tightly held Xiao Taohua's hands, slowly transferring his illness and pain to her palms.

[System, can I transfer illness for Xiao Taohua twice in one day?]

[Host, no. But you can give him a drop of Level 2 Marrow-Washing Liquid to aid his recovery.]

[I'm so fat now my butt is stuck in the chair. If I get any fatter, will you even let me live?]

[But host, your rewards have also leveled up now. Level 2 Marrow-Washing Liquid and Beauty Liquid have twice the effect of Level 1. You can drink 3 drops of Level 2 Beauty Liquid a day, so you can lose 6 pounds of fat!]

[That makes sense too, lose 4 pounds gain 6 pounds, I'll still lose 2 pounds of fat. And human life comes first, I shouldn't care about my figure right now.]

After Lin Zaozao collected all of Xiao Taohua's illnesses and pain into her palms, she crawled up from the ground and quickly walked towards her room.

She poured a glass of water, added a drop of the Marrow-Washing Liquid she had just collected, and smelled it with her nose.

There was no smell at all!

However, her belly had mysteriously swollen up a bit more.

【System, Xiao Taohua hasn't taken the medicine yet! How could you make me gain weight out of nowhere?】

【Host, it's just four jin of weight gain, not much. You're going to gain weight anyway, so you shouldn't let such a trivial matter cause a standoff between you and the System. Otherwise, Xiao Taohua really might be beyond saving.】

【Stupid System!】

【Fat pig!】

【Stupid System, just you wait!】

【Oh please, why would a mighty System like myself be afraid of a little fat pig like you!】

【Damn it!】

Hearing the System's taunting voice, Lin Zaozao squeezed the flesh on her belly and gnashed her teeth as she slowly made her way outside.

She had become too fat, her belly weighing down her legs, making it difficult for her to walk!

"Murong Hai, help drag Xiao Taohua over here for me! I can't move!" Lin Zaozao called out.

Hearing Lin Zaozao's voice, Murong Hai felt puzzled, but he and Ruo Qiu quickly carried Xiao Taohua over to the door of Lin Zaozao's room.

Seeing Lin Zaozao's belly, which had swollen up another size, everyone frowned involuntarily.

How could Lin Zaozao have become even fatter?

She was gaining weight so quickly, it was very abnormal.

Ignoring the suspicious looks from Murong Hai and the others, Lin Zaozao plopped down on the ground. She pried open Xiao Taohua's mouth and started pouring the contents of the cup into it.

Only when every last drop had gone down Xiao Taohua's mouth did Lin Zaozao finally heave a long sigh of relief.

Damn it, she had finally saved this bastard's life!

But before she could feel relieved, the buckles on her swollen belly snapped open as she sighed that long sigh.

Lin Zaozao looked down at her round pot belly and poked it with a finger.

Hmm! Solid!

Not hollow at all!

"Lin Zaozao, how did your belly get so fat again?" Murong Hai asked with a frown.

"Oh, I was walking too hurriedly just now and got bloated from it. My belly will shrink once the gas goes away."

Lin Zaozao waved her hand dismissively and tried to stand up from the ground. But despite using all her strength several times, she couldn't get up.