The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 68

Lin Zaozao's righteous and uncompromising retort made the men following the old village chief and Zhao Yingmei's husbands immediately lower their heads in shame.

Their ears turned red as they awkwardly twisted their clothes, looking exactly like shy young brides.

Only Ye Yi directly put down his writing brush, walked to Lin Zaozao, and reached out to clasp the front of her robe.

After fastening it so that no flesh was revealed, Ye Yi gently patted Lin Zaozao's belly and gestured for Murong Hai to pull Lin Zaozao aside.

Slapping away Murong Hai's outstretched hand, Lin Zaozao plopped down in the chair behind her.

She didn't know if it was psychological, but for some reason she felt like the chair she was currently sitting in was a little small!

Lin Zaozao wiggled her bottom on the chair a bit, then raised her hand at Ye Yi and said,

"Ye Yi, hurry up and write! It's going to be dark soon, and the old village chief must have something to find me for!"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's urging, Ye Yi let out a helpless sigh. He could only help Lin Zaozao quickly write up the deed for the house purchase.

The deed was made in duplicate, one for Lin Zaozao and one for Zhao Yingmei. After Zhao Yingmei and the old village chief signed it, Lin Zaozao finally took her own copy from Ye Yi's hand and signed the name "Lin Xiaohua."

Because her current household registration still had her as Lin Xiaohua, not Lin Zaozao, so she could only write Lin Xiaohua.

Once the deed was written, Lin Zaozao finally turned around and asked the old village chief,

"Village chief, why did you call me out so late at night?"

"Xiaohua, it's like this. These people are the husbands of the Wang Family village head wife. Their wife master has come down with a strange illness that no medicine or treatment can cure. A Daoist told them that an evil spirit has possessed their wife master.

Today, your ability to call down lightning and stun people on a sunny day has already spread throughout the neighboring village. When they heard you can summon lightning and thunder, they confirmed you are an amazing immortal.

So they want to invite you to the Wang Family to help expel the evil spirit from their wife master, so her body can recover as soon as possible."

"Ah! You want me to go catch ghosts?"

Lin Zaozao pointed at herself in disbelief and asked.

"Immortal Lin, you are a person of great virtue. As long as you can help our wife master capture the evil spirit, we are willing to give ten taels of silver as thanks. Please, Immortal Lin!"

Seeing the men kneeling on the ground kowtowing ceaselessly to her, Lin Zaozao panicked for a moment.

Damn, her pretense had become too famous.

Now even people from other villages had come to ask her to catch ghosts.

The problem was, she didn't know how to catch ghosts and was scared of them!

If she really encountered a ghost, she dared to guarantee she could run faster than a rocket with all the fat on her body!

Seeing these men ceaselessly kowtowing to her, Lin Zaozao was at a loss for a moment.

If it was treating illness, she had a way with the system.

But catching ghosts!

Damn, she was afraid that if she didn't catch the ghost in the end, she would lose her own little life in the process.

Moreover, these Wang Family men were brought by the old village chief himself, so the old village chief must have some relationship with the Wang Family men.

If she didn't agree to help them expel the evil spirit, and if the old village chief held a grudge against her, he could easily find an excuse to drive her out of Luoshui Village in the future. What then?

Just as Lin Zaozao was at a loss, she looked back and saw Ye Yi. She suddenly laughed delightedly.

It was fine, she was a fake immortal. But by her side, there was a real immortal!

If she couldn't catch ghosts, wasn't Ye Yi still here? He must be able to catch ghosts.

After all, the luxurious cape he gave her was proof that his income was pretty good.

Since his income was good, Ye Yi must have some skills when catching ghosts.

She had a solution. Lin Zaozao arrogantly waved her hand at the kneeling men to get them to stand up from the ground.

"Let me catch the evil spirit. But you have to bring your wife master here and I'll catch the evil spirit from her. After all, as you can see, I'm a little bit fat and can't walk far.

However, catching evil spirits or not, you promised me the silver coins, not a single copper coin less, understand?"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's words, the men kneeling on the ground looked up at Lin Zaozao's fat body, exchanged glances, and quickly agreed.

The man leading them took out a package of ten taels of silver from his money bag and placed it in front of Lin Zaozao.

"Immortal Lin, this is your payment."

"Keep the silver first. After I expel the evil spirit from your wife master, you can give it to me then. It won't be too late."

If she couldn't expel that damn evil spirit, taking their money now would be too embarrassing!

"But let's make it clear, I, Lin Zaozao, am just a minor immortal, not omnipotent. If I can't help you, don't hold it against me!"

"No no, of course not, Immortal Lin."

"Alright, don't kneel here. This immortal summoned lightning today and my spiritual powers are damaged. I really don't have the energy to deal with you all anymore. Go back!"

"Alright, then we'll trouble Immortal Lin. It's getting late, so we'll head back first."

"Okay, I'll see you out."

Lin Zaozao leaned on the chair, preparing to stand up from it, when she discovered the chair lifted up along with her bottom.

Lin Zaozao sucked in her breath inconspicuously, trying to shift her bottom off the chair.

Unfortunately, the result of her forceful inhaling was just a loud fart, and the chair remained firmly stuck to her bottom.

Because of this loud fart, everyone's gaze landed on her.

Faced with their stares, Lin Zaozao pinched her nose nonchalantly and looked at the Wang Family men in disgust, saying,

"Who was it? Who farted? Was it you guys? I'm telling you, you're about to leave, how could you leave such a loud fart in my run-down yard? So inelegant! Simply disgraceful!"

Lin Zaozao's accusations left the Wang Family men confused for a moment.

If they didn't mishear just now, that loud fart should have come from Immortal Lin's body right?

But now faced with Lin Zaozao's disgusted gaze, they doubted for a moment that it really was one of them who had let out such a loud fart.

"Immortal Lin, we couldn't hold it in for a moment, we've offended you." The Wang Family men could only apologize with embarrassed smiles.

"Oh, it's fine, it's fine! This immortal has a stomach that can hold a boat, so I'll graciously forgive you all."

Lin Zaozao said, then secretly sucked in her breath, trying to pry her bottom off the chair.

Unfortunately, her bottom seemed to be glued to the chair, which remained stuck to her bottom.

It was clearly fine just now, so how did she get stuck to the chair in just a moment!

Lin Zaozao saw the old village chief about to leave with the Wang Family men. If she still sat motionless in the chair, it would be too impolite to the old village chief.

So in desperation, Lin Zaozao grabbed Ye Yi's clothes, winked at him, and gestured for him to pull her out.

Faced with Lin Zaozao's winking and gesturing, Ye Yi didn't understand what she was trying to do!

Plus he couldn't speak, so he brought his head close to Lin Zaozao, signaling her to speak to him.

After all, just because he couldn't speak didn't mean he couldn't hear.

The struggling Lin Zaozao saw Ye Yi suddenly move his head closer. After a brief pause, she directly wrapped her arms around Ye Yi's head and took a bite of his face.

Lin Zaozao's sudden move not only surprised Ye Yi, but even the old village chief about to bid Lin Zaozao farewell was shockingly surprised by Lin Zaozao's daring actions.

Although intimacy between a husband and wife was good, when Lin Xiaohua wanted to be intimate with her husband, she should still avoid others!

Now this scene, should they watch or not watch?

So to avoid awkwardness, the village chief and Wang Family men quickened their pace out the yard gate.

Even Zhao Yingmei led her twelve husbands swiftly towards the yard gate.

"Oh! Village chief, please don't mind me! If you want to blame someone, blame me for being as beautiful as a heavenly fairy. My husband actually seduced me in front of so many people. He seduced me, so I couldn't resist and just had a little taste.

Village chief! Please don't go yet! How about you stay for a while, and I'll make you some delicious food?"

"No need, young lady. I already have food prepared at home, so we'll head back first."

[Name] watched as the old village chief left. She heaved a long sigh of relief.

Just now, she had been in an awkward and rude position in front of the village chief.

It also seemed that she had wronged [Name] a little.

But she really had no choice! After all, because her butt was too big, she got stuck in the chair. If she said that out loud, how could she keep any dignity?!"

When [Name] could no longer see the backs of the old village chief and others, she called out to her husbands for help.

"My darling treasures, my dear husbands, save me! I'm stuck in this chair and I can't get up."

[Name's] words left [Name] and the others stunned for a moment. Such a wide chair could easily fit one and a half people, so how did this little fat ball get stuck?

When [Name] and the others walked over to [Name]'s side and circled around the chair, they understood why such a large chair was able to trap [Name].

Because this little fatty had gotten her big butt stuck between the chair's armrests.

Now if she moved even a little, the protruding flesh around her waist would be pinned by the armrests.

As [Name] and the others looked at the rings of flesh around [Name]'s waist, their eyes were nearly laughing into slits.

He had seen children get their heads and fingers stuck while being naughty, but he had never seen someone get their butt stuck in a chair because of obesity.