The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 67

So, when the old village chief brought some men to Lin Zaozao's small broken courtyard, they saw Lin Zaozao and her husbands sitting in a row eating snacks.

Meanwhile, Zhao Yingmei's family knelt in front of them with their necks shrunken.

This scene looked like the landlord's family was reprimanding their own servants. Plus Lin Zaozao's fat figure made the scene even more shocking.

Seeing the village chief arrive, Lin Zaozao nimbly took Murong Hai's clothes and wiped her mouth, pulled the chair out from under her butt, and walked towards the village chief.

The way Lin Zaozao dragged the chair was like a female overlord looking for someone to fight. It scared the village chief so much that he took a step back.

"Uh? Village chief, why are you leaving as soon as you arrive! Come, come, sit for a while first, sit for a while before leaving!"

Lin Zaozao put down the chair in her hand, walked quickly to the front of the village chief.

Regardless of whether the village chief was happy or not, she gave him a vigorous hug and sat him on the chair.

"Village chief, do you want to eat snacks? These snacks were just given to me by Zhao Yingmei! Try them, they are so sweet and delicious."

Seeing Lin Zaozao's diligent appearance, and looking at the snacks placed in front of him, the village chief asked doubtfully.

"Lin Xiaohua, seeing your posture just now, I thought you were going to fight me with that chair."

"Village chief, look at what you said. I, Lin Zaozao, am an ordinary citizen who abides by laws and disciplines. How could I casually fight with others!

Fighting is the behavior of tomboys. I, Lin Zaozao, am a gentle and delicate lady. I can't do that kind of fighting."

"Is that so?"

Looking at Lin Zaozao's flattering smile, no matter how he looked at her, he did not feel that the person in front of him was a gentle and delicate lady.

Instead, she looked more like a female bandit who liked to rob houses.

She had just arrived in Luoshui Village for a few days! She had already fought with Zhao Yingmei twice. Most importantly, she was able to not lose every time even when Zhao Yingmei had more people.

Alas! The ladies in their Luoshui Village were indeed a little different from the ladies in other villages.

"Lin Xiaohua, I won't eat the snacks. I have something to discuss with Zhao Yingmei, can you let her and her husbands get up first."

"Hey! Village chief, you can't talk about me like this! I was just going to the toilet just now, but Zhao Yingmei and her husbands hugged my legs and kneeled on the ground not getting up.

If it wasn't for me being smart just now, I would have peed my pants because of their obstruction. Now they are kneeling there voluntarily, not because I asked them to kneel there.

If they want to stand up, they can stand up themselves, what does it have to do with me?"

Lin Zaozao pouted her lips in dissatisfaction.

After hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Zhao Yingmei led her husbands to kneel in front of Lin Zaozao again, and pleaded:

"Lin Xiaohua..."

"I have changed my name now, called Lin Zaozao. Not Xiaohua or Xiaocao anymore."

"Then Lin Zaozao, I beg you, help me! I beg you."

"You should at least tell me first what you want me to help you with! If you don't say it, how can I agree. You can't possibly ask me to kill someone or set fires, and expect me to agree, right!"

Lin Zaozao tried hard to withdraw her legs, but still couldn't pull them out. So Lin Zaozao made a helpless gesture at the village chief, and beckoned to Murong Hai to move the chair under her butt over.

There was no other way, she had a lot of fat on her body, and she got tired from standing too long.

After Lin Zaozao sat on the chair, the village chief scolded Zhao Yingmei and her husbands:

"Zhao Yingmei, look at what you all look like. Kneeling in someone else's yard, forcing others to agree to your conditions, do you still have any face left?"

Hearing the village chief's scolding, Zhao Yingmei hesitated for a moment, but still hugged Lin Zaozao's legs tightly, looked up and pleaded:

"Lin Zaozao, I beg you, can you continue to catch the ghost in my body. I want to have my own child.

Lin Zaozao, I'm already thirty-five years old now, I'm afraid I won't be able to have children in a few more years.

Lin Zaozao, I beg you, please continue to catch the ghost for me! I dream of having my own child, I beg you."

After speaking, Zhao Yingmei and her husbands kept kowtowing at Lin Zaozao's feet.

Looking at Zhao Yingmei and her husbands who kept pleading at her legs, Lin Zaozao felt a little speechless in her heart.

Why was Zhao Yingmei so eager to have a child!

Raising a child costs money and is troublesome. They cause trouble for their parents all day long. She didn't know what Zhao Yingmei wanted it for.

The reason why Lin Zaozao thought this way was because every time her parents quarreled, they would scold her and her brother for being two debt collectors.

Eating, drinking from them every day, not studying well, would surely make them die from anger one day.

So under her parents' "love" education, Lin Zaozao sincerely believed that having children was like looking for trouble.

If she gave birth to a child like herself, it would be the biggest trouble among troubles.

Zhao Yingmei and her husbands were actually able to cry like this now in order to get a little trouble.

Although Lin Zaozao didn't understand, everyone had their own choices. If someone wanted it, then it was what they liked.

Lin Zaozao sighed slightly. She forcibly pulled Zhao Yingmei up from the ground, looked into her eyes and said seriously:

"Zhao Yingmei, do you really want a child?"

"Yes, I dream of having my own child."

"If I catch the ghost for you, will you still say I'm a fraud?"

"I won't say that anymore, I won't say that anymore. Lin Xiaohua, Lin Zaozao, I was also forced today. If I didn't listen to that beast, he would have killed my husbands. In order to save my husbands' lives, so, I, I could only..."

Seeing Zhao Yingmei's cowering appearance, Lin Zaozao straightened her spine, and said solemnly:

"Zhao Yingmei, I can agree to catch the ghost for you. However, you must agree with the village chief to sell your old house to me at half the market price.

Remember, this time we will sign an IOU, so you won't say I'm a big fraud in the future."

"I'll give it to you for free, you don't need to pay for it."

"No, I won't take your stuff for free. This also prevents you from regretting it and causing me trouble again in the future."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao stood up, ready to squat next to the village chief. As a result, as soon as her butt went down, she sat directly on the ground.

Sighing helplessly, Lin Zaozao was not shy at all. She directly pulled the village chief's sleeve and pleaded:

"Village chief, I want to buy Zhao Yingmei's old house. Can you be my guarantor?"

"I can. But Lin Xiaohua, let me be blunt, the Zhao family's old house is known to be frequently haunted.

Those ghosts often come out at midnight to harm people. This is why Zhao Yingmei moved out of her old house."

"Is that so? Zhao Yingmei. Is your old house really haunted?"

Lin Zaozao looked back at Zhao Yingmei and asked seriously.

"That's right, my old house is really haunted. Although those ghosts didn't harm anyone, they were quite scary.

We were also forced to move out of the old house because there was no other way. Lin Zaozao, my old house is haunted, do you still want to buy it?"

"Buy it, I must buy it. Did you forget that I am a great immortal, how could I be afraid of a ghost without a body? Old lady will paste a ghost catching talisman and make any ghost scatter away in defeat!"

"Alright, if you are sure you want the house, I'll sell it to you for ten taels of gold, okay?" Zhao Yingmei asked expectantly.

"Let's make it ten taels of gold! You've already given me half price, I can't let you lose too much either. But you have to clean up your old house thoroughly for me. Because I'm lazy!"

Lin Zaozao said vigorously.

"No problem. It’s getting late today too, let’s sign the IOU first. Tomorrow, after we go to the government office to sign the deed, I will give you the deed to the house, and clean it up nice and clean for you."

"Okay, let's sign it now!"

However, when Zhao Yingmei put the brush, ink, paper and inkstone in front of Lin Zaozao, Lin Zaozao picked up the brush and was at a loss for a moment.

She didn't know how to write with a brush!

Moreover, she had no idea whether the characters of Canglan Country were the same as the ones she had learned before.

But looking at the brush handed over by Zhao Yingmei, Lin Zaozao still took it and prepared to write the document.

She would try first, and change person if it really didn't work.

So when Lin Zaozao held the brush and drew a page of crawling characters, Zhao Yingmei was dumbfounded by Lin Zaozao's unconstrained and unrestrained handwriting.

Except for being ugly, some of Lin Zaozao's characters were even missing half! This little chubby ball Lin Zaozao, don't tell me she doesn't recognize characters!

Seeing Zhao Yingmei standing still with the document written by Lin Zaozao, Ye Yi and Ruo Qiu came over. When they took the document from Zhao Yingmei's hand, laughter filled their eyes again.

Lin Zaozao's handwriting was really worse than a three-year-old child's first attempts at writing. They really didn't know where she got the confidence to write such an ugly document in front of so many people.

"What's wrong? Judging by your expressions, is my handwriting very ugly?"

Lin Zaozao leaned over behind Ye Yi and glanced at her own writing.

Except for being a little big, a little fat, a little sloppy, and a little...

Cough cough cough... it should still be legible!

Seeing Lin Zaozao's somewhat embarrassed expression, Ye Yi smiled with narrowed eyes. When he took the brush from Lin Zaozao's hand to write the document for her, his hand was smeared with black ink.

This little chubby ball Lin Zaozao, was she writing or painting?

Ye Yi deliberately pulled Lin Zaozao's clothes and wiped his inky hand on it.

After all, this little chubby ball Lin Zaozao hadn't hesitated to wipe her hands and mouth on their clothes, so now he used her clothes to wipe his hands, it wasn't too much!

Besides, her current clothes were black. So even if ink got on her, others wouldn't notice.

Ye Yi's move shocked Lin Zaozao.

Because Ye Yi couldn't speak, his every move was usually elegant and noble.

But now he actually wiped his hands on her clothes in front of so many people. This guy, had he been possessed?!

"Hey, Ye Yi, why don't you wipe your hands on your own clothes?!"

Lin Zaozao pulled hard, trying to take her clothes back from Ye Yi's hand. As a result, her belly bulged with the effort, causing the plastron on her belly to suddenly come undone, exposing a patch of white chubby skin.

That white chubby patch of skin stood out even more white and tender against the contrast of Lin Zaozao's black clothes.

Seeing the surprised looks from everyone, Lin Zaozao casually patted her belly and retorted unabashedly in response to their astonished stares.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beauty's belly before? It's just a slab of flesh. Can you smell the fragrance from this old lady's body?

Judging by your dumbstruck expressions, your eyeballs are about to fall onto my belly.

Am I really that beautiful? Just a belly can captivate you so much?"