The Rebirth of My Father in the Body of an Aloof Academic Genius

Chapter 34

The old lady sat on the ground throwing a tantrum for a while, then took Lin ChuSui and Xu JiaNing straight to the community police office.

Xu JiaNing’s mother also rushed over when she heard the news.

"They...they bullied my grandson!"

The old lady's sharp tongue flew everywhere with saliva: “They beat my grandson into an unrecognizable condition! Officer, you must uphold justice for us!"

Lin ChuSui glanced at the naughty child Zhu ZiQi hiding behind the old lady and explained, "It wasn't me who hit him! This little beast didn't have a decent shape to begin with!"

The old lady thought she was also an undefeated street fighter and trash talker in the vegetable market. She didn't expect to meet Lin ChuSui, who really made her dizzy with anger every minute.

She could only use her old trick again, sitting on the ground crying and shouting, "This is lawless! Young people nowadays are simply outrageous, bullying the elderly and children!"

"Who is bullying whom! Your family’s little beast attacked my brother first!"

Mother Jiang RuXuan sternly questioned Xu JiaNing: “What exactly happened here? Did you bully your brother again?”

The word "again" inevitably revealed disappointment in Xu JiaNing's eyes: "I have never bullied him."

But Jiang RuXuan didn't listen to the explanation: "Xu JiaNing, your father said to let you live in my house, and I didn't object. Although our house is small, we still squeezed out a room for you. We have treated you well enough. Why must you make things difficult for your brother?"

"Last night as soon as you arrived, you threw away his Lego toys. Now you even gathered your friends to bully him. What wrong have we done to your family!"

Xu JiaNing enunciated word by word: "I didn't bully him or throw away his toys."

"It was him, it was him!" Zhu ZiQi jumped and clamored: “Mom, hurry up and drive him away! He bullied me, beat me and even kicked me!"

Lin ChuSui looked at Zhu ZiQi angrily: "Do you believe I will kick you away right now!"


Xu JiaNing pulled her: "That's enough."

"Did you see that, officer? This girl was bullying our baby just now!" The old lady said excitedly: "Hurry up and detain her!"

Of course, the police would not listen to hearsay. He said to Lin ChuSui: “Did you just assault the child?”

"I did, but he hit me first. You can take him for an examination. I will compensate for any medical expenses. But if he still bullies my brother, I will beat him every time I see him!"

Zhu ZiQi seemed to be scared and quickly hid behind Jiang RuXuan.

Jiang RuXuan looked at Lin ChuSui: "Are you his sister?"

"I am the young one in your ex-husband’s current family. I came today to take my brother back. He just returned from abroad and was probably frightened by such shameless old things and naughty little beasts. He is a little shocked. You don’t need to compensate his mental damage. I will take him away now."

Jiang RuXuan was also angered by Lin ChuSui's words, her face flushed red: "Where did this sharp-tongued little girl come from? Didn't your parents teach you basic courtesy and love for the young and the old!"

Lin ChuSui: "Courtesy and love for the young and the old have prerequisites. The prerequisite is that the old are worthy of respect and the young are worthy of love. Who has no courtesy in your family’s education?"

"You... I can only hand you over to the police now." Jiang RuXuan turned to the police and said, "Please detain them."

Police Officer Xiao Chen saw the unharmed Zhu ZiQi and the old lady, and said, "We still have to get the facts straight first. We police can't arrest people indiscriminately."

"Isn't the situation clear enough? These ill-mannered people bullied our old and young!”

"Your family’s kid hit first!"

"Do you have evidence! Our baby is the most well-behaved. He usually doesn't even have the heart to hurt small insects. How could he possibly lay a hand on you!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan, who had been silent all along, silently took out his mobile phone and played the video he had just taken―

"I like watching excitement. When I see fights, I like to record them to watch slowly later."

The police immediately took the phone and watched it.

This video was taken very comprehensively, from Zhu ZiQi leading a group of children to block the community entrance, shooting Xu JiaNing with water guns, to later using slingshots to hit people, everything was shot.

Only the scene of Lin ChuSui pushing the children was skillfully moved away from the shooting passersby. When the child pounced over to bite and scratch, the video was recorded again.

As a result, the video was basically a depiction of the children's wildness and the old lady's unreasonable troublemaking by sitting on the ground.

After watching the video, even Lin ChuSui had to see Xiao Yan in a new light.

The schoolmaster really impartially documented black and white.

The police watched the video, turned around and admonished Ms. Jiang RuXuan. He said that even children should not be allowed to bully others like this, and the elderly should not sit on the ground crying and making trouble randomly, affecting public order.

When they left the community police office, the old lady glared fiercely at Xu JiaNing: "Pack up and get out of our house. Don't live with us anymore, you're just a freeloader!"

Although Jiang RuXuan felt the words were harsh, she did not hold it against her mother-in-law. She said helplessly to Xu JiaNing: “JiaNing, why don’t you just move back to your dad’s house. Our house is small to begin with. It’s quite inconvenient to have so many people living together. You coming has been very... inconvenient."

Zhu ZiQi hugged Jiang RuXuan's legs and shouted fiercely at Xu JiaNing: "Get lost! She's my mom, not your mom!"

Xu JiaNing looked at them, his eyes flashing a hint of gloom.

He didn’t say anything, just went home to pack up.

Lin ChuSui and Xiao Yan waited for him at the entrance of the community. Seeing him come out, Lin ChuSui grabbed her hand: "Cheap brother, welcome home."

Xu JiaNing looked at her deeply and asked, "Why did you come to help me? Isn't it just to see me make a fool of myself?"

"I do want to see you make a fool of yourself, but..."

Lin ChuSui reached out and patted his head: "I still feel that you already bully yourself enough. I can't stand seeing others bully you."

Xu JiaNing's frowning brows finally relaxed a little. He handed a suitcase to Lin ChuSui: "Help brother carry the suitcase."

Xiao Yan volunteered: "I'll help you."

Xu JiaNing: "The schoolmaster is also very helpful today, making me feel the warmth of humanity."

Xiao Yan walked beside Lin ChuSui, his eyes a little softer: "Remember your cheap sister's favor."

Lin ChuSui felt Xiao Yan's eyes had changed a bit, not as cold as before.

However, as she watched Xiao Yan reach out to lift the suitcase with one hand, fail to lift it, and then try to lift it with both hands, the result... he still couldn't lift it up.

Xiao Yan let go of the suitcase and turned to Lin ChuSui helplessly: "I...have a weak body."

Lin ChuSui: ...

Sure enough, you schoolmaster will never change.

Lin ChuSui walked over, picked up the suitcase with one hand: "Schoolmaster, you grew these muscles in vain!"

Xiao Yan didn't mind at all, following behind her with a smile: “Not in vain, to appreciate for future girlfriends."

Lin ChuSui took Xu JiaNing back home. Jiang RuXuan had called Xu SongBai early in the morning to briefly explain her situation and difficulties.

When Xu JiaNing came back carrying the suitcase, Xu SongBai sat on the sofa watching him and said sarcastically: "Weren't you living well alone in the UK? What's the matter, you couldn't even last a day at your mother's house?"

Lin ChuSui was about to explain, but Xu JiaNing replied: "My sister missed me and cried, begging me to come back, saying that if I didn't come back, she would have nothing left to live for either."

"Oh please." Lin ChuSui glanced at Xu JiaNing: "Be a human! When did I ever say I had nothing left to live for?"

"Is my sister shy?"

"No! I didn't! You fake foreign devil, you have no heart..."

Fang YouYi was very happy to see the two siblings get along so harmoniously. She said, “It’s good that you are back. Our daughter is an only child who has always wanted a brother. She probably treats JiaNing as her own brother. I'm really glad you two get along so well. SongBai, don't send JiaNing away.”

Lin ChuSui originally wanted to explain, but she didn't want Xu JiaNing to suffer more grievances at Jiang RuXuan's house either, so she closed her mouth awkwardly.

Since Fang Youyi had pleaded for him, Xu Songbai said, "For my sister's sake, you can stay, but my demands on you remain unchanged. You must rank first or at least second in your grade. Keep that up for me."

Xu Songbai had always demanded a lot from Xu Jianing. Since childhood, he had sent him to the best schools to receive elite education. He was his only son, and would eventually take over the management of the company, so he could not make any mistakes or fall short of expectations.

Xu Jianing agreed to all of Xu Songbai's demands.

"Also, when I discipline my sister, you are not to cover for her anymore. If anything like last time happens again, I won't let you off."

"I understand."


That night, Lin Chusui went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find a late-night snack.

Wearing a milk white loungewear, Xu Jianing leaned against the doorframe holding a glass of milk, and said nonchalantly, "Thanks for today."

Like a little hamster, Lin Chusui stood at the fridge door munching on potato chips. She turned around and said, "Just a breezy thank you, as good as not saying it at all. If you're really grateful, show some sincerity."

"Alright, then let me tell you something, to show my sincerity."

"I'm not interested in gossip." Lin Chusui walked past him with the bag of chips.

"It's about your dear classmate-slash-study buddy."

She paused in her tracks, "Who confessed to him again?"

"I don't care about that." Xu Jianing said to her, "Remember the spirit writing game last time? When we played it, the spirit...or should I say your dad, really came."

"You dare bring that up." Lin Chusui glared at him, "I haven't settled scores with you for impersonating the spirit!"

"I just want to explain clearly what happened that time." Xu Jianing said solemnly, "The first few questions were asked by me impersonating the spirit. But the last two questions, really weren't asked by me!"

Lin Chusui stared at him intently, assessing the credibility of his words.


"I'm not so bored as to joke about something that happened so long ago." Xu Jianing said earnestly, "I've never believed in supernatural forces, but that time, I really...couldn't explain it. If you didn't deliberately scare me, then it really was...your dad who came."

Lin Chusui's heart skipped a beat. "Why are you only explaining this now?"

"I already said it back then, but you guys didn't believe me, thinking I was exaggerating." Xu Jianing shrugged. "We don't have the best relationship. Your dad is very important to you, but it's none of my business. I was too lazy to explain afterwards. Since you helped me today, consider this me returning the favor by clearing up that incident."

Lin Chusui got agitated. "If my dad really came back, then where is he now?"

"That's the crux of the issue." Xu Jianing looked grave as he said, "What do you it possible he possessed someone?"

"Who? Lu Chi, Zhang Chengyu, Xiao Tian...we all played the game that time."

"Do you remember what happened then? Aside from us, there was an uninvited guest."

"Xiao Yan!"

"Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence that he showed up then?"

Lin Chusui's mind raced. "It can't be him. He and my dad...are totally different. He can't be my dad."

"Then I don't know either. I just feel it was too much of a coincidence that he appeared." Xu Jianing said. "Also, he inexplicably became your deskmate, and gives you free tutoring despite being extremely money-minded. These things are hard to explain too."

Lin Chusui: "Because I'm his goddess."

"Do you actually believe that yourself?" Xiao Yan sneered coldly. "Xiao Yan is the top scholar in Eton every year, who I, a model student on full scholarship, struggle endlessly to surpass. And you, a weak student even among the weak students, you want to be his goddess? Do you think you're Athena?"


Lin Chusui's fists clenched.