The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke’s Mansion

Chapter 556

Meng Huaining knew that Mo's brothers were very concerned about their sister Mo Hanyue.

"Rest assured, brothers. I promise I will take good care of Hanyue and ensure she is not mistreated in any way."

The Mo brothers surrounded Meng Huaining with their instructions, while the local officials who had come to curry favor with the newly-appointed King of Defending the West looked on in astonishment.

The Mo Family's ancestral tomb had been enshrouded in green smoke when he was granted the kingship, but for the magistrate of Yun County, Meng Huaining, whom they previously saw as their equal, to have also risen to such heights was truly astounding.

The Emperor had personally issued an edict summoning him to the capital, appointing him to the position of Prime Minister...

At this point, the provincial governor was already sweating profusely, reminiscing about the time when Meng Huaining had come to him pleading for silver to purchase grain seeds, and how he had dismissed him like a dog.

If only he had known Meng Huaining would rise to such prominence, he would have gladly given him all his wealth, let alone a paltry few thousand taels of silver.

Meng Huaining, it seemed, held grudges.

After exchanging pleasantries with his uncles, his piercing gaze fell upon the governor.

The intensity of his stare caused the governor to tremble violently, and he immediately fell to his knees before Meng Huaining.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister, this humble official was short-sighted back then. Please, forgive my past transgressions and spare me this time!"

The Mo brothers were aware of the background behind the governor's actions, but the other magistrates who had accompanied him looked utterly bewildered.

They glanced at one another, each wondering what the governor had done to offend Meng Huaining to the point of cowering before him upon learning of his new appointment as Prime Minister.

Meng Huaining let out a cold snort.

"You've committed many mistakes, and I will compile a dossier to be handed over to the King of Defending the West for his judgment."

Although he had been granted the title of Prime Minister by the Emperor, he did not wish to overstep his boundaries in his Ninth Older brother's domain.

Upon hearing this, the governor was so terrified that he wet himself, repeatedly kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Meng Huaining did not even deign to look at such a person.

This, in turn, put Mo Jiuye in a difficult position. He had originally intended for Meng Huaining to temporarily assume the role of governor, assisting him in managing the affairs within his territory for a while. But he had not expected Nan Yu to summon Meng Huaining to the capital so swiftly.

Meng Huaining had also planned to help Mo Jiuye share the burden for a time, as he was well-acquainted with the situation in the northwest, especially amidst the current turmoil, when the welfare and livelihood of the people were of utmost importance.

After a moment of contemplation, Meng Huaining suddenly remembered two individuals.

"Ninth Older brother, Uncle Fang and Uncle Xie have both served as officials for many years. Especially Uncle Fang, who started as a county magistrate. He certainly has the capabilities for this role."

Mo Jiuye was well aware of this.

However, Fang Chuanzhou and Xie Tianhai were currently branded as criminals exiled by the imperial court. Without an edict from the court, they could not serve as officials, even within his territory.

It seemed that before his departure, there was one more task he needed to attend to – to have his trusted aide deliver a letter to the capital, requesting Nan Yu to issue an edict pardoning the crimes of the Fang and Xie families.

Additionally, Hu Cong's case was undoubtedly a wrongful conviction, so it would not be inappropriate for him to put in a good word on his behalf as well.

Moreover, he believed Nan Yu to be an enlightened ruler, and upon receiving his letter, would surely arrange for suitable officials to reinvestigate the cases of these individuals and restore their innocence.

However, for the time being, there was a need for a suitable person to manage his territory.

This truly presented a dilemma for Mo Jiuye.

Meng Huaining had already anticipated this problem.

"Ninth Older brother, nothing is absolute. Although the two uncles cannot serve as officials due to their special circumstances, if they were to take on the role of Manor Stewards, would that not be an appropriate arrangement?"

Meng Huaining's words effectively awakened Mo Jiuye from his predicament.

"No wonder the new Emperor values your capabilities as an advisor. Your mind is indeed agile."

On this point, Mo Jiuye had to concede.

Although he too was raised in an official's household, his family had been primarily comprised of military commanders, and he had never studied or considered such minor issues, leading to his current predicament.

Since a solution had been found, Mo Jiuye immediately sent for Fang Chuanzhou and Xie Tianhai.

In fact, there was no need to summon them, as Fang Chuanzhou and Xie Tianhai were already among the crowd of onlookers.

At that moment, they were explaining the situation to the bewildered villagers.

"Did you see that? The golden character 'Wang' (King) on Ninth Master Mo's armor signifies that he is a king.

And the golden characters on the armor of those generals indicate their high ranks."

"So what you're saying, Brother Xie, is that Old Ninth Mo has become a king?"

"But that can't be right. Wasn't the Mo Family exiled by the imperial court as criminals? How could he become a king?"

"Don't just call him that anymore. From now on, when you see him, you must kneel and address him as 'Your Majesty the King'..."

Fang Chuanzhou and Xie Tianhai had only learned of Mo Jiuye's appointment as the King of Defending the West that day. While they were delighted for the Mo Family, they were also concerned for the men of their household.

Throughout history, going to war meant risking one's life. The Mo Family had finally reunited without any casualties, but this campaign could mean they might not all return alive.

Nevertheless, they felt that regardless of the circumstances, the men of the Mo Family were made of sturdy stuff. If they were to lead a simple life of farming, it would be a waste of their skills and abilities. In any case, the Mo Family had endured hardships until their name was finally cleared, allowing them to be granted the kingship, proving their innocence had been recognized.

Had the Mo brothers not been preoccupied with official matters and the arrival of the local officials, the two would have already gone to offer their congratulations.

Now, with Mo Jiuye's summons, they no longer needed to ponder when would be an appropriate time to pay their respects.

The two men approached Mo Jiuye and, after offering their congratulations, sincerely advised the Mo men to be cautious on the battlefield, treating them as if they were their juniors.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with them, Mo Jiuye broached the main topic.

"Uncles, as you have likely heard, the Emperor has bestowed the northwest region upon me as my territory.

Managing this territory requires capable individuals, and although it may be an underutilization of your talents, I would like to humbly request your assistance in this matter."

Mo Jiuye's words were sincere and showed the two men proper respect.

"Your Majesty, in what capacity do you intend for us to assist you in managing your territory?" Fang Chuanzhou was willing at heart, but he was also aware of his current status. Although he and Meng Huaining had arrived at the same solution, he felt it would be better for Mo Jiuye to voice it himself.

"Later, I will write a letter to the Emperor, requesting him to order a reinvestigation of your cases. Until your names are cleared, I can only trouble you with a temporary arrangement."

Although Mo Jiuye did not explicitly state what the arrangement would entail, both men understood.

Xie Tianhai was the first to respond, "Your Majesty, please be at ease. Even if it means serving as the Manor Steward, I have no objections."

In the Great Shun Dynasty, the stewards of official households held significant 'authority' – in other words, they wielded considerable influence.