The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke’s Mansion

Chapter 546

This action caught the attention of the Taoist priest Yuan Qing.

Although He Zhiran had made some changes to her makeup, a cultivator like him only looked at one's bone structure.

After seeing He Zhiran's facial bones, Yuan Qing was shocked for a long time.

By the time he recovered, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran had already walked far away.

When Yuan Qing caught up with them, he observed He Zhiran's facial features again, which naturally aroused Mo Jiuye's dislike, and he warned Yuan Qing.

In a hurry, Yuan Qing said, "No wonder... No wonder... The fate of Da Shun will change from now on!"

This statement made Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran feel a bit bewildered.

No one knew better than this couple that this period of history had indeed undergone many changes from what was recorded in the books.

He Zhiran tentatively asked, "May I ask why the Taoist priest said so?"

Yuan Qing stroked his gray beard and laughed loudly, "This poor monk has only one hobby, which is observing the stars at night.

Through observation, this poor monk found that the fate of Da Shun has changed, and it is changing in a good direction.

And the one leading all this is a woman.

Just now, this poor monk observed the benefactor's facial features, and now I can confirm that the benefactor is the one changing everything."

Being seen through, He Zhiran was nervous, but she couldn't admit anything to a stranger.

"The Taoist priest must have mistaken me for someone else. I am just an ordinary woman. How could I change any fate as you said?"

Yuan Qing just smiled slightly and said to himself.

"No matter what the benefactor thinks, this poor monk wants to thank you on behalf of the common people of Da Shun."

Mo Jiuye pulled He Zhiran and turned to leave, "The Taoist priest must have mistaken us for someone else. We are just ordinary people, not the ones who change the fate of Da Shun as you said."

Seeing them about to leave, Yuan Qing did not stop them but laughed loudly and said a few words.

"A thousand-year soul, a thousand-year treasure appearing in my Da Shun, is indeed a blessing for Da Shun and its people... Ah ha ha ha..."

After these words, Yuan Qing left, but He Zhiran stopped in her tracks.

Perhaps Mo Jiuye could not fully understand what Yuan Qing said, but He Zhiran could not fail to understand the meaning of his words.

A thousand-year soul, wasn't she a strand of soul from a thousand years later?

A thousand-year treasure, he must be referring to her extraordinary space.

"Taoist priest, please stay."

He Zhiran called out to Yuan Qing.

Yuan Qing turned around with a smile.

"Does the benefactor wish to have a chat with this old monk?"

"There are indeed many things I would like to ask the Taoist priest." He Zhiran pointed to a pavilion nearby, intending to go there to resolve her doubts.

It was as if Yuan Qing had expected He Zhiran to chat with him, as he did not wait for her to finish speaking before heading towards the pavilion with big strides.

Aside from her identity as a time traveler, He Zhiran had not concealed anything from Mo Jiuye.

She had considered revealing this to Mo Jiuye, but had never found a suitable opportunity.

Now that she had been seen through by the Taoist priest, He Zhiran decided to let Mo Jiuye understand her better.

The three of them arrived at the pavilion one after another. He Zhiran stared at Yuan Qing, waiting for him to speak first.

Yuan Qing first glanced at Mo Jiuye, clearly asking He Zhiran if it was appropriate to say such things in front of an outsider.

"Taoist priest, please feel at ease. My husband is a trustworthy person," He Zhiran immediately explained.

Yuan Qing then noticed Mo Jiuye and was equally stunned as when he saw He Zhiran.

He then smiled, "No wonder... Marvelous... Marvelous..."

Now it was Mo Jiuye's turn to be confused.

"What does the Taoist priest mean by this?"

Yuan Qing had no intention of beating around the bush, "It is marvelous that a person who should have died is still alive."

Now Mo Jiuye understood what was going on.

On his wedding day, if his wife had not advised him, he might have lost half his life when he returned to the palace.

If it weren't for his wife, he might have died on the road to exile long ago.

Yuan Qing continued, "Not only you, there are probably many others who should have died but are still alive. No wonder the celestial signs have changed, and the root cause lies here."

"Does the great master mean to say that these people who should have died but are still alive have changed the situation in Da Shun?" He Zhiran inquired.

"The fate of Da Shun has come to an end. Three years later, a wise ruler will rise and change dynasties. But perhaps you are unaware that because of your presence, all of this has been changed.

The wise ruler can ascend the throne earlier and continue the legacy of Da Shun, sparing the people from the suffering of war."

After this, He Zhiran and Mo Jiuye had no more doubts.

They both knew this period of history, and it had indeed undergone many changes due to He Zhiran's arrival.

It was clear that Yuan Qing indeed had true abilities.

Before Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran could react, Yuan Qing continued:

"In fact, this poor monk is also very curious about what the world will be like a thousand years from now."

He Zhiran had already planned to reveal her identity to Mo Jiuye, so she answered without any concealment:

"A thousand years from now, men and women are equal, and there is no longer a concept of male superiority over females. Everyone relies on their own hands to support themselves.

Farming is done by machines, not only completely freeing human hands but also being highly efficient.

People there no longer go hungry or lack clothing. When natural disasters occur, people voluntarily go to provide aid.

Regardless of gender, everyone receives nine years of compulsory education after the age of six, ensuring that everyone is literate.

A thousand years from now, advanced medical care has greatly reduced the human mortality rate..."

Describing her previous world, He Zhiran went on and on, expressing it in such a way that made one feel as if they were there.

To Mo Jiuye, none of what He Zhiran said was unfamiliar, as he had carefully studied the strange objects in her space and the Taobao Mall, which He Zhiran had never concealed were products of a thousand years in the future.

However, he didn't expect that He Zhiran could talk about so many things that couldn't be seen in her space. Where did she learn all this?

Seeing his dazed expression, He Zhiran explained, "Just now, the Taoist priest mentioned a 'thousand-year soul.' Do you know what he meant by that, husband?"

Asked this question, Mo Jiuye seemed to have guessed something.

But he still couldn't help but want to confirm, "What does it mean?"

"The original owner of this body has passed away, and I am a strand of soul from a thousand years in the future that has possessed this body..."

He Zhiran revealed all the details of her soul transmigration without reservation in front of the two men.

"Husband, now you should know why I know so many things that don't exist here, and why my medical skills for healing and saving people were learned in the world a thousand years from now."