The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke’s Mansion

Chapter 315

Thinking of the radiators and geothermal energy in her previous life, He Zhiran felt they were more suitable for the winter here.

Not only beautiful, but also safe and clean.

It's just that the kind of person who could install floor heating was difficult for her to find.

She could only talk about some general principles. To really implement it, she still needed a knowledgeable person to do it.

There was also the indoor toilet and plumbing she designed, she could only talk about some of it. To really make it, she also needed a professional.

Just as He Zhiran was troubled by these difficulties, Mo Jiuye recommended someone to her.

This person was Hu Cong.

Hu Cong had lived in Xi Ling Village for some time, and felt more accustomed to the environment and local conditions here than the fishing village.

Not long ago, Meng Huaining had finished reviewing all the cases of the shipping company, and confiscated all the assets of the shipping company. As a result, Hu Cong also received a sum of compensation.

He bought a small courtyard in Xi Ling Village, and bought some acres of land. He had already planned to live here for the long term.

Mo Jiuye went to Hu Cong's house with He Zhiran. At this moment, Hu Cong was making something out of wood boards in the yard.

That thing was not yet fully formed, at first glance it looked a bit like a large syringe.

Seeing them coming, Hu Cong hurriedly got up to greet them.

"Young Master Mo, what brings you here today."

Mo Jiuye had originally planned to get right to the point, but unexpectedly, He Zhiran bypassed him and picked up the wooden object Hu Cong was making to examine it.

At first glance, she had roughly guessed what it was for.

So she tentatively asked, "Brother Hu, is this a seeding tool you're making?"

Hu Cong didn't expect that the thing he had racked his brains over for several days, and hadn't even fully taken shape yet, He Zhiran was able to see its purpose at a glance.

He replied enthusiastically, "It's indeed for sowing seeds. The seeds are placed inside, push the switch at the back, and a small amount of seeds inside will flow out. This will save a lot of manpower when sowing seeds."

In her previous life, although He Zhiran had seen farmers sowing seeds, it was already a very technologically advanced era at that time. The farming tools people used were basically fully automated.

Although such manual farm tools were rare, some older generations still used them.

Therefore, similar objects were something He Zhiran had seen before. They were more delicate and convenient than the ones Hu Cong designed.

So she pointed to the seeder Hu Cong had just made and said, "Brother Hu, look here, if the holes were a little smaller, even fewer seeds would be lost, saving a lot more.

Also here, you can install something to help provide power, which will save even more effort.


He Zhiran made several suggestions for improvement in a row, and Hu Cong's eyes got brighter and brighter as he listened.

"Young Lady, I didn't think of what you said. I'll modify it according to your method later. I believe the improved seeder will definitely be more useful."

If Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran weren't there, Hu Cong would have wanted to get started immediately.

He Zhiran only understood some principles. The improvement methods she gave Hu Cong still required him to figure out how to implement them.

She could also see that Hu Cong was eager to improve the seeder, so as not to waste his time, she signaled Mo Jiuye to take out the drawings she had made for him to see.

Seeing Mo Jiuye take out some sheets of paper from his arms, Hu Cong asked in surprise, "Young Master, what is this?"

Mo Jiuye spread out a layout drawing of a courtyard for Hu Cong to see.

"Brother Hu, take a look. This is a layout my wife drew of the courtyard. We plan to build such a courtyard at the foot of the mountain."

Hu Cong was no stranger to building courtyards. When he was in the capital, many prominent families needed to build some special structures, and they would ask him for advice.

Hearing that it was a layout of the courtyard, Hu Cong took it over.

The drawing appeared before his eyes, giving Hu Cong another big surprise.

He had no other hobbies in his life, only liking to study some things he had never seen before, such as some tools, or housing construction, and so on...

The courtyard He Zhiran drew first attracted Hu Cong's attention in terms of structure.

Not to mention the details, just looking at the structure of the house, it not only saved land, but was also very practical. Such a courtyard, in Hu Cong's eyes, was very suitable for a family to live in.

"Young Master, may I ask which expert designed such a courtyard?"

Even the drawing skills amazed Hu Cong.

In fact, He Zhiran's drawing skills weren't that great either. She wasn't used to using the ancient brush, so when drawing the drawings, she bought pencils on Taobao.

This would not arouse anyone's suspicion either. She could simply say that she sharpened charcoal to draw with.

As for some drafting tools, they also came from Taobao. With so many handy tools, the effect was naturally better than the ancient people using soft brushes.

Seeing that his wife's drawings were approved by Hu Cong, Mo Jiuye inexplicably felt a sense of pride rise up.

First he looked at his wife, then said, "It was conceived by my wife."

Hu Cong had just looked up to He Zhiran for pointing out improvements to his seeder making.

Now Mo Jiuye said the drawings were also from this young lady's hand.

Hu Cong instantly developed a heart of admiration.

It seems the saying that there are people beyond people and heavens beyond heavens is not false at all. If Lady Mo wasn't a daughter, just her talents, how many good men would she surpass?

After admiring for a while, Hu Cong continued to look at the details on the drawings.

He Zhiran had indeed added details of the rooms when making the drawings.

Such as the cesspool in the backyard, the plumbing in the rooms, as well as the floor heating, etc.

No matter how smart Hu Cong was, he wouldn't recognize these things that he hadn't even thought of.

After looking for a while, he still didn't understand what these were.

"May I ask Lady Mo, this looks like a deep pit, what is it for?"

He Zhiran looked at where he was pointing, it was the cesspool she had designed in the backyard, farthest from the house.

Speaking of cesspools, it started with the indoor plumbing and flushing toilets.

He Zhiran pointed to the locations of the bathrooms and kitchens in the rooms, and carefully explained the principles she knew to Hu Cong.

At first, Hu Cong didn't quite understand having a toilet inside the house. Later, after listening to He Zhiran's detailed explanation, he felt this in-house toilet design was simply perfect.

He Zhiran had only talked about the structure connecting the toilet to the cesspool, and hadn't gone into the details yet.

Even so, it had already piqued Hu Cong's great interest.

He slowly digested the principles explained by He Zhiran, and continued to ask about other things.

He Zhiran also explained the principles of floor heating, plumbing and other pipelines. Hu Cong listened like an attentive student, with a level of concentration that couldn't be described in words.

Not only that, he also had the potential to ask when he didn't understand. Any parts he didn't get, he would ask over and over again.