The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke’s Mansion

Chapter 286

Yu Er naturally did not need to say much, she did not have that many thoughts, and had always listened to Lan Er. When the Fourth Princess chose to bring her along for the marriage alliance, it was because she was obedient.

He Zhiran did not know what Lan Er was thinking, he explained things clearly, then continued on the road.

On Mo Jiuye's side, the first to wake up was Seventh Elder Brother. His surroundings were similarly pitch black, but for someone with martial arts skills, this kind of darkness was nothing at all.

Realizing the environment had changed, he did not ask questions right away, but looked around.

The slightly bumpy feeling and the sound of horse hooves told him he was in a carriage.

Fourth elder brother and Sixth elder brother were by his side.

He first pushed Fourth elder brother.

"Fourth elder brother, wake up."

Fourth elder brother was already showing signs of waking up, and was fully awake after Mo Yuance pushed him like this.

Mo Jiuye also heard the movement in the carriage, and quickly explained: "Fourth elder brother, Seventh elder brother, don't worry, you are very safe now."

Hearing their ninth younger brother's voice, the two brothers were completely at ease.

Although they did not know the specific situation, and did not know why they would wake up in a carriage, in any case, with their ninth younger brother present, they must be safe.

By now it was almost noon, and the carriage had entered the next city.

According to his understanding, this was the largest city in the Southern Borderlands, and it would probably take them until nightfall to get through it.

Even if they were in a hurry, they had to take care of his wife's health.

He discussed with He Zhiran for a while, and decided to rest in the city for a while first, and eat something before continuing on their way.

It would be best to leave the city after dark. Even resting in the carriage would be safer than in the city.

After all, there was no knowing when the news of the Southern Borderlands Emperor's disappearance would reach this place. It would be troublesome for them to want to leave again later.

According to plan, the two drove the carriage to a more remote place. Mo Jiuye pretended to go out to buy food, when in fact He Zhiran was buying some instant food in her space.

The husband and wife opened the carriage compartments separately, first took care of personal matters, then ate ravenously.

From last night until now, this was the first meal they were eating, and they were hungry even without much exertion.

Seeing its master, Bao Dan immediately climbed into her arms to act coquettish.

The soft bleating melted He Zhiran's heart, and she quickly hid to the side to prepare its favorite food.

After eating her fill, just as He Zhiran was getting ready to urge them to continue on their way, there was movement from Mo Jiuye's side.

"Ninth younger brother, ninth younger sister-in-law, come quickly, Sixth elder brother is awake." Mo Yuance was clearly somewhat excited.

Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran hurried over.

Sixth elder brother's condition was much better than Fourth elder brother and Seventh elder brother's. At this time he was already sitting up, it was just that his eyes still seemed a little dazed.

"Sixth elder brother."

"Sixth elder brother."

"Old Six."

The three brothers called out to Mo Jinnian at the same time.

Mo Jinnian met his brothers' eyes, and was still a little confused, especially when looking at Mo Yuance.

"Seventh younger brother, have we been saved?" He remembered that he and Seventh younger brother had been poisoned together on the battlefield, and after waking up, they had been locked in a pitch-black underground prison cell where he couldn't see his fingers.

The guards would come daily and beat him routinely, grasping the force precisely so that he was badly mangled but couldn't die.

This kind of torture continued for about a month, until finally one day, a mysterious person came and cast a gu worm on him while he was only hazily conscious.

But now he was with his brothers, could everything in his memories have been a dream?

Since he couldn't figure it out himself, he could only ask Seventh younger brother, who had the same experience as him that year.

Seeing his brothers awake in this state, Mo Xiuyan felt his heart ache.

"Sixth younger brother, we brothers all went through the same ordeal, falling into the hands of a man called Mr. Si Meng from the Southern Borderlands. You and Seventh younger brother were both controlled by his puppet worm gu. It's normal that you don't remember what happened during that time.

Fortunately Ninth younger brother and Ninth younger sister-in-law noticed something amiss, and came to rescue us brothers, so we have lived to see this day."

After listening to Fourth elder brother say so much, Mo Jinnian noticed the speaker.

The voice was clearly Ninth younger brother's, but the person wasn't...

"Who are you?"

At this time Mo Jiuye could not reveal his identity, he could only explain: "Sixth elder brother, we are currently in the Southern Borderlands' territory. I disguised myself like this to facilitate traveling."

Seeing the situation, Fourth elder brother also helped explain: "Sixth younger brother, this really is Ninth younger brother, there's no mistake."

Mo Jiuye was in a hurry to get going, and could not explain much to Sixth elder brother.

"Sixth elder brother, let Fourth elder brother and Seventh brother tell you what happened. We'll continue on our way. Call me immediately if you feel any discomfort."

If it were normal times, seeing Sixth elder brother awake, Mo Jiuye would definitely have talked with him at length. But the current situation did not allow him to do so. He had to get out of the city before nightfall.

The carriage slowly started up, and he could hear the conversation inside the carriage compartment.

Fourth elder brother and Seventh brother told Mo Jinnian everything they had learned from Ninth younger brother.

After listening, Mo Jinnian's temples bulged with rage, and he fiercely punched the carriage compartment.

Mo Jiuye only felt the carriage behind him make a creaking sound, and looking back, the compartment had cracked open a little...

Fortunately his wife had chosen good quality wood to make the compartment, otherwise with that punch from Sixth elder brother, the compartment would probably have been smashed to smithereens.

Mo Jiuye slowed down the carriage and spoke towards the inside of the carriage: "Sixth elder brother, everything is already in the past. No matter what, now that us brothers can meet again, we should think about how to live well in the future."

Mo Yuance also persuaded: "That's right Sixth elder brother, we are all men, we need to learn to accept reality."

It wasn't that Mo Jinnian couldn't accept reality, it was that the more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

He, an eight foot tall man, had actually been controlled by a bug, and that wasn't enough, he had even foolishly sold his life for others.

As a Mo family man, he felt it was all too humiliating.

However, just now Fourth elder brother and Seventh younger brother had told him that he could reunite with his brothers mostly thanks to Ninth younger brother and Ninth younger sister-in-law's efforts.

Ninth younger brother and Ninth younger sister-in-law had risked their lives coming to the Southern Borderlands to rescue them, no matter what he would treasure this second life he had been given.