The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke’s Mansion

Chapter 184

He Zhiran translated Henry's words for Meng Huaining.

Meng Huaining did not reject foreigners. After all, at that time, foreigners had not yet done any harm to this land.

However, he had just arrived and was not familiar with everything in Yun City.

So Meng Huaining directly called an attendant to ask: "Are there any shipbuilders in Yun City?"

The attendant appeared very respectful: "Sir, our southern Yun City borders the sea. Most of the fishermen there know how to repair boats."

Meng Huaining understood and told He Zhiran: "Sister-in-law can pass this information on to him."

He Zhiran translated the attendant's original words to Henry.

Upon hearing this, Henry was overjoyed: "Ms. He Zhiran, can you accompany me on a trip?"

He Zhiran knew that even if Henry was clear on where to find the shipbuilders, he would be unable to communicate with them. It was absolutely necessary for her to go along.

However, it was probably not possible today.

It was almost noon already. Their purpose in coming out today was to buy medicinal ingredients.

Not only did they have to hurry back before the fifth brother fell ill, but they would probably also have to ask Meng Huaining to help resolve where to stay for the night.

Only if Meng Huaining stepped up could this matter be resolved from the root.

Therefore, they now had to explain their situation clearly to Meng Huaining.

He Zhiran apologetically waved her hand at Henry: "I'm sorry, my family has some things to deal with today. I can accompany you to the fishing village tomorrow when I'm free."

Henry had been stranded in Yun City for several days. Now that he finally found someone he could communicate with, he had to be patient even if he was anxious.

"Okay, tomorrow then."

After communicating with Henry, He Zhiran took Mo Jiuye to catch up with Meng Huaining.

It just so happened that Meng Huaining also had this intention and invited the couple to chat at the county office.

Meng Huaining was still not familiar with the environment here. When he went to Dongfeng County to take office, the local county magistrate briefed him and handed over the work very clearly.

But the news of his arrival had already been notified here, so why didn't he see the county magistrate here?

Meng Huaining found this very strange.

He called over an attendant who led the way and asked, "Where is your county magistrate?"

When the county magistrate Chui was mentioned, the attendant hemmed and hawed, not knowing what to say.

If the county magistrate learned from him about what happened to County Magistrate Chui’s grandson, and Chui was not removed from office, would he not become an offender?

On the other hand, if he did not tell the truth, he would offend the county magistrate.

The attendant did not dare offend either of them and seemed very embarrassed.

Seeing this, Mo Jiuye took the initiative to clarify for him:

"Brother Meng, when we entered the city today, we heard the common people talking about County Magistrate Chui's grandson being injured last night and still lying at home recovering now."

Such news did indeed surprise Meng Huaining very much.

The person who made the move must have hated the county magistrate greatly to injure the man there.

Seeing Meng Huaining was still thinking, Mo Jiuye did not want to beat around the bush either. Their main purpose in coming here was to resolve things.

"Brother Meng doesn't know that when we arrived in Yun City yesterday, we were bullied by County Magistrate Chui. He deliberately assigned us to the village where his clansmen live. In such weather, all thirty-some of us had to spend the whole night sleeping outdoors."

"Brother Mo, let's go inside to talk in detail." As he spoke, Meng Huaining had already led the couple into the study.

The attendant was very tactful. As soon as a few people had just sat down, he brought tea and then went out and closed the door.

Meng Huaining took a sip of tea before slowly speaking.

"I won't hide it from Brother Mo and Sister-in-law, but I was sent to Yun City as county magistrate by Mr. Fei Nanyu's arrangement."

Yun City was located in a remote area with a harsh environment. Mo Jiuye could not think of why Fei Nanyu would arrange for Meng Huaining to be sent here.

"Why is that?"

Meng Huaining smiled bitterly. "It's nothing but the corpse burning incident in Dongfeng County."

Pausing for a moment, Meng Huaining continued:

"My younger sister's suggestion to burn the bodies of the victims was indeed a good way to eradicate future troubles.

When Prince Qi led people for disaster relief, I also explained this rationale very clearly to him.

Prince Qi agreed at first and ordered his men to actively cooperate with my work.

We worked together to burn the bodies of the victims. Later we also tried every means to find medicinal ingredients to make medicine to treat the plague, and we could say that we minimized casualties among the common people.

Just when the disaster relief work was about to achieve great success, I don't know who was inciting the commoners behind my back, saying that our burning of corpses was unacceptable morally, and the court must give those families an explanation.

Regarding this, Prince Qi sent people to arrest some of those troublemakers, but the common people had already completely believed what those people were saying. They held on to the idea that as long as they kept pressing the issue, they would definitely get compensation from the court.

Seeing this, Prince Qi also changed his original intention. He believed that giving the common people an explanation was the desire of the masses. He could not provide any compensation to the commoners himself, so the only thing he could do was to remove and investigate the scapegoat responsible for burning the corpses.

Speaking of this “scapegoat”, it would undoubtedly be me.

Seeing Prince Qi showing his true colors, I did not wait for him to propose my dismissal. I planned to resign directly.

Mr. Fei saw all of this. Prince Qi trusted him very much. Under Mr. Fei's advice, Prince Qi decided to transfer me away from Dongfeng County.

At that time, there were three remote county towns for me to choose from. Before I made a choice, Mr. Fei found me and suggested that I come to Yun City.

The main purpose of coming here was because you were exiled here, and it would be more convenient for a familiar official to take care of you.

Even if Mr. Fei had not said so, I was also going to come here. Mr. Fei and I were of the same mind.

Three days later, under Mr. Fei's arrangement, I left Dongfeng County and hurried here."

After listening to Meng Huaining's words, He Zhiran scolded Prince Nan Qi in her heart. How could a prince have so little backbone? He had missed the opportunity to win over a capable minister...

Mo Jiuye thought a little more. "If Nan Qi did not punish you, returning to the capital afterwards would surely leave the disaster relief efforts fruitless."

Meng Huaining smiled bitterly. "Indeed, running into something like this, I might as well pour out my bitterness to Brother Mo."

Mo Jiuye also lamented. A person who could not even resolve the grievances of his own officials, how could he be up to important tasks in the future? No wonder the history books recorded that Prince Nan Qi's throne would be seized from him...

Of course, all the troubles at Nan Qi’s feet were brought upon by himself. He was thinking about those fathers and brothers who had served Da Shun Dynasty loyally on behalf Na Qi’s behalf.

After telling his story, Meng Huaining quickly adjusted his mindset and continued to inquire about Mo Jiuye's family being bullied by the county magistrate Chui.

Mo Jiuye gave an original account of what happened yesterday without any embellishment for Meng Huaining to listen to.

Upon hearing this, Meng Huaining pounded the table angrily.

"A petty county magistrate has grown guts as big as the heavens!"

As he finished speaking, Meng Huaining stood up and shouted at the door: "Come in!"

Soon, a pair of attendants walked in: "Sir, your order?"