The Guide to Conquering Earthlings

Chapter 40

Until Lan Xi was dragged to the parking lot by Xie Cheng, she was still lamenting,

"I haven't bought my 154 desserts yet..."

Finally, Xie Cheng pieced together the whole story, and he rubbed his temples with a pained expression, saying, "There were only 154 portions of desserts at the shop. You bought them all. What will the people waiting in line behind you buy?"

"But I went through the trouble of queuing up, and they said there were no purchase limits..." Lan Xi felt aggrieved. "I didn't break any laws..."

"The law is just the bottom line. Sometimes, even though there are no explicit rules against it, every industry and circle has implicit rules. For example, although there are no purchase limits, it's acceptable to buy thirty or forty items. But if you buy up all the stock, it's a provocation to the customers waiting behind you. Do you want to get into a fight?"

"They can't beat me all together..."

"... " Xie Cheng tried to calm himself down and explain in a composed manner. "Etiquette is something that should be demonstrated through your actions. Sometimes, you need to consider others, show some empathy, rather than just thinking about your own interests. For example, even though buying all the stock is not against the rules, you will be the only one enjoying the desserts. Others won't get a chance to have any. Among the people waiting behind you, there might even be tourists visiting Rongshi City for a rare occasion, and they are leaving tomorrow. If you finish everything, they won't get a chance to taste it. Once you learn to think in this comparative manner, you'll realize that what you did earlier was indeed inappropriate."

Upon hearing this, Lan Xi felt there was some truth in his words.

She nodded, "You're right. The woman behind me just now was older than me. She might not get to taste it this time, and who knows, she might pass away in a while, never getting another chance to have it. I'm still alive, so I should give my opportunity to those who might not have much time left. That's the logic, right? I have pretty good understanding, don't I?"

"... " She does have some understanding, but not much.

Xie Cheng had acted impulsively when he pulled Lan Xi out earlier, but now that they were in the parking lot, he had quickly regained his composure. He started to regret his actions.

Lan Xi was ignorant of worldly matters, and her way of thinking was abnormal, but what did that have to do with him?

She wasn't here alone. Wasn't Xie Yunfei standing beside her just fine? Why did he let his emotions get the better of him and drag her away? People learn from their mistakes. If she doesn't experience the consequences herself, how would she know what to do or say in different situations?


"What about the behavior interventionist I recommended to you? Didn't you attend the classes? Haven't you learned any new social norms?"

In response, Lan Xi expressed her grievances, "I attended once, but she was very strict. She wasn't as good as you, not as patient. I didn't learn anything..."

Indeed, she hadn't learned anything and made no progress at all!

Unfortunately, Lan Xi seemed completely indifferent to her studies. She cared about other things. "Now that there are no desserts left, are you going to find another shop and buy them for me? Then will you take me home?"

"Did I ever say that?"

Lan Xi stood up for herself with conviction, "I just taught you the three qualities of being considerate, and you're not grateful? Besides, I already possess some qualities. Even though you're stingy and unwilling to lend them to me, I'm still willing to lend you some of my qualities. We can calculate the interest based on the bank's current interest rate..."

"...," Xie Cheng looked at Lan Xi's serious face and was momentarily at a loss for words. "You may lack qualities, but you do have a good sense of humor."

"You should also eat fewer desserts. They can cause tooth decay and make you dull. You don't have much room left to become dull."

"Then, can you take me back to the employee dormitory?"

Xie Cheng glanced at his watch and realized it was getting late. He cleared his throat and looked at the nearby streetlamp. "Considering that it's on the way to drop you off at the employee dormitory, I'll reluctantly give you a ride today."

"That's great! But wait a moment," Lan Xi said, taking out her phone. "Let me call Xie Yunfei. He said he was driven here today and didn't bring his car. His destination and the employee dormitory are in the same direction, so it's convenient for him too. It would be quite a hassle to call the driver at this late hour. You just mentioned that people should learn to consider others, so I'll ask Xie Yunfei to come along and share your car! See, I'm being considerate, right?"

It was indeed considerate. The driver would have a difficult time coming over so late, so she decided to become the driver herself. Not only would she be giving Lan Xi a ride, but also Xie Yunfei.

"You are considerate, but perhaps a bit too considerate," Xie Cheng felt like he was being driven to his wits' end. He coldly looked at Lan Xi. "I suddenly remembered that our destinations are not on the same route. Since you came here to meet Xie Yunfei, naturally, both of you should go back together. If I were to come along, it would only disrupt your date. I'm being inconsiderate."

After finishing his words, Xie Cheng didn't give Lan Xi a chance to respond. He got into the car on his own and left in annoyance.

Men can change their minds so easily! He just said we were on the way, but suddenly we're not!

However, she needed to conquer Xie Yunfei now. Spending more time with him would allow her to find the right opportunity to showcase her strengths. They could sleep together and make him completely devoted to her, leading to marriage, property transfers, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Just as Lan Xi was about to turn around and look for Xie Yunfei, a taxi pulled up in front of her.

"Ma'am, are you going back to Chengxin Technology's employee dormitory?" The taxi driver, an older woman, rolled down the window and asked Lan Xi. "Someone has booked this ride for you. Please get in."

It must be Xie Yunfei who arranged the ride for her!

Xie Cheng abandoned her and Xie Yunfei came to the rescue. Lan Xi got into the taxi, cursing Xie Cheng in her heart.

Of course, Xie Cheng had no obligation to take her back to the employee dormitory, but Lan Xi couldn't help feeling unhappy. How could he just walk away like that? Leaving her behind, defenseless... Ugh! Leaving behind someone as strong, towering, and powerful as herself. Was he not afraid that she would threaten social stability?!

Lan Xi returned to the employee dormitory with a sense of resentment. She opened her phone and discovered several missed calls and messages from Xie Yunfei, all asking if she had safely returned.

According to the "Guide," when an Earth male actively inquires about you, it indicates that he has a certain interest in you. At such times, you should take the initiative and respond. You can give him a call, express your gratitude in a sweet manner, and extend an invitation for the next meeting.

In the past, when Lan Xi was conquering Xie Cheng, she was always full of energy and enthusiasm. However, as expected, doing the same thing for the second time would lose its novelty. There's some truth to this, or else Lan Xi wouldn't feel so unmotivated at this moment.

After some thought, Lan Xi decided not to bother with a phone call and instead sent a text message expressing her gratitude.

On the other hand, Xie Yunfei was quite enthusiastic and proactive. After receiving the text message, he immediately called Lan Xi.

"There's a movie premiere tomorrow, and the main actors will be there. I happen to have two tickets," he coughed, his voice sounding unnatural. "Today, there was a small accident while having dessert. Tomorrow, I'll buy some as compensation and take you to see the movie. Consider it an apology. Will you not be angry anymore?"

▆The author, Ye Feiran, reminds you that the most comprehensive "Guide to Conquering Earth Men" can be found at [], domain name [(()].

He had previously dated many celebrities and internet celebrities, so he was no stranger to being watched and photographed during outings. But tonight was indeed out of the ordinary.

This woman was beautiful, but she was also too domineering and arrogant! She even threatened to buy out the dessert shop, which led to him being scolded as well. Xie Yunfei wished he could just disappear into a hole. And now, he had just finished handling the public opinion and bought out all the videos that were taken.

He had dealt with arrogant women before and knew that some women would deliberately find faults and throw tantrums to test the depth of affection and tolerance. However, Lan Xi had gone too far...

But according to the information from his own father, Xie Jing, Lan Xi was originally involved in a heated relationship with Xie Cheng. It was Xie Jing who had sent him to interfere.

However, Xie Yunfei had been taking action for a while, and there was no sign of Xie Cheng's response. He had initially been very skeptical of this information, but after what happened tonight, it turned out to be true. Xie Cheng was truly infatuated with Lan Xi. Despite the embarrassing situation earlier, Xie Yunfei wished he could hide and pretend not to know Lan Xi, but this man still came running to take her away, ignoring the voices of the outside world...

"How come I never noticed that Xie Cheng has such a good temper?" Xie Yunfei couldn't help but mutter, "Women also have certain rules, right? Lan Xi is acting too crazy and wild. I can't tolerate it, but somehow Xie Cheng can..."

Not only could he tolerate it, from the way he looked just now, he even seemed to enjoy it.

Xie Yunfei couldn't help but recall Lan Xi's shocking statement of "Lend me some decency." He still couldn't calm down from it. He knew that some women liked to act dumb and innocent, but he had never encountered someone like Lan Xi who pretended to be crazy and stupid.

But that's how it was. Xie Cheng didn't show any signs of shock on his face, not even a hint of surprise. He remained calm and composed, as if it was something he was accustomed to. Xie Yunfei couldn't help but admire him for it. Indeed, he had the kind of presence that could withstand the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his expression.

Considering that Xie Cheng had never been in a relationship before, did that mean he liked these eccentric and dramatic women?

It seemed that his absence before wasn't because he didn't care, but rather he didn't care enough. Now that Xie Cheng had successfully managed to invite Lan Xi out alone, Xie Yunfei felt a sense of crisis.

At this moment, Xie Yunfei was filled with an intense fighting spirit. Since childhood, Xie Cheng had always been like the golden child of the family, while Xie Yunfei's own father would often sigh and feel that he couldn't compare to Xie Cheng. Although Xie Yunfei had initially approached the situation with a playful attitude, he was now fully determined. If Xie Cheng was interested in a woman, Xie Yunfei was determined to do whatever it took to win her over.

Who could outdo Xie Cheng in anything, including picking up girls?

With Xie Cheng's cold and aloof demeanor, did he really expect women to fall for that? Xie Yunfei, on the other hand, would focus on providing caring and gentle differentiated service. He would take the route of companionship, which was the most sincere form of confession.

Lan Xi was different from the other girls he had encountered before. She didn't seem particularly interested in material things or money, and her personality was unpredictable. Her reactions were completely different from what one would expect from an ordinary person, making it difficult to anticipate. Xie Yunfei spent the whole night without sleep, meticulously devising a targeted plan.


Lan Xi was also sleepless for almost the entire night.

She was supposed to come up with a plan to conquer Xie Yunfei, but the more she flipped through the "Guide" to find new inspirations, the more she recalled the tactics she had used against Xie Cheng using the strategies from the "Guide." Consequently, thoughts about tonight became increasingly uncontrollable.

△ Do you want to read Chapter 40 of "The Earthling's Conquest Guide" written by Ye Feiran? Please remember the domain name of this site [(())].

In fact, not just tonight, but for the past few days, Lan Xi had been so frustrated by Xie Cheng that she couldn't sleep well. Even her usually proud physical strength couldn't withstand such exhaustion, leading her to announce a strike the next day.

Lan Xi nearly forced herself to complete a day's work while feeling drowsy. By the time it was time to meet Xie Yunfei after work, she was already yawning non-stop.

Xie Yunfei was also yawning non-stop. He called a driver and intentionally chose a flashy car, parking it in front of Chengxin's door before the end of the workday. He himself stood in front of the car in a smart suit, waiting for Lan Xi to appear. As soon as she did, he gentlemanly opened the car door for her and elegantly guided her inside.

But just performing all these gestures seemed to drain Xie Yunfei of his energy. Although he tried his best to maintain a cheerful and gentle conversation with Lan Xi in the car, the movie theater they were heading to required passing through a main road, and they got caught in the rush hour traffic. Even the best luxury car couldn't pick up speed in such conditions, so they could only move slowly, stopping and starting again.

The rays of the setting sun shone into the car, relieving the daytime heat and becoming warm and gentle. Finally, unable to resist his instincts, Xie Yunfei unconsciously closed his eyes and fell asleep in this warm swaying motion.

Lan Xi noticed this situation almost instantly.

Her heart was suddenly filled with mixed emotions.

See what it means to be in the right path! This is it! It was incredibly difficult for Lan Xi to have a chance to sleep with Xie Cheng initially. However, Xie Yunfei, on the other hand, accepted her without any reservation and fell asleep in the car, clearly not minding the idea of them sleeping together in the car.

The progress of conquering Xie Yunfei has now accelerated exponentially!

They were able to sleep together so quickly!


"There's absolutely no benefit to sleeping with someone. If you sleep with someone and they pay you afterward, it's illegal. In modern society, there are countless people who sleep around without taking responsibility. Some men even have diseases, and if you sleep with them, you might get infected, and some diseases can be very troublesome to treat..."

Lan Xi, who was feeling drowsy, suddenly jolted awake as the words Xie Cheng once scolded her with, warning her not to keep thinking about sleeping with people, replayed in her mind.

She looked at Xie Yunfei, who was peacefully sleeping beside her, and pinched her own thigh.

She couldn't sleep.

What if this Xie Yunfei is sick? Moreover, if she slept with him and he didn't take responsibility or acknowledge their conquered relationship, wouldn't it be a waste?

Although Lan Xi advised herself to act cautiously and not sleep together until she had thoroughly assessed Xie Yunfei's character, the consecutive nights of staying up late had taken a toll on her. In the constant swaying of the traffic, Lan Xi eventually succumbed to drowsiness and unknowingly fell asleep.


When Lan Xi woke up again, they had already arrived at the entrance of the Point Screening Cinema.

Realizing that she had actually fallen asleep and slept with Xie Yunfei, Lan Xi felt regretful and anxious, worrying about what would happen if she had contracted an infectious disease!

Fortunately, Xie Yunfei, who had also awakened, seemed refreshed, and Lan Xi herself didn't experience any discomfort. The bustling crowd at the screening quickly caught Lan Xi's attention.

"The tickets for this exclusive screening are in high demand. It's not something anyone can get into," Xie Yunfei explained to Lan Xi with a hint of pride, pointing at the enthusiastic fans. "This movie, 'Mate Selection Guide,' is highly anticipated in the market. Both the male and female leads are top-tier actors, and the male actor, Shang Ze, is a global sensation. Look, there are even many foreigners among the fans..."

Although there was security service available, the crazed fans were shouting "Shang Ze" and the entrance became chaotic, like an entrance to a one-way trip to a fairyland.

This was the desired effect. Xie Yunfei stood by Lan Xi's side, assuming a protective posture to prevent the crowd from bumping into her.

This was the perfect time to show off. Xie Yunfei gently embraced Lan Xi's waist, creating a space around her and displayed the most affectionate and handsome expression. "Don't worry, I'm here."

Just being cool requires striking a pose, but once you strike those poses, your footing becomes unstable. Xie Yunfei didn't expect that right after delivering his heartwarming lines, a crazy and muscular female fan would push her way towards him, and despite the efforts of the security, she was about to charge towards Lan Xi.

"Excuse me, please make way."

Just when Xie Yunfei was almost resigned to salvaging the situation, a cold voice sounded beside him. Then, a pair of long legs appeared in his line of sight, followed by a strong arm that pushed away the fan who had broken through the crowd, pulling Lan Xi towards a safer place.

After doing all this, Xie Cheng casually remarked, "You were in my way," and walked forward without even glancing back. Although his steps were steady, his movements were so quick, as if deliberately avoiding something, that by the time Lan Xi turned around, he had already gone far away.


But Lan Xi didn't notice, and that didn't mean Xie Yunfei wasn't paying attention. He discreetly inquired and only then discovered that Xie Cheng was a sponsor of the advertisement for the new season of "The Spouse Selection Guide," which was why he was invited to the preview event and appeared here.

Once they entered the venue and took their seats, Xie Yunfei was even more displeased to find that Xie Cheng's seat was right in front of him and Lan Xi. He had a perfect view of Xie Cheng's arrogant and cold back of the head.

Fortunately, Lan Xi didn't care about the earlier incident at all. She had never attended a preview event before and found everything fascinating. She didn't even notice that Xie Cheng had also come to her aid just now. Instead, she excitedly turned her head and started chatting with Xie Yunfei, completely oblivious to the superior back of the head in front of her.

Having wasted too much time on Xie Cheng in the early stages, Xie Yunfei knew he couldn't afford to be slow in conquering Lan Xi now. He had to speed things up!

Lan Xi decided to seize every opportunity to praise Xie Yunfei, as it was well known that Earth men were easily swayed by compliments and adoration from the opposite sex.

Without further ado, Lan Xi cast a flirtatious glance at Xie Yunfei. She rummaged through her reserve knowledge from "How to Conquer a Handsome Young Man" and "The Earthling's Guide to Conquest" in her mind, and sweetly said, "President Yun, your shoulders are so broad. This suit fits you so well, making you look so upright, like a walking clothes hanger! I bet it makes you look slim when you wear it and muscular when you take it off!"

"Oh my, let me take a closer look. President Yun, why are your pores so big? It must be because you're rich and powerful, so even your pores are enlarged!"

"Ah! The hair on your legs is as thick as a monkey's! It clearly shows the traces of human evolution and the close relationship with monkeys! You're like a moving museum of human evolution—profound and vast!"


However, it seemed that Lan Xi's frequent praise, which had started off well with the first compliment, ended up being unappreciated. The more she persisted and continued to praise, the more embarrassed and unpleasant Xie Yunfei's expression became.

Fortunately, just as Lan Xi was running out of words and couldn't come up with any new compliments, the preview event finally began.

With the attendance of A-list actors and actresses, the atmosphere at the scene was lively and full of anticipation. The film, titled "The Guide to Choosing a Partner," was a major production with abundant promotional budget. The host added a fun audience interaction element to the event.

"Now, let's ask our audience friends here, what are your criteria for choosing a partner? Please take a moment to scan the event's mini-program, add our movie's tag, and upload your partner preferences! For each successful upload, you can scan the QR code to receive a cash red envelope, starting from a minimum of 200 yuan! Everyone who participates is guaranteed to win. And here's a little secret: the more detailed and extensive your partner preferences are, the more generous the cash reward calculated by the system will be! The event will only last for ten minutes! Let's begin!"

Cash red envelopes? Starting from a minimum of 200 yuan? The more details, the higher the reward?

This promotional activity is really impressive!

As soon as the rules were announced, Lan Xi pulled out her phone and opened the event's mini-program. However, her phone had been acting up lately, frequently freezing. And now, during this crucial money-making moment, it was freezing again, and the keyboard page wouldn't appear...

But the event only lasted for ten minutes, and everyone who participated would win something. Missing out on this opportunity felt like missing out on a fortune!

Just last month, Lan Xi had repaid Wang Zhiqiang's money, but with the interest added, it nearly depleted her savings. Her next paycheck was still a while away, and even though conquering Xie Yunfei had gone smoothly, it would take time to transfer the property and sell it after they got married.

Lan Xi had been worrying about how to get some cash, but she hadn't expected this money-making opportunity to come knocking at her door.

Princesses, the most important quality is to stay calm and adapt in times of crisis.

So what if the keyboard wasn't working? There's voice input, right?

Lan Xi greeted Xie Yunfei and quickly walked out of the venue.

As long as she found an empty space, she could use voice input, and that would be it!

The money from these red envelopes was as good as hers!

Lan Xi sneaked out to the area outside the venue. She intended to find an empty spot, but because the movie had A-list actors, even with tight security, there were still ticket scalpers and infiltrating fans around. The corridors had security personnel, and there were fans who managed to slip into the bathroom. In short, when Lan Xi looked around, she couldn't find a single place without people to do her voice input.

But time waits for no one!

One shouldn't pass up the opportunity to make money!

Lan Xi quickly circled around the venue and finally found a place with no one around!

However, this place was a bit peculiar. It looked like a storage room with several operating machinery and equipment. But Lan Xi didn't care about that. The ten minutes would pass by quickly, so she quickly took out her phone and started voice recognition. However, because the machines in the room were making noise, Lan Xi had to raise her voice and almost shout for the voice recognition to work.

The host said that the more detailed the partner preferences, the more money one would receive. Besides, this submission was anonymous.

Finally, she had caught this opportunity to make money, and Lan Xi couldn't let it slip away. Since arriving on Earth, she had read many books written by Earthlings, such as "What Kind of Man is Suitable for Marriage," "Rough Words, Reasonable Thoughts: Teaching You How to Identify a Good Man," and "How to Use Marriage to Achieve Class Ascendancy." Following the selection criteria outlined in these books, there was absolutely no flaw to be seen. It appeared natural and professional at the same time.

As she watched the speech smoothly converted into text, she felt a sense of satisfaction. With so many words, she could at least earn a four-figure sum!


Xie Cheng felt that his luck had been poor lately.

He attended the premiere as a sponsor of the advertisement, hoping to generate some news for the upcoming weather app launch. It was just an event where he needed to show up, take a few photos, and leave. However, he unexpectedly ran into Xie Yunfei and Lan Xi, and their seats were right behind him.

Throughout the event, Lan Xi and Xie Yunfei were engrossed in lively conversation, appearing in high spirits. Xie Cheng's mood turned sour.

Xie Yunfei had been so busy showing off his charm earlier that he hadn't even noticed that Lan Xi was about to be pushed over. Not only did she not thank him, but she didn't even give him a single glance. Now, sitting in front of her with such a prominent back of his head, she still failed to recognize him and continued to flirt with Xie Yunfei behind his back.

Xie Cheng deeply regretted it. One should never engage in charity too easily because it could end up infuriating oneself.

The emcee on stage had already moved on to the interactive session with the audience. Having fulfilled his attendance duty, Xie Cheng glanced at his watch; it was time to leave. However, just as he was about to get up, a familiar voice came through the venue's loudspeakers—

"According to my criteria for choosing a spouse, a man should possess virtue. He should not spend time alone with the opposite sex, should not be frequently seen in public, should not defy me, should maintain his chastity, and consider his wife as heaven and purity as his life. He shouldn't dress too provocatively, but his physique should be well-maintained, with at least a six-pack. He should be virtuous and gentle in public, yet full of charm in private. It's even better if he's an only child, with no parents alive, so as to avoid conflicts with in-laws and simplify family relationships. Additionally, he should meet the three 180 standards: height not less than 180 cm, a house not smaller than 180 square meters, and a length not shorter than 180 cm..."


Xie Cheng was dumbfounded.

It was undoubtedly Lan Xi's voice. Where had she gone off to?!

How could she shamelessly say these things in public? And using the loudspeakers! It was as if she wanted everyone to know!

Moreover, even though the person speaking was Lan Xi, she had no connection to him now, and she wasn't even brought here by him. However, Xie Cheng couldn't help feeling nervous.

After all, Lan Xi's criteria for choosing a spouse were tailored to fit him perfectly. He could identify with every single one. After all, how many outstanding men in this world were only children with deceased parents?

Xie Cheng couldn't believe it. Despite their recent progress and the heated exchanges between them, she had publicly teased him by aligning his standards for choosing a partner with hers.

She had pretended not to notice him just moments ago!

Xie Cheng realized he had underestimated her. While she might struggle with social interactions in other areas, she was clearly adept at handling romantic relationships.

And now she had even come up with the audacity to confess her feelings in front of everyone!