The Guide to Conquering Earthlings

Chapter 15

The villagers in this village were already familiar with Xie Cheng and were grateful for the agricultural meteorological services he had provided over the years. Some of the older uncles and aunts even treated him like their own child. At this moment, they mistakenly thought it was a brave public declaration of love between lovers and applauded enthusiastically.

Amidst the applause and cheers, Xie Cheng felt a tremendous shock. He was dumbfounded and felt a tingling sensation on his scalp. He began to entertain superstitious thoughts for the first time in his life, feeling like he had probably encountered some sort of bad omen.

Lan Xi was truly the biggest trouble he could ever encounter. She was definitely a lifelong calamity. Xie Cheng felt like his composure was about to disappear completely.

However, while Xie Cheng's face turned pale, Lan Xi, the initiator of this situation, remained completely oblivious. She even seemed a bit proud amidst the applause of the crowd.

"The Earthling's Guide to Conquest" didn't deceive me. The direct approach seems to be favored by the masses. Just look at the joyful uproar from the Earthlings around. It's clear that being straightforward is the ultimate technique for leading to marriage!

Xie Cheng was obviously deeply shaken. After all, he was also stunned on the spot. After a moment, he regained his composure and pulled Lan Xi aside to a secluded place.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Xie Cheng's expression appeared very serious. "What are you planning?"

According to the character profile of Earthlings in the guidebook, in particularly exciting and exhilarating situations, Earthlings often deliberately ask multiple times to confirm the authenticity of things.

Lan Xi forgave Xie Cheng's startled reaction and nodded at him. "Yes, just as you saw, I plan to sleep with you these two days."

Xie Cheng raised his voice, filled with disbelief and incredulity. "Not only did you hold up a banner, but you also made plans?"

To be honest, Lan Xi had actually prepared a "Sleep Battle Plan" as well...

Unfortunately, Xie Cheng seemed too shy and nervous. Without waiting for Lan Xi's response, he took out his phone, walked a little farther away, dialed a number, exchanged a few brief words, and then hung up the call.

"The car is already on its way to pick you up. Leave immediately."

Expressing one's love so directly like this was truly difficult to control. Xie Cheng seemed to be making a great effort to contain his emotions and maintain a calm appearance.

"Are you worried that the environment here is not suitable for sleeping together?" Lan Xi felt that she completely understood Xie Cheng's concerns. Who wouldn't want to leave behind a beautiful memory of their first night together?

But the more it was such a time, the more she needed to express her indifference and her willingness to stand side by side with him through thick and thin. Lan Xi looked deeply at Xie Cheng and said, "I don't mind. Although this place is desolate, sleeping here together can be a novel experience..."

"Are you overthinking things?" Xie Cheng said expressionlessly. "Once the car arrives, it will take you to the hospital for a brain CT scan."

Lan Xi really wanted to explain once again that her brain was perfectly fine, but her words were interrupted by an uncle from the village.

"Xiao Cheng! The only bridge leading into the village collapsed just now!"


Lanxi was aware that this village had recently gained a gravel road, but it was far from being completely modernized. The only passage into the village was a dilapidated stone bridge, which was planned to be repaired soon with the funds raised. Unfortunately, before the repairs could take place, the bridge collapsed.

Xie Cheng was surprised by the sudden collapse of the bridge, as it disrupted his work plans. However, Lanxi was excited.

"Xie Cheng! This must be a sign from heaven, meant for me to accompany you! If you can't leave, then I won't be able to leave either!"


Although Xie Cheng was hesitant to let Lanxi accompany him in such an environment, he realized that as soon as Lanxi finished speaking, his face revealed genuine helplessness and pain.


Indeed, Xie Cheng was in great distress, but since the situation had already unfolded, he had no choice but to shift his focus.

"With your company's agricultural meteorological services, things have truly changed. We can now issue early weather warnings, allowing the villagers to prepare defense plans in advance. They no longer have to fear hailstorms and heavy rain. After implementing these plans, we can also safeguard crop yields."

"That's right, and the system can now predict the temperature trends for the year ahead, advising us on which seeds are suitable for our climate conditions."


Xie Cheng ignored Lanxi, who followed him closely. He personally visited several meteorological data collection stations in the fields. Overall, the villagers highly praised the company's agricultural meteorological system. However, Xie Cheng also listened to some detailed suggestions for improvement, which he diligently noted down. Interestingly, during this time, Lanxi did not cause any trouble and seemed to behave herself.

Due to the bridge being the only access point and now broken, Xie Cheng had to cancel his plans for a same-day return. In the evening, the villagers warmly welcomed him, and Lanxi tagged along with great fanfare. It was evident that the villagers had misunderstood something, and a few who were familiar with Xie Cheng teased him with meaningful glances.

Lanxi was indeed beautiful, and her appearance stood out among the crowd. Despite Xie Cheng repeatedly explaining that there was no romantic relationship between them, the villagers pretended to understand. However, from their subtle smiles, Xie Cheng knew that his explanations were in vain.

Nevertheless, once the bridge was repaired in a few days, they would be able to return without much trouble.

Perhaps due to Lanxi's presence, the dinner the villagers prepared that night was particularly lavish, especially the various soups that were made. The flavors were truly delicious, and Xie Cheng couldn't resist, consuming several bowls and even indulging in a bit of alcohol, which was unusual for him.

Lanxi watched as Xie Cheng enjoyed the soup, feeling a bit envious. Unfortunately, the villagers kept urging her to eat other dishes and didn't offer her a single sip of the soup.

"Sister, come here."

While Lanxi was on her way to the restroom, an older woman followed her and waved her over.

As Lanxi approached, the woman warmly took hold of her arm and leaned in close to her ear, speaking mysteriously, "You shouldn't drink that soup."


The woman blinked and said, "That soup is for your man..."

"People are drinking it." She smiled somewhat shyly, "The ingredients inside are all meant to nourish men, all good stuff, but it's all deer whip and tiger whip. The alcohol has been soaked with them. After drinking it, you'll be guaranteed to make up and reconcile tonight, and you'll be fine tomorrow."

Deer whip and tiger whip?

Lan Xi found it somewhat familiar, and soon she realized that these were supplements from Earth.

Well, that's good then. Xie Cheng does seem a bit weak and could use some nourishment.

"Don't worry, we have everything arranged for tonight." The middle-aged woman blushed a little but had the demeanor of an experienced person. "Your sister is quite bold, directly displaying the banner like that..."

The middle-aged woman leaned in close to Lan Xi's ear and whispered something.



Xie Cheng noticed that Lan Xi had been away for quite some time, but fortunately, before dinner ended, she returned with an older woman.

"Xiao Cheng, let's go. It's getting late, and we've prepared a room temporarily. There are no hotels or inns in our village, so you'll have to make do with the temporary accommodation. If there's anything else you need, you can buy it at the market tomorrow!"

In fact, there were large temperature differences between day and night in the mountain village, and the night outside was as cool as water. However, Xie Cheng didn't know why, but he felt a surge of heat throughout his body.

And his heat reached its peak as the villagers pushed him and Lan Xi in front of a room—

"Xiao Cheng, sorry about this. There are no spare rooms in our homes, except for the one that Uncle Shan occasionally uses as a storage room. We've already cleaned it in advance and changed the bedding and sheets. It's the only extra room available. Just make do for one night!"

They said they were sorry, but the villagers' teasing and eager anticipation practically flew out of their eyes.

"You and Sister Lan Xi, rest well! We won't disturb you anymore!"

Saying that, this group of people pushed Xie Cheng and Lan Xi into the room.

Xie Cheng originally thought that was the limit, but when he walked into the room and took a look, he was almost infuriated—

In this spacious room, there was only one double bed.

Indeed, the beddings had been changed, but they were the kind used for weddings. Even in the center of the headboard, there was a large "Double Happiness" character hanging.

When the bedding was lifted, sure enough, there were fresh red dates, longan, and lotus seeds inside...

Could they be expecting a baby?

Xie Cheng glared at Lan Xi, and before he could even warn her, he heard Lan Xi excitedly looking at the red dates and lotus seeds on the bed, her face flushed.

"The villagers have thought of everything, they even thought of this! No wonder Auntie told me everything has been arranged for me!"

Xie Cheng couldn't help but mock, "What? Did you think of the same thing?"

Lan Xi vigorously nodded; she was genuinely excited. "Of course! They were even afraid I might get hungry at night, so they prepared some late-night snacks!"


Taking advantage of Xie Cheng's momentary daze, Lan Xi had already climbed onto the bed, gathered all the dried fruits into her hands, and then she reluctantly took out a few red dates and handed them to Xie Cheng. "Do you want some?"

"No." Xie Cheng's voice was cold. "I want to sleep."


Lan Xi became spirited.

Was it finally time to sleep together?

"Don't overthink it," Xie Cheng cautioned, his eyes full of caution. He took the bedding from the bed and spread it on the floor. "We'll have one person on the bed and the other on the floor."

Xie Cheng loosened his collar, appearing somewhat agitated. "To be fair, let's play rock-paper-scissors. One round determines the winner."

Lan Xi felt excited. They would both be in the same room, with one on the bed and the other on the floor. It was still sleeping together, wasn't it?

Finally, they were getting to the thrilling part.

After tomorrow, Xie Cheng would be responsible for marrying her!

According to the guidebook, before Earthlings went to sleep, they might engage in some pre-sleep "games." This activity of determining who sleeps on the bed and who sleeps on the floor must be one of those "games"!



Xie Cheng rubbed his temple, seemingly unsurprised. He coolly explained, "For 'paper,' you simply extend your palm. For 'scissors,' make a scissor shape with your hand, like this. As for 'rock,' make a fist."

"I won't use my boss identity to pressure you, so rely on your own abilities and luck. Keep it simple and straightforward. Say 'rock-paper-scissors' together after the command, follow the rules, and the loser sleeps on the floor." Xie Cheng seemed even more eager now. He unbuttoned a few more buttons on his shirt. "Hurry up, once it's over, we can sleep."

He glanced at her. "Have you decided what to play? Have you?"

Lan Xi vigorously nodded. "Yes, I've decided!"

Lan Xi felt delighted. Judging by Xie Cheng's expression, it seemed he couldn't wait to sleep with her.

In her excited state, at the moment she heard the command "rock-paper-scissors," Lan Xi unexpectedly emerged victorious. Following Xie Cheng's instructions, she extended her own fist, just as she had planned beforehand.

She threw a punch! Oh, no, it was actually a rock!

In that instant, accompanied by Xie Cheng's pained cry, two streaks of blood slowly trickled down under his perfectly curved nose, affected by Lan Xi's punch.

Lan Xi gazed at the two meandering streams of blood under Xie Cheng's nose, feeling enlightened. No wonder they played this kind of game before sleeping!

So this was the method described in the guidebook, Method Two — the fiery nosebleed eruption!

She never expected to stumble upon it by accident and actually succeed in creating such an atmosphere for sleeping together!

Lan Xi became extremely excited. The atmosphere for sleeping together had already been established to this extent. It seemed certain they would sleep together.

Just look at Xie Cheng's current gaze fixed on her. How passionate it was! The flames inside him were about to ignite!