The Guide to Conquering Earthlings

Chapter 11

When Xie Cheng received Cao An's phone call, he had just ended an international conference call.

"President Xie, I won't be able to accompany you to the banquet tomorrow night. I need to take some time off recently."

Cao An was never one to drop the ball, so Xie Cheng was a bit surprised.

He pondered and asked, "What happened to you?"

"President Xie, I broke my leg," Cao An's voice was mixed with gasps of pain from the injury, "I got x-rays taken at the hospital."

Cao An was reliable and steady. He was meticulous enough to serve as an executive assistant yet strong enough to safeguard Xie Cheng's security at all times.

"A car accident?"

"No." Cao An said ambiguously, "Just some accident."

"For this part of my work recently, just hand it over to Lan Xi. I believe she can handle it."

Xie Cheng was surprised again. He had previously designated Lan Xi as a backup bodyguard, and Cao An had adopted a wait-and-see attitude, for a simple reason - he didn't think Lan Xi, a beautiful and delicate woman, could have the strength to serve as a bodyguard. He probably thought she would be better off as a vase. But now Cao An was taking the initiative to recommend Lan Xi?

"Is she really capable?"

Cao An's heavy voice came through the phone: "She's definitely capable...her skills are unfathomable. For her to be your bodyguard this time is imperative - whoever says she's not capable, she'll make them incapable."

"But President Xie, although she is very skilled, she is still Xie Jing's person after all. Could she..."

Xie Cheng was not worried about this. Aside from Cao An, he had other security personnel. Plus, there were surveillance cameras almost everywhere nowadays with advanced technology. Xie Jing had also been living peacefully without pulling any tricks regarding security matters for many years. There was no need for him to suddenly take illegal measures to shoot himself in the foot.

The bodyguard position would at most allow Lan Xi to better grasp information about himself to report back. Xie Cheng was prepared for this.

Therefore, Xie Cheng did not dwell on Cao An's words. He instructed Cao An to focus on recuperating.

Just as he was about to hang up, Cao An hesitantly called out to stop him -

"President Xie, I'd like to ask you something."

Cao An sounded very embarrassed, "I just wanted to confirm with you, you really don't have any lasting effects from the minor concussion before, right?"

Only after Xie Cheng repeatedly assured him that there were no after-effects did Cao An finally seem to breathe a sigh of relief. He spoke with heartfelt emotion -

"That's great. It seems that although the force was abnormally strong, there are no lasting effects from the injury..."


Xie Cheng hung up the phone, feeling uncharacteristically touched inside.

Cao An was indeed loyal to him. Cao An had broken his leg yet was still concerned about whether Xie Cheng's minor concussion had fully recovered, and he even seemed embarrassed to show his concern.

Xie Cheng appreciated Cao An's friendship.

It was time to give Cao An a raise.



Outside the orthopedics inpatient ward, Liang Di was pulling Lan Xi with a worried frown, "What should we do now? Not only did I mess up Cao An's blind date, I got him injured..."

Liang Di's voice was apprehensive, "With Cao An like this, he can't accompany Xie Cheng anymore. I just overheard him handing over work."

Almost as soon as Liang Di finished speaking, Cao An's voice came from the ward, "Lan Xi, come in."

When Lan Xi entered, she saw Cao An's darkened face. He spoke seriously, "Lan Xi, I don't care where you came from or what background you have. President Xie's safety is temporarily in your hands, but remember, if anything goes wrong, you will be the first one held responsible, you definitely can't get away..."

Although Cao An had a broken leg, his eyes were full of a fierce aura. Even Lan Xi was deterred.

The atmosphere was escalated to this point, it seemed like he was going to say something dreadful.

Lan Xi was a little afraid.

From Liang Di's mouth, she also knew she had misunderstood and should not have hit Cao An.

According to Earth's customs, Cao An was now her enemy, and Earth civilization often advocated blood debts being paid in blood...

Was Cao An going to declare war on her? She didn't know if Earth people had any powerful moves...

Amidst Lan Xi's uneasiness and tension, Cao An pronounced word for word -

"Unless you can escape Earth, otherwise, just wait for me."

"As long as I'm alive, I will find you."

Ah...then it was nothing.

Crisis averted, Lan Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

So as long as she escaped Earth, Earth people would be powerless.

Besides, killing Cao An would not be difficult either.

Cao An nagged her with a bunch more instructions, leaving Lan Xi confused.

"In short, I acknowledge your new identity now, I only hope you don't fail President Xie."

Not until these words did Lan Xi finally have an epiphany.

She understood.

So Xie Cheng saying he had to consult Cao An's opinion was real!

No wonder there was no movement before, it turned out Cao An was still observing her!

So only now was her new identity truly approved, she had truly conquered Xie Cheng?

It seemed her fist flying out had allowed Cao An to physically experience her strength!

Wasn't it her fist that subdued Cao An, speaking with action!

Earth's motivational quotes were indeed true, opportunities had to be seized by one's own hands!


Although reluctant, with Cao An's sudden accident, Xie Cheng could not find a replacement employee other than Lan Xi for the time being.

The bodyguard duties were secondary. Xie Cheng did not have high security needs himself. More importantly, Cao An had undertaken a lot of assistant duties, and now with him gone, there was no one to take over these miscellaneous tasks.

Xie Cheng's company was very streamlined without idle positions. The other employees already had high workloads, so after thinking it over, the emptiest one seemed to be Lan Xi. Thus, she, who was nominally his personal assistant, could only be activated to fill the role.

This Saturday, Rong City would host a charity music concert, inviting most enterprises to attend. Xin Cheng was also invited.

To encourage participation, the format of the charity concert was unique - requiring each attending company to put up a performance, selecting employees to go on stage, and ultimately, the generous donations from each company would fund the tuition of underprivileged students in Rong City.

Coincidentally, Wan Yan, who got wind of this, contacted Xie Cheng and took the initiative to volunteer, offering to perform a piano piece on stage as the employee representative of Xin Cheng.

This solved Xie Cheng's urgent need. Since Wan Yan was willing to contribute to the company, Xie Cheng naturally had to politely reciprocate.

"This Saturday morning I'll be attending a charity music concert. Remember to help me order a bouquet of flowers and a congratulatory card. On the card..." Xie Cheng glanced at Lan Xi, feeling he could not trust her emotional intelligence, "Just have the florist write something on the card, some generic congratulatory phrases will do, signed off with the company name and my name, and bring them together."

With his broken leg, Cao An could only rest in the hospital. Lan Xi relied on her own hands to clear the way, formally returning to the company to validate her new identity.

Now that she had conquered Xie Cheng, as expected, besides data analysis he also gave her additional work like ordering flowers - that must be quite personal! He must be gradually treating her as one of them!

Thinking of this, Lan Xi was extremely excited and asked, "What kind of flowers should I buy?"

Xie Cheng was startled, then looked up, "Just buy whichever you think looks good, buy expensive ones, fresh imported ones."

"No problem!"

However, it was easier said than done with the sheer variety of plants and flowers on Earth.

Which one should she choose that could satisfy expensive, pretty, fresh, imported, and extremely unique?

But the answer to the question always comes unexpectedly.

That evening while Lan Xi was shopping at the supermarket, she was suddenly drawn to something in the glass display case.

Her eyes lit up.

Nothing could be more beautiful than this!

This was it!

Fresh, expensive, imported, unique -

it met everything!


The charity music concert arrived on Saturday as scheduled.

To ensure the flowers were fresh, Lan Xi rushed to the glass counter early in the morning to purchase the beautiful bouquet she had been dreaming of, asking for the largest bunch.

When Lan Xi was writing the congratulatory card, she ran into some difficulties. The owner at the counter seemed reluctant to put in the effort and even showed signs of embarrassment: "What should I write?"

Lan Xi pursed her lips: "Just write whatever you usually write for your industry."


Under Lan Xi's forceful persuasion, the owner finally cooperated and wrote the card. Cleverly, Lan Xi then asked the owner to sign off with "Thanks to Cheng Xin Technology" at the end, following Xie Cheng's requirements to a T!

With all the preparations in place, Lan Xi received a message from Xie Cheng:

"Something came up and I'll be late to the event. Remember to deliver the flowers to Wan Yan's backstage beforehand."

This was no problem for Lan Xi. She swiftly carried out Xie Cheng's instructions and then happily returned to her seat.

Shortly after, Xie Cheng arrived late and took the seat next to Lan Xi's.

"Did you get the flowers and deliver them?"

Lan Xi couldn't help but nod enthusiastically: "All taken care of! You told me to buy expensive ones, so I spent 2,000 on them! And they're definitely fresh, flown in today. I went early to pick them out!"

Xie Cheng frowned slightly: "2,000? How much did you buy?"

"I got two pounds! They said it was imported, good quality. 1,000 per pound!"

Xie Cheng was stunned: "Sold by the pound? Some shops nowadays really come up with creative gimmicks and marketing tricks."

He glanced at Lan Xi: "Did you have the boss write the card?"

"Wrote it, wrote it! All done!"

Just as Lan Xi finished speaking, Wan Yan, representing Cheng Xin Technology's performance, gracefully walked over in an evening gown.

The figure-hugging gown highlighted her alluring figure.

However, Wan Yan ignored Lan Xi. When she saw Xie Cheng though, she revealed a smile completely different from how she treated Lan Xi: "Senior."

Xie Cheng nodded at her: "Working overtime on a Saturday, thanks for the trouble."

"No trouble at all," Wan Yan's voice was extremely gentle. "Being able to help share the burden is my honor. Thanks to my over 10 years of piano lessons, I can make a fool of myself today..."

At this moment, as if recalling something, Wan Yan suddenly became enthusiastic toward Lan Xi behind Xie Cheng: "Lan Xi? You're here too?"

Before Lan Xi could even respond, she saw Wan Yan adjust her expression and reveal seemingly heartfelt concern: "Oh dear, you usually look fine without makeup, but today you're also representing Cheng Xin Technology. Going without styling up a bit, won't that reflect badly on our company image?"

After speaking, Wan Yan glanced at Xie Cheng again and showed a shy look: "I dressed up specially for today's performance, worried that people would form a bad impression of our Cheng Xin Technology."

As she spoke, Wan Yan twirled a lock of hair by her ear and looked toward Lan Xi as if a caring sister, "Next time even if you don't wear makeup, you could at least style your hair. That would also make you appear more elegant. Let me introduce you to a salon I know sometime. I hope you don't mind. I'm actually very willing to share these things with you and would like to be friends. Do you see my hair? I had it done there. Isn't it very lovely? The stylist there also has such a sweet mouth, kept praising how thick and shiny my hair is..."

Though the words were directed at Lan Xi, oddly enough, Lan Xi felt Wan Yan's gaze kept darting toward Xie Cheng.

Wan Yan's hair was indeed thick and shiny. But as Lan Xi looked, she noticed something off - some of the confetti sprayed during the opening ceremony seemed to be stuck in Wan Yan's hair.

"Senior, I practiced this piece burning the midnight oil for a month straight. Even my mom teased that I would go bald at this rate. But whenever I thought that I was representing you and Cheng Xin Technology after all, I hoped everything on stage would be perfect..."

Wan Yan's attention was already completely focused on Xie Cheng again. But Lan Xi listened to her words and felt deeply moved.

She never thought Wan Yan, despite not being a family member, harbored such dedication to the company and sense of collective honor!

Since the aim was perfection in every detail, then...

Filled with a sense of mission, Lan Xi reached out on her own initiative: "Wan Yan, let me help you pick out that confetti stuck in your hair!"

Though her intent was to remove the debris caught in Wan Yan's hair, when Lan Xi took a closer look at what she had picked off, she discovered that in addition to the confetti, she had directly plucked a whole lock of Wan Yan's hair!

She clearly didn't use much force!

Could it be...

Lan Xi said anxiously: "Wan Yan, your hair loss seems pretty severe!"

She looked at the hair in her hand, sincerely worried for Wan Yan's health on her behalf.

She held up the patch of fallen hair in front of Xie Cheng: "President Xie, Wan Yan wasn't joking. She really did stay up practicing piano until her hair started falling out! I just gave a light tug and a whole clump came off!"

But this Xie Cheng had no sense at all. Not only did he not immediately show gratitude for Wan Yan's dedication to the company, but instead he looked at Lan Xi as if she were a ghost.

Up until now, Wan Yan still harbored immense understanding. Though unable to keep a breezy expression from the agony inside, Lan Xi saw her force an unconcerned smile as she snatched back the hair that had fallen out from Lan Xi's hand and dryly laugh: "Hahaha, Lan Xi you're so funny."

Liang Di said Wan Yan was hard to deal with, but Lan Xi felt otherwise. She felt Wan Yan was very kind.

The initial cold shoulder was likely due to an introverted personality.

At this moment, despite her own injury, Wan Yan still cared for others' feelings and tried to change the subject. This made Lan Xi feel even more sympathy for her. She held onto Wan Yan and felt her scalp again. Sure enough, with barely any pressure she plucked three to four more strands - located differently and of varying lengths, but exceptionally lustrous without exception.

"Wan Yan, your hair is already like this yet you still act as if nothing's wrong!" Lan Xi said distressedly. "Look, with those fallen strands your once boasted thick, shiny hair has visibly thinned by half before our very eyes!"


Perhaps having hit a sore spot, Wan Yan's complexion was already beyond just looking unpleasant.

Lan Xi felt even more tenderly toward her: "With the strong winds these days, judging by the intensity, I fear chances don't look good for your remaining half!"

"I understand your desire to excel for the company's sake, but we can't only report the good without the bad either, much less ignore reality! Wan Yan, you barely have any hair left. You can't keep pulling all-nighters!"


"You should go. It's almost time for you to go on." Lan Xi patted Wan Yan's shoulder. "Good luck! But try not to look too hideous since you still represent the company image after all. Just doing an average job will do!"

Having endured quite an impact it seemed, Lan Xi saw Wan Yan practically gnashing her teeth as she forcefully suppressed her emotions.

As if wanting to engrave her outspoken benefactor into memory, she stared fixedly at Lan Xi for a long while.

Alas! She would likely remember this kindness until her dying breath!


Once Wan Yan left, Xie Cheng couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Lan Xi felt a little indignant: "Wan Yan is already like that yet you're laughing!"

It's not your hair that's fallen out!

"Those were hair extensions."


Lan Xi frowned, puzzled: "Wan Yan was wearing fake hair? Has she already gone bald??"

Xie Cheng rubbed his brows as if unable to endure any longer: "Lan Xi, are you an idiot?"

"Eat for free?" Lan Xi's eyes couldn't help but light up. "Where?"

Lan Xi thought about it unwillingly then added: "But is there only free food? Anywhere I can eat and drink for free? Just free meals would be too dry, easy to get stuck in my throat."


Xie Cheng seemed to have given up. He looked expressionlessly at Lan Xi: "Now I understand your capabilities."


"Being able to live healthily up to now, you must be pretty capable in fighting." He raised a brow. "Those who opposed you must've either been beaten to death or not died but ended up crippled right?"

This was praise.

Lan Xi smiled shyly and clarified: "No, I'm actually quite kind. For those I don't get along with, I just beat them half to death at most." She reminisced carefully. "Only one person, I didn't control my strength that day and nearly beat to death, but he was saved after being rushed to emergency treatment."

The combat training at Mu Yi Star had indeed been extremely harsh. And Lan Xi excelled exceptionally in this subject!

After she finished, she looked proudly toward Xie Cheng. Xie Cheng however seemed ready to call the police.


Wan Yan crafted a clever scheme, voluntarily signing up to be the employee representative performer at the Cheng Xin Charity Concert. This would allow her to openly and legitimately take the spotlight during the performance, dazzling Xie Cheng with her gown and the atmosphere of the concert, while also reasonably cloaking herself under the guise of proactively helping the company - killing two birds with one stone to get closer to Xie Cheng naturally.

After all, she and Xie Cheng were childhood sweethearts, and now she had even joined his company to get the moon near the water tower first. So Wan Yan placed great importance on this opportunity at the concert.

Meeting Lan Xi was unexpected.

The hairpiece she had carefully installed on the crown of her head for volume was forcibly yanked out by Lan Xi, and the look she had painstakingly crafted was ruined by Lan Xi.

In that moment, Wan Yan was filled with explosive anger that had nowhere to vent.

That woman was always zealously singing the praises of Liang Di, that nobody without connections, while ignoring her, someone with connections. But Wan Yan was very skilled at turning disadvantage into advantage. She took advantage of this, embellishing and exaggerating while complaining about Lan Xi behind her back to Xie Cheng. This not only constructed her own pitiable image, but also earned Xie Cheng's sympathy.

Thinking positively now, although Lan Xi's appearance had disrupted Wan Yan's original plans, at least this time, Xie Cheng was being affectionate. Although he said the flowers were sent in the company's name, they were essentially from him.

When a man sends a woman flowers, it's the beginning of an ambiguous relationship.

Wan Yan's piano solo hadn't started yet, but she was already impatiently sneaking backstage ahead of time.

Xie Cheng had said the flowers he sent would already be at her dressing table backstage.

She walked excitedly and anxiously over to her table, and from afar she could already see an enormous bouquet sitting there, seemingly roses, some kind of imported new variety, red dotted with white.

"Quick, take a picture!"

A few other performers were gathered around Wan Yan's table, scrambling to take photos of the flowers on her table with their phones.

Wan Yan cleared her throat, and the girls dispersed.

The flowers she received were probably particularly special and extravagant, startling the uncultured country bumpkins so much that they couldn't resist taking out their phones to photograph the memorabilia.

Thinking this, Wan Yan smiled slyly, then headed over to her table.

She looked at the bouquet and took a deep breath.

But instead of the anticipated rich fragrance of roses, what she smelled was...

It was the bloody, meaty aroma of fresh flesh.

Wan Yan frowned and stepped closer, picking up the bouquet, only then discovering what was going on—

What she held in her hands were not some new variety of roses, but...but beef rolls wrapped to look like "roses"!

It was then that Wan Yan noticed the congratulatory card tucked into the "bouquet."

She opened it, still unwilling to believe it, but the words inside the card forced Wan Yan to accept reality—

"Good for hot pot, very delicious, use by tomorrow - Xie Cheng, Cheng Xin Technology"


Note from author: Fixed a typo, thanks to readers for catching it!