The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress

Chapter 280

In Xavier's memory, Chloe had never been this nice to him in all the years he had raised her.

Let alone giving him a massage.

For Xavier, this situation was more terrifying than the apocalypse.

Perhaps because Xavier's body was too stiff and his expression too blank, Chloe felt a subtle sense of displeasure:

"What's with that look? You're acting as if I'm some ungrateful daughter who's never done anything for her father."

Hearing this, Xavier's expression became even more peculiar.

Chloe could almost see the words clearly written on his face—

Isn't that the case?

Chloe: "..."

Feeling deeply offended, she secretly applied more force to her shoulder massage.

It was enough strength to break bones, but fortunately, Xavier wasn't an ordinary person, and he could endure this level of pain.

He frowned slightly, pretending there wasn't someone behind him, and looked at the Elf Race elders, his voice low: "If there's anything else to add, say it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent sound of bones grinding echoed through the air—


Xavier: "..."

Sharp pain began to spread from his shoulders, gradually radiating to his entire body. The frown between his brows deepened.

The Elf Race elders looked uncertainly at Chloe behind Xavier, watching the slightly trembling shoulders of the Vampire ancestor under her hands, unsure for a moment whether she was friend or foe.

Xavier took a deep breath and finally said:

"Chloe, are you trying to commit patricide and seize power?"

Upon hearing this, Chloe's eyes widened: "How could you think that? You'll hurt my feelings!"

"Is my massage not good enough?"

As she spoke, she experimentally squeezed a couple more times.

The bones that had just been dislocated couldn't withstand such forceful treatment, and another series of "cracks" ensued.

This time, Xavier's whole body shuddered. The veins on his temples throbbed, and his stern, dark red blood eyes were filled with an embarrassed expression.

He pried Chloe's hands away, trying to keep his voice calm:

"This doesn't concern you. Get out."

Knowing she had done something wrong, Chloe reluctantly withdrew her hands, then said defiantly:

"It's not entirely my fault. Who told you to have such fragile bones?"

Xavier: "Get out."

Chloe sat down next to Xavier: "I won't leave."

She raised her head stubbornly and looked at him: "Not unless you forgive me."

This righteous attitude almost made Xavier laugh in anger.

"This is utterly absurd. Who on earth spoiled you to be like this?"

Chloe blinked, looking at him sincerely.

Xavier: "..."

It seemed it was himself.

After a moment of silence, Xavier decided to find a scapegoat for himself. After some thought, he said decisively:

"It's Anderson. After you leave, call him in."

Chloe immediately bit her lip, then said: "What does this have to do with Anderson?"

But Xavier's expression brooked no argument, so Chloe had to shut up.

Meanwhile, the Elf Race elders had talked themselves hoarse without moving Xavier in the slightest, so they had no choice but to temporarily withdraw, giving Chloe an encouraging "good luck" look as they left.

Chloe: "?"

What the hell, those old geezers couldn't possibly think she was pleading with Xavier for their sake, could they?

No way.

If it weren't for Yun Ying, if it weren't for world peace, why would she bother dealing with those old fossils?

A bunch of cowards who only knew how to bully Katherine.

Chloe gave them the middle finger behind their backs.

However, this middle finger lasted only half a second before Xavier pressed it down.

His gaze fell on Chloe's neck, frowning slightly when he saw the ghastly wound:

"Did you apply medicine?"

Chloe nodded: "Yes, I did."

Reassured by her answer, Xavier relaxed a bit, but still said coldly: "Foolish."

Chloe chuckled, not minding his words.

She then leaned closer to Xavier and said:

"How about we make a bet?"

"What do you want to say?"

Chloe leaned back in her chair, her toes hooked on the table in front, swinging back and forth casually:

"Think about it. The Viper Group is cunning and elusive. Even if you lead millions of soldiers, you probably won't be able to find their location, and it's likely to arouse suspicion from others."

Xavier looked at her calmly: "So what do you propose?"

"Let me go," Chloe said excitedly. "I'm strong and energetic. If I rush to the border with my other four buddies under the name of The No.1 Military Academy, we can search however we want, and other races won't be suspicious of us."

Chloe tried to tempt Xavier: "You know, us five include members from all the major races."

Surely he couldn't refuse such an offer.

Such good conditions, such a perfect plan. If Xavier still refused, he would be the world's biggest fool.

Xavier: "No."

Chloe's expression immediately fell.

She openly cursed: "You big fool."

Xavier remained indifferent, not taking Chloe's insult to heart.

His reason for refusal was simple:

"You're still young, and not strong enough. Neither are your little friends. It would be dangerous."

Chloe was shocked: "I'm already eighteen! I've grown up!"

"And my current strength..." Chloe bluffed, "I could hang you up and beat you!"

Hearing this, Xavier's lips curled slightly: "I don't believe it."

Chloe: "..."

"Okay, maybe hanging you up and beating you might be a bit difficult, but fighting you to a draw shouldn't be a problem. Why do you doubt me?"

Chloe said angrily: "In your heart, am I still that five-year-old kid who couldn't even speak clearly?!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she could see Xavier suspiciously averting his gaze.

Feeling deeply insulted, Chloe kicked away the chair and stormed out in anger.

The guards who were always on duty in the tent lowered their heads submissively, all thinking the same thing—

I remember the young miss originally came here to apologize to the Ancestor...

When Chloe came out, she was furious.

When would Xavier truly realize that she had grown up and was no longer the helpless little cub who couldn't take care of herself?

Her anger made her head feel oxygen-deprived. She reflexively grabbed the carefree Daniel, who was loitering outside, and gave him a beating.

Daniel, teary-eyed from the pain, cried while fighting back. After wiping away his tears, he started to gloat:

"Got scolded by your dad, huh? Serves you right."

Chloe thought to herself that she'd rather have Xavier scold her instead.

Sensing that she was genuinely feeling down, Daniel stopped his antics and patted her shoulder:

"Come on, cheer up."

"If all else fails, you can always kill your dad, usurp his power, and problem solved."

Chloe closed her eyes briefly:

"You're an idiot, Daniel."

She'd have to be crazy to do something like that.