The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress

Chapter 272

From a realistic perspective, Chloe is an extremely violent individual.

Whether innate or learned, her life experiences have taught her that if something troubles her, the solution is to smash it with her fist.

Like right now.

When Chloe proposed a sparring match, the soldier was genuinely delighted.

He probably thought this was a sign of Chloe accepting him.

Little did he know that countless fools had fallen to Chloe before, and he would just be another one of them.

This proved to be true.

When the soldier was thrown over her shoulder, he still seemed dazed, his expression bewildered.

The commotion they caused was so great that people quickly came over to see what had happened.

Chloe didn't hold back her strength, and the sound of the soldier hitting the ground could be heard from miles away.

Not to mention within the military camp that surrounded them.

Even Qin Huaibei and his group ran out of their tents.

Daniel asked in a panic, "What's going on? Was it an earthquake?"

Then he saw the soldier lying on the ground.

He looked at the soldier, then at Chloe flexing her limbs nearby, and a vague suspicion arose in his mind.

...No way? Even here?

Before Daniel could figure it out, the soldier rolled over like a carp and got up from the ground, gritting his teeth:

"One more time!"

Chloe spared him a glance and kindly confirmed once more:

"Are you sure?"

The soldier ran over, his tone firm: "Yes!"

"Alright then."

So they grappled again.

Chloe's movements were agile; she intended to teach this guy a lesson.

After all, not just anyone could approach her and say such outrageous things that made her want to laugh.

It was somewhat embarrassing.

Flip, spin, hand chopping like a blade.

Her exquisite knowledge of human anatomy allowed Chloe to easily find every weak point on the human body without referring to a textbook, using it as the optimal vessel to carry her weapons.

The soldier didn't understand why Chloe's moves were always so swift and unpredictable; he only knew that after all this time, he hadn't won even once.

This made him feel frustrated.

After being thrown for the last time, the soldier lay on the floor for a while before slowly getting up.

His expression could be described as gloomy.

Chloe observed him for a moment and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

The soldier shook his head hurriedly: "No, no, no! That's enough!"

He was very upset: "Is this Miss Chloe's way of rejecting me? It's quite... unique..."

Hearing this, Chloe made no comment, but Anderson beside her politely replied:

"It's not unique at all. In fact, this is how Miss Chloe rejects everyone."

"You shouldn't feel special."

The soldier: "..."

He looked like he was about to cry: "Well, thanks for that!"

The soldier cried his heart out, snot and tears everywhere, completely losing his composure.

This wailing spectacle was soon discovered by Colonel Bai.

He had been watching for who knows how long, and his face was very unpleasant. He picked up the soldier from the ground and threw him towards the training ground:

"Cry, cry, cry, is that all you can do? What kind of shape are you in!"

"Chloe and her group are just here to experience life, and you dare to set your sights on her? I ought to beat you to death!"

Watching Colonel Bai's exasperated demeanor, Chloe rubbed her chin:

"Do you think Colonel Bai is reacting so strongly because he thinks I'm corrupting his soldiers, but he's too embarrassed to scold me directly, so he's scolding that guy instead?"

"Not at all," Anderson said firmly, "The fault in this matter doesn't lie with you, young miss."

Daniel agreed: "Right, I think Colonel Bai probably just finds it embarrassing that his own soldier lost the fight and is still making such a fuss."

Everyone found this reasoning sensible.

Chloe spread her hands: "Can't be helped. If it were a group fight, I might lose, but one-on-one? They're just asking for a beating, aren't they?"

There were two things Chloe excelled at in life.

One was group fights, the other was one-on-one combat.

As it stood, no one could last more than three rounds when sparring with Chloe. Even Ren Yunying had to be extremely careful not to make any mistakes to have a chance of winning.

Her combat talent was maxed out, and it was terrifying.

Watching Colonel Bai disciplining the soldier in the distance, Chloe lost interest and turned away. Something crossed her mind, and she casually asked:

"If I died, would you guys be sad for me?"

Daniel: "That depends on how you die."

Chloe, who was prepared for a sentimental response, was taken aback: "What do you mean, how?"

Daniel answered seriously: "If you died in an accident while on a mission, we'd be proud of you."

"But if you slipped on a banana peel and died, we'd laugh at you for eternity and never offer incense for you, so you'd be laughed at and looked down upon even in the afterlife."

Chloe: "..."

Daniel continued: "Or if you committed suicide because of unrequited love or something, we might choose to select wives for you after your death. Fat ones, thin ones, tall ones, short ones, surely there'd be one you'd like."

"Doesn't Qin Huaibei's hometown have this tradition? If the deceased liked someone while alive, they just fold a paper replica and burn it for them after death."

Daniel thought carefully for a moment, then patted his chest: "But we'd be even more righteous. We wouldn't burn paper for you, we'd burn people. Living, breathing people."

Hearing this, Chloe's face had become completely numb.

She pushed Daniel away and walked towards the tent:

"There must be something wrong with your brain."

Daniel shouted from behind:

"Weren't you the one who asked in the first place?"

"If you don't want to hear me say all this nonsense, then don't suddenly come out with that kind of talk!"

Daniel's voice seemed to contain a hint of anger: "You know very well that your body isn't in great shape right now."

Chloe: "..."

She sighed and turned back to say, "I could still beat ten of you without a problem."

Hearing this, Daniel directly cursed her for being heartless.

However, Qin Huaibei and Katherine seemed to sense something and came over to ask what was going on.

Chloe grabbed a meat pie and started munching on it, saying nonchalantly, "It's nothing, just something that came to mind suddenly."

Although it was unclear whether they knew or not, to be on the safe side, it would be better not to tell them about the genetic modification drug for now.

Lest they find out and become heartbroken.

Besides, it wasn't even certain if what the man in the black robe said was true. She had enough to worry about on her own; how could she let others worry along with her?

Katherine, however, still felt that something wasn't quite right, but didn't know how to express it.

She remained silent for a moment, then finally said:

"When we get back, I'll give you something."